Darkness Falls - 4



"Take these up to my room."  Stefan hands his bags to the maid and he proceeds
into the study.  "Natasha."

"Welcome home."  Alexis says as she kisses his cheek.  "I need to talk to you."

"Can it wait?  Where is Sarah?"

"She's upstairs.  Is something wrong?"

"Something is very wrong Natasha.  Alyssa Rovana is here."

"Oh my god."  She follows him into the study obviously distressed.  "She's come
for Liz hasn't she?"

Stefan poured himself drink.  "Elizabeth killed her husband, what do you think?"

"Stefan what are you planning to do?  You know we can't interfere in their

He finished his drink.  "I cannot stand by and watch Sarah's sister be killed
when their is something I can do to prevent it."  Alexis tried to talk to him
some more, but he ignored her and climbed the stairs to his and Sarah's bedroom.

Upstairs in the master bedroom, Sarah is asleep in the huge bed.  Stefan quietly
walks in and sits down on the edge next to her.  He gently brushes hair from her
face and kisses her forhead.

She stirs slightly in her sleep and he feared for a moment that he woke her.
After a few more moments of watching her sleep Stefan gets up to leave.  He
notices a photograph lying on the floor near the night table and picks it up.
It's a photo a small girl with curly blond hair and blue eyes.  Stefan looks at
the photo and then at the sleeping Sarah and back again.

Jax's penthouse.

V sits by herself on the floor, a mountain of papers on the table in front of
her.  A fire is burning brightly in the fireplace, highlighting her face in a

"Oh my."

V lifts her head from her work at Jerry's voice.  "Excuse me?"

He smiles at her.  "You just so look lovely sitting there."

"Thank you.  Is there something you want?  Jasper isn't here."

"I know."  Jerry said not waiting to be invited to sit.  "I wanted to talk to

"About what?"

Jerry's face became serious.  "About your sticking your nose into my family's

"I am family."  She told him matter of factly.

"For now."

V got up from behind the coffee table.  "And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Just what I said."  Jerry got up too and stared down at his brother's wife.
"I'm sure you're a very nice person, but I know Jax.  He's not the kind to
settle down."  Jerry turned his back to her.  "Oh he'll play the devoted husband
for a while because that's what's expected, but eventually the business will
come first just as it always has."

V chuckled causing Jerry to turn in surprise.  "I don't think you know your
brother as well as you think you do."  V poured herself a glass of water.
"Jasper loves me and I love him."

"I'm sure you do."  He said with a hint of sarcasim.

V laughed and threw up her hands.  "Okay.  I'm not going to play this game

"What game?"  Jerry asked, clearly shaken at her sudden change.

"The game where you try to distract me by putting the idea into my head that
Jasper doesn't really love me."  V opened her briefcase and handed him copies of
the information she and Jax got from Sonny.  "But I'm afraid you're a little
late, he already knows about your little secret business partners."

Jerry looked at the papers and grew angry.  "What have you done?"

"That's a question Jasper should have for you and your father when he gets
back."  Jerry glared at her and threw folder onto the table so hard that it flew
open and scattered the papers on the floor.


Tracy Vetter looked up from the file she was reading as her partner entered the
detectives' bullpen.  She looked at Nick's face, the last two years as his
partner made her pretty good at reading his moods.  "Something the matter Nick?"

"There's been no word from Aristotle."  Nick said as he sat down at his desk.
"It's been days, it's not like him.  He knows that time is of the essence or we
wouldn't have gone to him."

"You think there's something wrong?"

Nick shook his head.  "I don't know."  He stared at his desk for a minute, then
got up.  "I'm gonna check up on him."

Tracy got up after him.  "Wait for me.  I'll come with you."

A short while later they were standing in the deserted sitting room of Ar
istotle's home outside Toronto.  Nick was looking over one side while Tracy
searched the other.

"Doesn't look like there was a struggle."  Tracy remarked as she picked up a

"No."  He took it from her hand set it back where it belongs.  "He just left."
Nick shook his head.  In all the years he's been in Toronto, this is the first
time he can ever remember Aristotle leaving his house, let alone the city.

"Nick,"  Tracy handed him an envelope with the name Nicolas De Brabant written
on it.  "He left you a present."

Nick opened it.  "It's Anna's papers."  He emptied everything onto the desk.
"Everything we asked for and a few things we didn't."

