"Do you hate me now that I am a Cassadine?" Luke stares at Lucky
blown away by the question. Luke had never even considered that
Lucky would
think that he could hate him.
"Lucky, listen to me, I could never hate you. How could
you even think
that?" **How can I not?** Lucky thinks to himself. Lucky
doesn't respond, he
just stares silently at his father and lets a tear slide down his face.
Taking one look at Lucky, Luke knew that Lucky desperately needed some
reassurance from him. "Lucky I could never hate you. I
don't care what Count
Vlad or anyone else has to say. You are my son.
I have loved you since the day you were born." **How can I make
understand that no one will take him from me?** Lucky looks doubtfully
"How can I believe you when everything I have believed in was
a lie? How can
you say you love me when I am a Cassadine? You hated Nikolas
from the moment
he stepped in Port Charles, because he was a Cassadine. How could
you hate
him even though he saved Lulu? How am I any different than Nikolas."
can he love me?** Luke doesn't know how to get through to him.
"Lucky, listen to me. You are the best thing that I have
ever done. I may
not be your biological father, but I raised you, and I am proud of
you. And I
love you. I was so afraid that you would hate me when I saw you with
I was crushed when you died, and I thank God, if there is one, that
you are
alive." **Dad never admits to being scared of anything. Could
he mean it?**
Luke looks at Lucky and sees that Lucky is starting to believe him,
as more
tears are shed from father and son. "Cowboy…Look at me.
You are my son, and
I couldn't ask for a better one.." Lucky loses it right there.
The control
that he has barely hung on to finally vanishes, and in his father's
arms he
cries like he hasn't since he was a child. He finally received
reassurance he needed from the one person who mattered. His father.
Luke just held on to Lucky
enjoying the fact that he was finally able to hold
his son in his arms. Luke doesn't want to let go for fear of
losing Lucky to
Stefan. **That will never happen if I have anything to do about
it. But what
if I can't avoid it? What if he decides that I am not good enough for
him? I
don't want to lose him.**
Alexis Davis-Ashton walks angrily into Wyndemere. She could
not believe that
Stefan would not tell her something so important. The fact that
she had heard
it from Bobbie does not help matters. She does not wait to be
announced by
Mrs. Landsbury, but barges right into the study where
Stefan is reading the day's business reports. "How dare
you, Stefan?"
Stefan looks up, startled to see his sister staring angrily at
him. **What
did I do now?**
"How dare I what?" Stefan asks confused.
"Don't play dumb with me. You failed to mention to me that
you had a son,
Luke Spencer's at that." Stefan bristles when he hears Lucky
referred to as
Luke Spencer's.
"He is not Spencer's son. Lucky is mine and I intend to
get to known him."
**Why is that so hard to understand?**
"You make him sound like an object. Listen to yourself.
He is mine not his.
Lucky is a human being who undoubtably is very confused at the moment."
"Which is why I have to act now if I want any chance with him."
"You can't try to win him Stefan, it won't work. You have
to let him make
the choices. Other wise you are going to push him farther away."
**If you haven't done so already?** Alexis thinks to herself.
"What do you suggest I do?"
"Stefan, I love you, but I don't know. You made your bed
now you have to lie
in it." With that Alexis turns and walks out. **Is everyone against
me? All I
want to do is get to know him.** Stefan wonders to himself.
Lucky woke up in his father's office, emotionally exhausted after
himself to sleep. It was early afternoon when he finally awoke.
He looked
around and didn't see his father anywhere. **Dad must of decided
to let me
sleep.** There was no question after last night who his father
was. He felt
wanted and secure in his relationship with Luke. A weight had
been lifted
from his shoulders, he felt better than he had since he found out the
from Stefan. He no longer felt like a Cassadine cast off, but
Luke Spencer's
He got up and noticed that his father had gotten some clothes
for him. So he
got up showered and changed. And decided to go see Liz.
He wasn't sure that
she would want to see him after the way he treated her, but he hoped
that she
wasn't too mad. He climbed up onto the roof outside her window.
Smiling at
the memories. He looked in and noticed that Liz was reading.
**I hope she
doesn't decide to push me off the roof** he thought to himself as he
tapped on
the window.