Tracy shrugged her shoulders and ran a hand across her neck.  "So where is he?"

Nick didn't answer her.  He placed everything back in the envelope and left
followed by a confused Tracy.

The docks,
around midnight.

Dara crouches behind some empty crates trying not to be seen as she spies on her
lover.  Taggert is pacing back and forth.  He takes out is phone and is about to
make a call when he looks up at a sound in the distance.


"Right here."

A shape comes from the darkness.  "Have you got it?"

Taggert picks up the briefcase sitting next to him.  "Every penny."  He tosses
the case to the man who starts counting the money inside.  "Don't worry, it's
all there."

"Just checking."

"You don't trust me?"  Taggert says looking hurt.

"Should I?"  He answers not noticing Taggert's hand going behind his back.

"No.  You shouldn't."  Before the man can react Taggert pulls his gun and shoots
the man in the chest.  Dara stifles a scream as Taggert calmly walks to the
wounded man and shoots him twice in the head.

Taggert pushes the body to the edge of docks and it drops into the water.  He
dials his phone.  "It's me.  You know that little problem we had.... Well it's
not a problem anymore."

While Taggert is on the phone Dara slips away unnoticed.  He picks up the case
and starts to leave when his eye catches something glistening in the light.  He
picks up the small broach.  "Dara."  He whispers to himself.


"Oh Cesar, it's lovely."  Veronica gushes as Faison fastens the necklace.

"Just a little going away gift my dear."  He kisses the back of her neck.  She
turns and kisses him passionately.  "You're all packed?"  She nods.  "Excellant.
Nervous about meeting your daughter again?"

"She's not my daughter."  Veronica gets her coat.  "They tried to convince me
that she was mine, but I knew, they stole my real child."  Faison holds it as
she slips her arms inside.

He wraps his arms around Veronica and holds her until she's calm again.
"Remember my dear, now is not the time.  Once this is over and I have what I
want, I promise you we will find your daughter."  He gently kisses her forhead.
"Until then, you will have a tender reunion with your long lost Brenda and
pledge your eternal devotion to her to make up for your leaving."

"If I must."  She is escorted to the waiting limo.  "I'll call you when I

"No."  Faison opens the door for her.  "Jacks will tell me.  We can't risk you
contacting me in person.  At least not yet."  He kisses her again.  "Good luck
my dear."

The limo pulls away and Faison goes back to the house.  Inside he picks up the
phone.  "She's on her way.... Yes, I want you to proceed as soon as she

Soft white light was streaming through the windows.  In the center of the room
stood a handsome young man.  He held out his hand to her and she took it.

Lucky pulled her close to him and they kissed.  Music started from nowhere and
they began to dance around the room.  Liz laughed as Lucky dipped her and
planted a few quick kisses on her chest.

Suddenly Liz fell to the floor.  She looked up and saw Lucky standing over her
with a strange look on his face.  Blood began to appear on his white shirt and
he fell to his knees.

Liz screamed as she held Lucky in her arms.  A shape moved from behind him
holding a sword.  Liz screamed again as a voice shouted.  "There can be only


Soft white light was streaming through the windows.  In the center of the room
stood a handsome young man.  He held out his hand to her and she took it.  Lucky
pulled her close to him and they kissed.  Music started from nowhere and they
began to dance around the room.  Liz laughed as Lucky dipped her and planted a
few quick kisses on her chest.

Suddenly Liz fell to the floor.  She looked up and saw Lucky standing over her
with a strange look on his face.  Blood began to appear on his white shirt and
he fell to his knees.  Liz screamed as she held Lucky in her arms.  A shape
moved from behind him holding a sword.  The blade flashed and Liz screamed again
as a voice shouted.  "There can be only one!!!"

Liz shot up in bed breathing hard.  Sweat was running down her chest soaking the
nightgown she was wearing.  She ran her hands over her face and through her damp
hair.  She looked around the dark bedroom alarmed.  Lucky was still sleeping
soundly next to her.  She touched his head and he shuffled slightly in his

Liz got out of bed and went to the bathroom.  She wet a washcloth and ran it
across the back of her neck.  She shivered a little as droplets of cold water
ran down her back.  She stared at herself in the mirror.  "Someone's here."