Liz was reading when she heard a tap on her window. **Lucky**
she knew
instinctively. Liz walked over to the window smiling. She
opened the window
and let him in. He didn't say anything, scared that she would
change his
"Hi," Liz said awkwardly not exactly sure how to act around him.
"Hey, I am sorry about how I acted after I crashed."
"I am just glad you're alive. What possessed you to steal
the car?"
"I needed to release some steam, and I wanted to do something
destructive. I
really didn't care what it was."
"I guess I understand that. How are you?"
"Ok, I guess. I don't have to overwhelming desire to do
something crazy."
Lucky sits down on the bed and Liz follows.
"That's good. Did you talk to your father?"
"Which one?" Lucky laughs without humor.
"Luke." Lucky thinks about the night before and a smile appears.
"Yeah. I think my greatest fear was that he would hate
me now. I didn't
know how to deal with that. But after talking to him last night,
I feel a lot better now."
"That's good. I told you that no matter what he would love
"Well I should have known to trust you huh?"
Chapter 28
"Hey Barbara Jean, are you here?" Luke called walking into the
"Luke do you have to yell? Lucas is trying to get some sleep."
Bobbie says
as she walks down the steps.
"Sorry, I just needed to talk to my baby sister." Bobbie took a closer
look at
Luke he looked tired.
"How are you doing Luke?"
"I am hanging in there. Lucky and I had a long conversation last
night. I
finally feel like I have my son back." Luke smiles slightly thinking
last night.
"Luke I am happy for you." Luke sighed he really needed to get
this off his
"The funny thing is-is that I feel like I don't know him." Bobbie
looked at
him startled. **Luke not knowing who Lucky is impossible**
"Luke he's your son. He will always be your son."
"What if he decides he wants to be a Cassadine? Who knows what
Helena has
done to him? I keep waiting for him to turn against me." **What
if he decides
that I am not good enough for him? What if he decides that the
man that raped
his mother is not worth loving? What if he starts to believe
the lies that
Helena must of told him?**
**How can he say this?** Bobbie thought angrily.
"Luke he would never do that."
"He willingly worked for Helena didn't he?"
"He was hurt, angry, and confused!! He had found your darkest
secret, and he
didn't know how to deal with it. I am not saying that what he
did was right,
but I don't believe that he could do it again."
"But what if he decides to help Stefan."
"Help him do what? Come on Luke. Lucky loves you."
"I don't know, what if Stefan turns him against me?"
"Luke, I love you, but you are being paranoid. It's going to
take a lot for
Lucky to ever think about trusting Stefan. You are the man that
he will
always call Dad."
"Maybe, but he has the same blood as the Cassadines." Bobbie
is shocked by
what he is saying.
"So what do you think he is going to freeze the world now? Come
on Luke you
know him better than that. He's a good kid. I can't believe
I have to tell
you this."
"What if he becomes like Stefan?" **What if he always looks at me with
same disgust that Stefan does? What if he starts to act like
I am a leach
that he can not be bothered with? What if he doesn't want to
know me anymore?
I lost him once I can't do it again."
Lucky could not listen anymore. He ran silently out of the Brownstone.
had walked in right after his father. He was about to make his presence
when he heard Luke talk about him to Bobbie. Luke's words ran
through his
head. "…. Worked for Helena" "What if he decides he wants to be a Cassadine?"
"I don't know him." "Has the same blood as the Cassadines."
Lucky couldn't
believe it. Last night was a lie. **He doesn't really love
me. How can he
love a Cassadine? How can anyone say they love me? Everyone
who has, has
ended up lying to me?**
"Luke he's your son. You raised him." **Why do I have to tell
you this?**
"Bobbie, I am just scared of losing him. Last night he was so
broken. The
lies have torn him down so much. I don't know what to do."
**What if I lose
him, because of the lies?** Bobbie sighed.
"He's your son. Be his father. Help him."
Lucky just ran. He had no clue where he was going and he didn't
even notice
as the rain fell. He couldn't believe that his father felt that
Everyone he has ever considered his family has lied to him, well almost
everyone. **Why does everyone continue to lie to me? Am
I that worthless?