"No I haven't told him yet."  Alexis whispered into the phone.  "No I haven't
chickened out, at least not yet."  She laughed.  "I'm just waiting for the right
moment and now isn't it."  Stefan came down.  "I have to go.  I don't think I'll
see you tonight."  Alexis smiled.  "Okay, tomorrow."  She hung up the phone.

"She's still asleep.  I saw no need to wake her with this news."  To his sister
Stefan looked very tired.  "There was something you wanted to talk to me about
when I arrived?"

She tried to smile.  "It can wait."  Alexis held his hand.  "I'll go put some
coffee on.  I have a feeling that you're not going to get any sleep tonight."

She kissed his cheek and left Stefan sitting alone.  He took the photo he found
from his pocket and stared at the young girl.  <Why did you hide this from me?


John Jacks shook the off the cold as he entered his home.  As he hung up his
coat he failed to notice the figure sitting there in the dark.  After a few
seconds he became aware of the visitor's presence.

"Jax!"  He said surprised to see his youngest son.  "Why didn't you tell us you
were coming.  You just missed your mother."  He hugged him, but Jax didn't
return it.  "Jax, what's the matter?"

"Why?"  Jax turned away from his father.  "Why did you do it?"

"What the devil are you talking about boy?"

Jax spun around and tossed a file folder at him.  "Was it the money, was that

John looked over the documents.  "Jax I don't know what these are or who...."
He stopped mid-sentence.  "Wait, I do know.  It was her wasn't it?  That girl
you married.  She's behind this isn't she?"

"Leave Venus out of this."

John grabbed Jax by his shoulders.  "I won't!  Not when she's trying to turn my
son against me!"  Jax tried to back away, but his father held him tightly.  "I
don't know what she told you or what else she's shown you, but it's all lies."

Jax finally freed himself from his father's grasp.  "Don't insult me.  And don't
try to make a bigger fool of me than you already have.  I just want to know why.
Why would you jeopardize everything?"

Jax's father slumped onto the couch.  "I didn't have a choice.  A few years ago
the business suffered several setbacks.... I needed.... needed help to salvage
things.... I just couldn't lose everything I've worked for."

"But to go to someone like Moreno?  My god Dad, you knew what kind of man he was
and what it meant to get involved with him."

"I didn't go to Moreno, he was just the go-between."

Jax looked at his father curiously.  "The go-between?  For who?"  He didn't
answer.  "Who's been paying you to launder money all these years?"

John bolted up from the couch.  "Don't ask me that!"  Jax tried to ask again but
he was interrupted.  "Jax please, don't get involved in this I'm begging you.
Just let it go."

"I can't dad.  You and Jerry have made a mess and I'm the one who has clean it

The loft.

"I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, you didn't."  Robin invited Nikolas in.  "What brings you here so late?"

"I was worried about you.  We haven't really talked since.... since that night
and I just wanted to see if you were okay."  Robin became uncomfortable at the
mention of the dock incident.  "Jason isn't here?"  He asked knowing full well
he wasn't.

"No."  Robin sounded a little irritated.  "He's at Carly's.  With Edward gaining
temporary custody of Michael, Jason thought that he should stay with her in case
she does something."

Several minutes of uncomfortable silence followed.  Nikolas finally broke the
silence.  "We have to talk about what happened Robin."

"I know."

Nikolas moved closer to her.  "I want you to know that I didn't mean for it
happen.  But I also have to be honest with you, I'm not sorry we kissed."


"Robin...."  Nikolas took her hands and stood, pulling her up with him.  "I care
about you, I mean really care.  And I think you care about me too."

"I do care about you Nikolas."  Robin tried to ignore the effect of his being so
close to her was having.  "But what happened can't happen again.  I love Jason."

"And I love you."  Robin stepped back, shocked at his admission.  "I do.  I
loved you for long time."  Nikolas held on tightly to her right hand and slowly
pulled her back to him.

Robin was on the verge of screaming.  <Why did he have to say that?>  "Nikolas
how can you say you love me?"

"I don't know, but I do.  Robin all the time we spent together when you were
helping me you must have known how I felt, and you felt something too, I know

"Nikolas what I feel.... felt doesn't matter.  I'm marrying Jason."

"You don't have to."  Nikolas was standing before her his arm having moved
around her waist.  "Tell me you don't feel anything for me and I'll leave and
we'll never speak of this again, but I'm guessing you can't do it."