Are they trying to hurt me? Don't they know that when the lies come
everything feels worse? Am I that horrible? How could Dad
tell me he loved
me, and that I was his son, no matter who my biological father is,
and then
tell Bobbie that he was afraid that I would turn into Stefan.**
Lucky found himself on the porch of the guesthouse on Spoon Island.
knocked loudly hoping that Nikolas was home.
Woken from his sleep Nikolas got up and went downstairs to find out
who it
was. He looked out the window and was startled to find a wet
and devastated
Helena was in the study thinking about her next plan to destroy Luke
and his son. When she hears a knock at the door.
"Come in Ari."
"Madam, Lucky was scene arriving on Spoon Island apparently to see
"Thank you, Ari." Ari leaves.
**So young Spencer and Nikolas have bonded? Interesting.**
Chapter 29
Silently Nikolas let a soaken wet Lucky into the guesthouse. He
was shocked
to see him, especially at this time of night.
"What happened?" **It must have been bad if Lucky showed up here in
the middle
of the night.**
"I had a strong dose of reality, and I didn't know where else to go.
If you
want me to leave I will." **Please don't make me leave.** Lucky
looked around
and noticed that although, it was on Spoon Island the guesthouse did
not have
the same gothic quality. **I hope that means that Stefan will
think that it
is too light for him to pop up.**
"You're welcome here at anytime. Please tell me what happened."
"I can't…not now…I am not even sure myself." **Don't push this
Lucky looked like any second he was going to fall apart. Lucky
is still
looking around. Nikolas notices this.
"Stefan isn't going to show up you know."
Lucky is surprised that Nikolas knew what he was thinking. "Good
I don't want
to deal with him tonight."
"Lucky let me help you."
"You are Nikolas, I really appreciate you letting me stay here.
But if you
don't mind, I would really like to go to sleep."
Nikolas looked at Lucky wondering what had just happened. Last
time he had
seen him Lucky was cold and distant, but now Lucky looked desperate
and alone.
Nikolas didn't know what to do.
"Follow me." Lucky sighed with relief. **He isn't going to push
Lucky lay in bed, trying to go to sleep, but sleep just wouldn't come.
and Bobbie's conversation just kept replaying over and over in his
mind. The
harder he tried not to think about it, the faster they came.
Finally, Lucky
couldn't take it anymore and let the tears fall freely.
Finally Lucky fell asleep. However, it was not peaceful.
Slap. "You are worthless. Why you are even alive is beyond
me. I can't
understand why Nikolas has allowed you to live. You are nothing."
"I am sorry Grandmother, it won't happen again."
"How many times must I tell you not to call me Grandmother. You
are not
"Sorry Mrs. Cassadine."
"You had better be, Lucas. There is only so much I can put up
with even for
"Yes, Mrs. Cassadine."
"Remember the only reason you have anything is because despite the
fact that
you are Stefan's son, you are still a Cassadine. And you must always
act like
one." With that Helena left the room.
Lucky reached up to rub where Helena had slapped him. He looked
surroundings and recognized it as the island in Greece. Lucky
left to go
outside when he was stopped by Nikolas.
"Where do you think you were going?"
"Just outside."
"You know you aren't allowed to do anything with out my permission."
"I know Nikolas, but you weren't around."
"So you just decided that it would be a good idea to just leave."
"Nikolas it's an island I can't go anywhere."
"Lucas, I'd watch it if I were you. You are hanging on by a thread.
You are
only alive, because I told Grandmother that you were important.
Don't make me
regret it."
"Yes, sir." Nikolas leaves and Lucky looks up to see Stefan watching
Stefan doesn't say anything.
"Are you just going to let him threaten to have me killed."
Again silence.
"Father listen to me. I am your son, not Nikolas, shouldn't you
care about
Stefan says nothing.
"Fine, I forgot he's the heir, and I am just your son."
Stefan stared past Lucky as if he wasn't even there. "I have always
that Nikolas was my son." Stefan leaves.
"Why am I not good enough? And why does it bother me?"
Lucky feels tears slide down his face. Suddenly the scenery changes
and he's
on Spoon Island on the parapet. Looking into the eyes of Luke
"Dad, Help me. No one cares about me." Lucky reaches out to Luke,
but trips
over the side and manages to hold on to the side of the parapet.
"Dad help me." Lucky pleads again as he tries to lift his hand to grab
"I am not your father. You are a Cassadine. I can not love
you. You are
just like them. It's in your blood." Luke reaches for Lucky's
hand and pulls
him up so that he is the only thing keeping Lucky from falling.
Lucky relaxes
a minute thinking for a second that despite Luke's words does care
about him.
"You are not my son. You actually thought I would help you. You
falling once, let's see if you can do it again." Luke lets go
and laughs.
Lucky screams. "AHHHH"
AHHHHHHHHH Lucky wakes up screaming. Nikolas runs into the room.
Chapter 30
Lucky sat up in bed, screaming.
Nikolas ran into the room, expecting to see someone in the room with
He was surprised to see him sitting up in bed, sweating and out of
"Lucky, what happened?" Lucky didn't seem to hear him.
He was still trying
to escape the images from the dream.
"Lucky!" Nikolas felt himself begin to panic looking at Lucky's expressionless
Startled, Lucky looked up at Nikolas and slid towards the headboard
of the
bed, still reeling from the dream.
Nikolas stepped closer, surprised when Lucky backed away from him.
"Lucky, it's ok." Lucky started to calm down, realizing that he
dreaming anymore. He looked at Nikolas and noticed that he must
have woken
Nikolas up, because he was only wearing boxers and a T-shirt.
"Sorry I woke you up." Lucky said apologetically.
"Don't worry about it. Are you ok?" Nikolas said sitting
down in the chair
by the bed.
"Yeah." **No, my life is falling apart.**
Nikolas knew Lucky was lying. "Lucky you are not okay. You
haven't been okay
since Stefan told you that he is your biological father, and you definitely
were not okay when you arrived here tonight."
**Why does he care? My own father, who ever that is, doesn't
care.** "Why do
you care?"
"You're my brother and I want to help." **How can I believe Nikolas?**
"You can't help me."
"Lucky, talk to me. What is going on in your head?" Nikolas asked
as he
watched Lucky fiddle with the comforter.
"Where do you want me to start? Cause I don't know anything anymore."
"Start with the dream." Nikolas could not imagine what had shaken
Lucky up so
badly that he would come to Wyndemere in the middle of the night soaking
and then have a dream so hideous that he had woken up screaming.
"The dream. Well, as you could probably guess, it was not the
best one I have
ever had." **It was definitely one of the worst.**
"That's obvious. You woke up screaming. Please, tell me
about it."
"Dad, help me." Lucky pleads again as he tries to lift his hand to grab
"I am not your father. You are a Cassadine. I can
not love you. You are
just like them. It's in your blood." "You are not my son. You
thought I would help you. You survived falling once, let's see
if you can do
it again." Luke lets go and laughs
Lucky laid down again, trying to fight the tears and anger that the
still caused. He closed his eyes, attempting to erase Luke from
his mind.
"Lucky?" Lucky opened his eyes but refused to look at Nikolas, instead
stared at the ceiling.
"Huh…oh right the dream. I was back in Greece. It was different
though. You
and Stefan were there too. Helena had just slapped me and threatened
to have
me killed. This time it…"
"This time?" **Helena had hit him before? What happened on the island.**
"Yeah. She slapped me when I was working for her. She thought
I had planted
bugs in her yacht. Anyway, last time she hated me, because I
was Luke
Spencer's son. Now she hated me, because I was Stefan's.
She told me the
only reason I was alive, was because of you." Lucky looks blankly at
ceiling, while telling the dream with out emotion trying to fight the
of worthlessness and helplessness the dream evoked.
"Me?" Nikolas asked surprised.
"Yeah, apparently you didn't want me dead. But you made sure I
knew my place
on the island. Stefan watched you threatening me.
He ignored me. Told me
he wished you were his son and left." Nikolas silently wondered
if that was
true. He felt bad even though it was just a dream that Lucky
could envision
him being that cold, even in a dream.