Something was happening to Robin.  Her head was telling her to run away before
something happened, but her body was acting on it's own.  She stared into
Nikolas' dark eyes.  Her hand began to wander up his chest, eventually finding
it's way to his neck.  With a strength that surprised Nikolas, Robin pulled his
lips down to hers.

The park,
around 4am.

She had been walking for hours now.  She knows that it was only a dream, but she
still couldn't shake the feeling that someone was close by.  A slight breeze
blew a lock of hair in front of Liz's face.  No sooner has she brushed it behind
her ear then she felt the sensation.  From the darkness behind her a form

"Good evening."  The woman's voice was sweet, almost lyrical, with just a hint
of a Russian accent.  "I've always preferred autumn nights."  She looked up at
the night sky.  "Maybe it's because it's reminds me of home."

Liz didn't wait for the challenge.  As soon as the woman with platinum hair
appeared she drew her sword in anticipation of an attack.  The woman looked at
Liz standing at the ready with her sword before her and smiled.

"You won't need that."  She just stood there and made no attempt to pull her own
weapon.  "At least not yet."  She added with a sly grin.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Alyssa Rovana, and I want your head."  Liz's grip on her sword
tightened.  "And I'll have it."  Alyssa chuckled.  "In fact by the time I'm
finished I'm quite sure you'll be begging me take it."

"You want me so bad, why wait?"  The woman ducked as Liz's blade slashed through
the where she had been standing.

Alyssa jumped back.  She flicked her blade up in a salute and assumed the ready
position.  Their blades met again and again.  They danced around each other,
first one, then the other pressing the attack.

As the battle continued Liz began to realize that Alyssa was toying with her,
smiling all the time, and it was infuriating her.  Alyssa swung and the blade
passed through Liz's shirt, never touching the flesh beneath.

Alyssa hit Liz's sword arm with the flat of her blade, then again until the
sword fell to the ground.  She kicked Liz, and when she tries to catch herself
from falling, Alyssa stepped on her forearm, hearing the satisfying crunch of
bones breaking.  A dazed Liz crouched on the ground, cradling her sword arm.

Liz cried out in pain as her snapped back.  Alyssa had a handful of her brown
hair.  Then she brought up her sword and held it to her throat.  The kiss of
cold steel sent a shiver down Liz's spine.

"Don't worry."  Liz felt hot breath on her neck.  "I'm not going to kill you.
Not until I'm finished.  You took everything away from me, and before you die,
I'm going to take everything away from you."  Alyssa removed her blade from
Liz's throat and then drove the hilt into the side of Liz's head, knocking her
unconscious.  "And then you'll beg me to kill you."

Dara Jensen's apartment,
around 10am, the next day.

The two uniformed police officers approached the door to the apartment.  The
female officer raised her hand to knock, and as soon as her hand came into
contact with the door it opened.  The officer looked at her partner and they
both drew their weapons and entered.

"Miss Jensen!"  The other officer called, followed a couple of his partner.

They moved slowly through the apartment.  The living room was in disarray,
chairs turned over and so on.  While her rookie partner searched the kitchen
Officer Markham made her way to the bedroom.

She slowly opened the bedroom door.  "Miss Jensen are you here!"  A half dozen
or so feet into the room she stopped.  "Block!  Get back here!"  The sound of
her voice sent her partner running to her side.

"What is it Mary?"  Looking at the bed he had his answer.  "Oh man."

Markham took her police radio and called in.  "This is Markham.  I'm over at
D.A. Jensen's place.  You'd better get the Commissioner over here."  The
dispatcher asked her what was wrong.  "District Attorney Jensen has been


The loft,
earlier that morning.

She awoke with a jerk.  Her heart was racing and it took a moment to orient
herself and she realized she was in bed.  Slowly her breathing was brought under
control.  Wearily, Robin picked up her robe to cover her naked body and stared
at the sleeping form next to her.

For half a second she thought that it was just a dream, but when the man turned
in his sleep, she saw his face.  <What have I done?>  She thought to herself as
she sank back down on the bed.

Nikolas awoke as Robin sat down.  Her back was to him as he sat up.  He moved
closer to her and began to kiss her neck and shoulders.  "Good morning."

"I think you should go."  Nikolas didn't hear her whisper.  His hand was
caressing her stomach through her robe.  She gasped as his hand slipped inside
and touched her bare skin.  His hand was moving slowly down and just stopped
between her parted legs.   "Nikolas!"  He heard her that time.  "It's time you
went home."