**Did Stefan want me and not Lucky? Is that why he stayed silent?
Or was it
simply because I am the heir that he took care of me, and protected
me from
Helena? I still don't understand how he could ignore the fact
that Lucky was
his son. Especially after what Laura did to me. Will Stefan
forget about me
now that he wants Lucky? Stefan is the only father I have ever
had, but he's
only my uncle. He's Lucky's father.**
The brothers remained quiet each lost in their own thoughts.
**Why wouldn't Stefan want me? Was I really that worthless to
him? If Stefan
hated Luke so much, why would he not tell me the truth? And did
he just tell
me, because he wanted to hurt Luke?**
Luke. Lucky closed his eyes trying to block the memories.
But more images
came. Images that he didn't want to remember, didn't want to
think about.
"After that I don't remember." **Did Luke mean it when he said that
scared that I'll become like the other Cassadines?**
Nikolas didn't believe him, he knew there was more to the dream.
What Lucky
just told him wasn't enough to make him scream. Nikolas knew
that Lucky would
not tell him more though. He didn't know what to say. So
he remained silent
and placed his hand on Lucky's shoulder.
He was surprised when Lucky spoke again.
"Why do you think Stefan decided to tell me now that he was my father?"
"I don't know Lucky. I've been thinking about it myself."
"Yeah, but Nikolas, you've known him your whole life. You must
have some
"I don't know Lucky. He claims he wants to get to know you.
He wants the
chance to be a father to you." **Lucky doesn't need to know that
he also
wants him away from Luke.**
"Why now? It still doesn't make sense." **Stefan always has a
plan, what's
his plan for me?**
"Lucky, I can't give you a better answer. Stefan swore he would
never lie to
me, and he always told me to protect your family. I can't understand
why he
would not fight for you earlier."
"I guess I wasn't that important to him." **Just like I am not that
to Luke now that I know who my biological father is.**
"Lucky, I have lived with Stefan for my whole life, and I still don't
understand the man. I do, however think that he is sincere when
he says he
wants to get to know you." **I hope so for Lucky's sake that he is
not just a
pawn in some sick game.**
"I don't know how much more I can take. I feel like I don't know
anymore. I just want the lies to stop." Lucky finally lets the
tears that
were welling up fall silently down.
"I know Lucky. So do I." He silently sat next to Lucky and wondered
what the
future would hold for both of them.
Chapter 31
Lucky and Nikolas were at the breakfast table the next morning, exhausted
the previous night. Nikolas had stayed with Lucky until he had
fallen asleep,
and then he left for his own room to get some rest. Sleep did
not come easily
for him, as the conversation with Lucky kept playing in his mind.
He could
not come up with any answers that satisfied him. Lucky, for his
part, slept
soundly after Nikolas had left. Which made Nikolas slightly envious.
woke me up, and then after he fell asleep, I couldn't do the same.**
was brought out of his thoughts when Lucky spoke.
"Nikolas, thank you for letting me stay last night." **It was nice to
be able to sleep in a bed, and not under the docks or the couch at
my father's
club. I just hope I don't run into Stefan, but I have feeling
that is going
to be unavoidable.**
"Lucky, I don't mind. In fact, I've been thinking."
"Always dangerous." Nikolas smiled. **Lucky must be feeling better
to make
jokes, even though they are at my expense.**
"Ha ha. Now listen. Since living under the docks is not
the best
accommodations, why don't you stay here with me? You could stay
as long as
you wish. No strings attached." Nikolas asked almost hopefully.
Lucky was surprised by the suggestion. He thought about it for
a moment and
decided that at the present he had no where else to go. **Besides
it would
annoy Dad.**
"I appreciate it. As I said last night, I don't know where else
to go. How
did you know about the docks anyway?" Nikolas smiled. **Finally,
I may
actually get a chance to get to know my brother.**
"Liz told me. Speaking of whom, we are meeting her and Emily for
lunch at the
PC Grille.
"We are?"
"Liz called looking for you, and we decided to meet for lunch." That
brought a
smile to his face, until he realized that he had no money.
"No, buts. I know you don't have any money of your own yet, so it's on me."
Nikolas answered before Lucky had a chance to protest. "Besides as Stefan's
son you are entitled to the money. You also need some new clothes.
So before
we meet the girls for lunch, you are going shopping."
It annoyed Lucky that Nikolas was right about the fact that he needed
He had very little clothes that still fit. And they were at the
house, which he didn't want to see anytime soon. He didn't want
to think
about his mother and her lies. The stuff he had in Greece was
on Helena's
yacht, and no one knew where that was. Even though he knew Nikolas
was right,
it annoyed him that he had no choice but to take it. **
I don't want
anything to do with Stefan right now, and that includes his money,
but I am
practically being forced to by the fact that I have absolutely none
of my own
at the moment. I need a job. Now two ways about that.**
"Thank you. I am going to pay you back when I can. I don't
want to live off
you or Stefan forever." **Especially not Stefan. I am being backed
into this
corner, because of things that I had no control over. I hate
"Lucky you don't have to pay me back. And I am just helping you
until you
figure things out, and have some money of your own. However,
if you ever want
or need money it's yours." He shook his head at his brother's stubbornness.
"Nikolas, I am going to pay you back." **I really hate being dependent
on him
and Stefan for money. I could probably try to look for a job
with Computers.
I know Ruby would hire me, but I think I need more money than just
"Suit yourself, but it's your money. We are not meeting them until
2:00 and
it's 9:00 now. So you have time to get a few things." Nikolas
hands Lucky
several hundred dollars.
"No, problem." **Finally I can do something to help.**
Lucky came home with some new clothes and some other necessities.
guesthouse was empty. **I wonder where Nikolas is?** . He sighed
and went
upstairs to put on a new sweater and khakis for lunch.
Fifteen minutes later
Lucky came downstairs to wait for Nikolas. He was surprised to
see Stefan
waiting in the living room. **So much for Stefan not popping out of
no where.
Is he having me followed or something? Nikolas probably told
him. I really
don't want to deal with him now. ** Lucky thought
silently. **Maybe if I
walk upstairs he won't notice me.** Lucky turns around to walk
"Good afternoon, Lucky." **Damn.** Lucky rolled his eyes
and turned around.
Stefan looked up from where he was sitting, and noticed that Lucky
dressing appropriately for a Cassadine, which pleasantly surprised
Stefan had waited in the living room since he had seen Lucky walk in.
figured now was as good as time as any to talk to Lucky, and he was
Lucky would be willing to talk to him.
"Stefan." **What does he want now?** Lucky went over to
where Stefan was
sitting in the main room of the guesthouse.
"I am glad that you decided to live here with Nikolas."
"Well it beats the docks."
"Yes, I guess it does. The docks are definitely not the appropriate
accommodations for someone of your social stature." Lucky smirks at
"My stature? You mean the all-important position of being the
bastard son of
a second son? What exactly does that entitle me to?" Stefan looked
like he
had been slapped. He got up and moved closer to Lucky, putting
his hands on
his son's shoulders. Lucky pulled out of his grasp. Stefan
stepped back,
"Don't you ever call yourself a bastard. You are my son, and you
conceived in love." Lucky looked up in surprised at Stefan's
words. **Then
why didn't you love me enough to fight for me, and to let me know that
were my father.** Lucky, deciding that this was not a conversation
he wanted
to have now, or in the future, confronted him.
"Is there a reason you are here? I mean this is all fascinating
really, but
there has to be a reason. You always have a reason."
"I was looking forward to the chance that we would be able to talk together."
**Great, he wants to talk.**
"So talk." **This was not going to be easy.** Stefan thought to himself.
"I wanted to tell you that I am glad you know the truth about your birth
and heritage, and I was hoping you would be willing to get to know
each other
better." Lucky looked straight at Stefan.
"Why?" Stefan sighed, he was not expecting that response.
"I want to get to know you?" Stefan tried to move closer to Lucky, but
backed up.
"So you've said. But why now?" **Do you have an answer?** Lucky
walked over
to look at the window, hoping Nikolas would show up.
"I didn't want to hurt you when we first came to Port Charles." Stefan
closer to Lucky, as Lucky turned around.
"So you wanted to hurt me now by telling me that the man I always thought
my father wasn't, and the man that I was taught to hate was?"