"Do you really want me to leave?"

"Yes."  <No.>

"Then I'll go."  He caressed her cheek and kissed her passionately.  "Can I see
you tonight?"

"I don't know.  I need to think about what's happened."

Nikolas nodded and smiled at her.  She heard the loft door close and Robin sat
by herself on the bed she and Jason share together.  The bed she and Nikolas
made love on.  As she thought about what they did, about what she did, Robin
began to cry and didn't stop for almost an hour.

The Quartermaines.

"Good morning everyone." AJ strode in and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"What's so good about it?"  Edward grumbled from behind his newspaper.  "Not one
person in this house has been able to sleep through the night."

"It's just his being in a new place, Michael will settle down."

"It had better be soon."  Edward tucked his paper under his arm and followed
Lila out.

AJ fixed himself a small plate and sat down at the table.  Monica came in.
"Good morning AJ."  She kissed her son on the head.

AJ was about to respond when Edward's booming voice echoed through the house.
"Damnation!"  He rushed into the room.  "That malcontent is not going to get
away with this!"

"Grandfather, what's wrong?"  AJ asked.

"Your brother is what's wrong."

"What's Jason done."

"He's had our custody order overturned and filed a restraining order against

He took the paper Edward was waving around in his hand.  "So soon?  I thought
we'd have more time."

"Well Edward I guess your pockets aren't deep enough anymore."

Edward shot Monica a dirty look.  "You stay out of this.  If you were any kind
of mother you would have that talked that thug son of yours into giving us
custody the moment you found out that tramp was pregnant with a Quartermaine and
we wouldn't be in this mess."

Monica's blood pressure rose.  "Excuse me?"

"You heard me.  Because no one wanted to hurt your feelings, we've let Jason
walk all over this family."  He picked up the telephone.  "That ends now.  Jason
wants to play hardball does he?  He's about to get taught a hard lesson from the

Dara Jensen's apartment,

There was a sharp intake of breath as Mac steeled himself for the scene inside.
The uniform on the door saw and stepped aside to allow him to enter.  She was
found an hour ago after a patrol unit was sent when she failed to show for the
first day of jury selection in Sonny's trial.  Mac closed his eyes and breathed
deep before walking in.

Alex Garcia was kneeling beside a sheet covered body.  He looked up as Mac
approached. "What the hell happened here Alex?"

He stood up.  "It looks like a robbery.  She walks in and finds him and he....."
Garcia couldn't finish.  "The ME puts the time of death at around eight hours,
give or take.  He'll give us an exact time after he.... uh.... he....."

Mac placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.  "Pull it together Alex.  I want
this thing done by the book.  When we get this bastard, I don't want him walking
away."  Mac lead Alex away from the body.  "Where's Taggert?"

Taggert's apartment.

The phone continues to ring and the man just sits in his chair ignoring it.  He
reaches over for the bottle and tosses to the floor in disgust when he sees that
it's empty.  Taggert simply stares at the empty glass in his hand.  An entire
bottle of scotch didn't make him forget, what would one more glass do?

He ignores the ringing and stumbles into the bathroom.  He splashs cold water on
his face and stares at the reflection in the mirror.  The face seems almost that
of a stranger's.

It's not his fault, he rationalizes.  They're responsible for what happened,
they turned her against him.  He's going to make Sonny and Jason pay for her

Jerry's suite, PC Hotel.

"Answer the damn phone."  Jerry paced back and forth across the floor, glancing
every so often at the newspaper.  "Damn fool."  He said in disgust.  "It's about
bloody time.  Where the hell have you been?  I've been trying you for over an

"I'm sorry, I was busy with another matter. What's so important?"

"We've got a problem brewing here Faison, a big one."

"What sort of problem?"

"The DA prosecuting Corinthos was murdered last night.  I think Taggert had
something to do with it."

"I still don't understand what the problem is."

"Have you heard me?  Taggert killed Dara Jensen.  Do you have any idea what kind
of heat this is going to generate?"

"Calm yourself Jerry.  You have to look upon this as an opportunity."

"An opportunity?  An innocent woman is dead Cesar."

"And that is tragic, but there is nothing either one of us can do to change it.
What we can do is turn this tragedy to our advantage."