"No, I realized that I was given a second chance with you, so I took
it. I
could not stand the thought of my son hating me." **Why won't
he let me near
him, doesn't he see that I want to be his father.**
"So I had to die in order for you to notice me?" **Well don't I feel
Stefan took a calming breath. Talking to him was like pulling
teeth. Stefan
sighed, but he knew at the onset that this would not be an easy confrontation.
"I wanted to tell you, but Laura convinced me not too. She didn't
want to
lose you and Luke." **Again Luke wins.**
"So you didn't fight her for me. I thought you always fought for
what you
wanted?" **Why can't anyone tell me the truth?**
"It's obvious that you are not ready to talk to me."
Lucky walked up to Stefan and looked him straight in the eye.
"I thought we
were talking, or do you want to stop talking, because you don't like
what I am
Stefan backed up slightly. "Lucky, I do not know what to say
that will change
how you feel about me."
"What do you want from me?" Lucky looked at Stefan with desperation
in his
eyes. There wasn't any answer that would satisfy him.
"I want you to be my son." **I know it isn't easy for you Lucky to see
but I am speaking the truth.** Stefan again moved closer to Lucky,
but this
time Lucky did not back up. Almost as if he was tired of running.
"Stefan don't you see how hard it is to believe you? You claim
you want me to
be your son, but do you even know what that means? It means that
as my father
it is your job to protect me when you can. Not use me in a war
someone else." Lucky's voice is almost pleading. He turns
away to try to
hide the tears that are threatening to drop. **Why can't
he see why I can't
trust him. When I look at him all I see is lies, and I don't
know how to get
past it.**
"Don't say anything, Luke did use me, but he never had the intention
hurting me. He only wanted to protect his family. You,
on the other hand
decided that it would be fun to toy with a thirteen year-old kid and
use him
in a computer game. Despite the fact that you knew that you were
my father,
and that I might get into trouble. You led me into trouble."
Lucky can fell
the anger well inside of him. He paced trying to maintain control.
"Lucky I was trying to lead you to your grandmother." Stefan watched
pace, trying to find a way to reach him.
Lucky turned sharply to look at Stefan. "Yeah, well it
didn't work out that
way did it?" Lucky said almost mocking him.
"Lucky, I am sorry about that. I wanted to help you, by giving
grandmother back."
"How can I believe anything out of your mouth?" **Besides, I know you
wanted Laura.**
**I am trying here. Why can't he see it?** "I have
noticed that you and
Nikolas have managed to bury the hatchet."
Lucky was thrown off by the change in topics. **Where is
he going with
this?** "Yeah, well after living with Helena for two years, being
told that
my parents didn't want me, I sort of understood him a little
However, she spoke the truth and she wasn't even aware of it.
Cause there is
no way you can prove to me that you want me as a son." Stefan saw the
pain in
Lucky's eyes. He hated the fact that he had put that hurt in
his eyes.
"Lucky, since the moment I knew you were my son, I wanted to get to
know you,
and perhaps be a father to you." Lucky didn't respond.
**This meeting did not go as well as I had hoped. I probably
should not give
this to him, but I need to know that I have tried to tell him how I
"I want to give you something to prove to you that I want you to be
a part of
my family. Nikolas has one, and this will help to bind you closer
together as
brothers. Every Cassadine has one. I would like you to
have this, in order
to prove to you that I want you as my son. If you are not ready
to think of
me as your father, take it as a symbol of the fact that you are Nikolas's
brother." **I hope he will take it, and realize that I want him as
my son.
That I need him to think of me as his father.** Stefan pulled
out a box from
his suit jacket pocket and handed it to Lucky, who looked at it curiously,
before taking it.
He opened it and saw the Cassadine medallion. "Wear it when you
are ready
to." With that Stefan left.
**What does this mean? Does he expect me to wear right away?
Does he expect
me to wear it at all? Does he really want me to be his son?
And he says that
wearing this medallion will make me closer to Nikolas, how? He
has always
been my brother, I just have only now realized it.** Lucky rubbed
his fingers
over it, before putting it in his pocket.
To be continued...