"Allow me to explain."

Wyndemere, Stefan's study,

"How long will this take?"  Liz stood behind her sister, glancing over her
shoulder while Sarah typed in her password at Stefan's computer.

"Not long."

"You're not going to get into trouble doing this for me are you?"

"Don't worry about that."  The screen flashed and went dark.  A few seconds
there was a loud beep and the Watcher insignia appeared.  "We're in."  She
looked over her shoulder.  "What was the name?"

"Alyssa Rovana."

Sarah entered the name into the Watcher database.  "This may take a couple of
minutes."  Liz moved from behind the desk and stood before the window looking
out onto the garden.  "Liz, I don't want to add to your worries but there's
something you need to know."

"What is it?"  Liz followed Sarah to the sofa.  Sarah started to cry again.
"Hey, hey, it'll be alright."

Sarah managed to get control of her emotions.  "I wish I could believe that."
She wiped away the last tear.  "Matthew is here."

"Matthew?  You don't mean *Matthew* do you?"

Sarah fought the urge break down again.  "Don't ask me how he found me."

"Bastard."  Liz said with a venom she reserved only for him.  "What does he
want?  As if I didn't know."

"Money for a start.  He heard the name Cassadine and immediately saw dollar

Unnoticed by the two women Nikolas had stopped in front of the study door and
was listening to their conversation.

"Lemme guess, unless you pay him he'll tell Stefan everything about the old
Sarah."  Her sister nods.  "At least he's predictible."

"There's something else."  Sarah got up a retrieved her purse.  She pulled a
photograph from it.  "He found her too, Liz."  Liz took the picture from her.
"That bastard knows where my daughter is."

Nikolas hovered at the door in stunned silence.  <A daughter?  That lying
tramp.>  Nikolas stormed away from the study.  He entered his room and slammed
the door behind him.

"I knew it."  He says to himself.  "She's been lying ever since she got here.
Playing the virginal innocent."  He pulled the chair out from his desk and
picked up the phone as he sat down.  "This is Nikolas Cassadine, my father has
an assignment for you."

After speaking to the man on the other end, Nikolas hung up the phone and smiled
confidently to himself.  "He'll see I was right about her."

Downstairs, Liz was gently rocking Sarah back and forth, while her big sister
rested her head on her shoulder.  Another loud beep from the computer attracted
their attention.

Sarah wiped her eyes again and ran a hand through her hair.  "Okay, let's see
what we have on your mystery lady."  She punched a few keys.  "Oh boy."

Liz took a position behind Sarah again and started to read the Watcher bio.  It
read like a demon's resume.  The list of crimes and atrocities contributed to
her almost made Liz throw up.  "My god.  What does she want with me?"

"Armand Calain."  Sarah answered.


"It's right here."  Sarah pointed to the screen.  "She was married to another
Immortal named Armand Calain, and according to this, he was no choirboy either."


"And you killed him."

Liz suddenly remembered the man on the docks.  She was walking to Kelly's where
she was supposed to meet Lucky and Emily for breakfast when she met him.  She
tried to tell him that she wasn't interested in fighting him but the Calain just
wouldn't listen.  He just launched an unprovoked attack and she was forced to
kill him.

"I didn't want to."  She tried to explain to Sarah.  "He left me no choice."

"I believe you, but that won't matter to Rovana."  Sarah switched off the
computer and turned in her chair.  "Liz you've got to get away from here."

"You know I can't do that."

"You have to."  She pointed at the blank screen.  "To hell with the rules and
the Game, you read her history.  It's not just your life at stake.  Lucky is in
danger too."

Port Charles Grill.

V walked slowly to bar.  She was earky for her dinner meeting and had time for a
couple of drinks.  She took a seat next to an attractive brunette in her late

V ordered a vodka martini and struck up a conversation with the woman seated
next to her.  After about ten minutes V found herself liking this woman and
wished she could continue talking but unfortunately her dinner guest had

"I hope we can continue this later."

"So do I.  I don't think I got your name."

V laughed when she realized she was right.  They had spoken for nearly half an
hour and never asked each other their names.  "V Jacks."

The woman raised her eyebrows.  "V?  That's an unusal name."

"It's short for Venus."

She extended her hand to her.  "Pleasure to meet you V.  My name is Veronica.
Veronica Barrett."

(To be continued)

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