Dawn Before the Darkness- 6

The woods behind Liz's house**********

Darkness. So impenetrable, so obscure. It consumed
her. She floated in this veritable oblivion, lost in the
sporadic, psychedelic colors.

However, consciousness began to return slowly. At
first, it was a twitching of a finger or two. Then the
throbbing dullness of her head. The straw that broke
the camel's back was when she tried to sit up. Pain
lanced all through her.

"Ohhhhh!" Liz moaned inaudibly.

Twisting a little, she felt sticks and rocks digging
into her back. Leaning up on her elbows, Liz took
stock of her surroundings. A strong breeze blew
through the trees above her, and thunder rolled in
the far distance. It was then that she realized she was
soaking wet.

Shaking her head, she tried to remember what
happened. Then it came flooding back. The locked
and silent house, the dark figure, the running, then
sliding, and then the voice. She also remembered the
terror, the panic, the icy dread that had pierced her

Still in shock, she stumbled to her feet, leaning
against a nearby tree for support. At that moment,
she felt a draft. Looking down, she saw that her shirt
was ripped, from the waist all the way to the
neckline. It hung on her more like a jacket. She also
noticed her jeans were unfastened. Quickly reaching
down to zip them up, she felt thick fluid. Drawing
her back, she saw they were covered in blood.

She began to scream uncontrollably.

At Liz's house (occurring simultaneously as above

"LIZ!" Lucky called, pounding on her front door.

No answer.

"ELIZABETH!" he cried again. Throwing all his
weight and strength into it, Lucky beat against the
door with all his might.


As he finished his bellow, a light flickered on in the
house, then the porch light. The door burst open
then, revealing an irate Sarah.

"What the HELL are you doing, Spencer?" she
asked. "It's 1:30 in f*cking morning!"

Ignoring her and pushing her aside, Lucky entered
the house, scanning for any sign of his fiancee.
Seeing none in the living room, he headed towards
the kitchen.

However, there he found nothing. Before he could
traverse any farther, though, Sarah intercepted him.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

Lucky just stared coldly into her eyes. "I'm looking
for Liz. Where is she?"

Huffing, Sarah said, "How should I know? I'm not
her keeper. She's probably off somewhere, screwing
some horny guy. She's got an itch in her pants that
you can't seem to satisfy."

Angered, Lucky grabbed her by her upper arms and
began shaking her. his grip was so tight that Sarah
knew she'd have bruises in the morning.

Through gritted teeth, Lucky demanded again,
"Where is she?!?!"

Before getting an answer, he disgustedly threw
Sarah away and made an dash for Elizabeth's room.
However, he found nothing there as well.

Standing by the window, he leaned against it and
sighed. He didn't know why he had to find Liz. All
he knew was that his gut told she was in trouble. He
HAD to find her.

"I don't know where she is, Lucky. Can't you just
leave now?" Sarah beseeched him from behind.

Whirling around, Lucky shouted, "You don't even
care, do you? Liz could be lying somewhere,
anywhere, right now, in danger, in pain, hurt, scared,
and you don't give a DAMN?!?! DO YOU?!!?"

Furious, Sarah returned, "Why should I? She's never
done a thing for me, always stealing the guys I want
with that poor-pitiful-me routine! She's not a
helpless victim! She's just a pathetic whore who's
got you so wrapped around her little finger, you
can't tell the difference between your head and your
prick anymore!"

CRACK! The sound of flesh whipping against flesh
reverberated around the room.

Heaving, Lucky said in an icily calm tone, "Don't
ever, EVER speak of you sister that way again."

However, before Sarah could return the blow, soul-
tearing screams echoed through the house.

The woods**************

Elizabeth felt her lungs collapsing, caving in on her
as she gulped for breath. He throat felt raw and
scratchy from the screaming. Climbing out of the
barrier of trees, she pulled her tatter, blood-stained
shirt around her, and somehow, she managed
another cry, pleading and desperate.


Again, she pushed air out of her body in the form of
a death-cry, but it was drowned out by a crack of
thunder. The sky opened up, mingling its tears with
her own.


She the wind screech her name. Sobbing balefully,
she toppled into strong arms, overcome by grief and
pain and fatigue. The arms lifted her, spinning the
night sky before her. She stared, through haze and
tears, at her angel's face.

Then, the darkness consumed her once more.

The hospital, a few hours later***********

Reality beckoned, teasing at the edges of her stupor.
Warm and vague, it promised light and enchantment,
rather than the dark cold of her current state of

Moaning slightly, she shifted, trying to piece
together her predicament. She lay in a soft bed,
covered from head to toe in toasty-warm sheets.
However, she did not recognize the room. She was
attached to several machines by wires, all blinking
and bleeping quietly. An IV bag dripped some
unknown liquid into her blood stream.

Groggily, she thought, 'I must be in the hospital. But

Then the truth came rushing back. She recalled the
fear, the fall, the voice. The sound of ripping cloth
as cold, gloved hands tore into her flesh. Hands that
arched her back at an impossible angle as they pulled
open her pants. Then the flash of metal. The
downward motion of an arm. The harsh life, and the
blinding pain as her stomach spilt open, and her life-
blood slowly drained from her.

Remembering, and not wanting to, Liz rolled to her
side, and wept, her salty tears cascading down her
ashen face and pooling in glistening reservoirs on the
toasty-warm sheets.

Outside Liz's room (occurring

"But why can't I see her? She's my fiancee," Lucky
asked again, for about the fifth time in as many

"Doctor's orders. No one's to see the young miss,"
the rotund night-clerk replied. "You can wait over
there, patiently."

The nurse pointed to a cluster of chairs about five
feet away. Suppressing the urge to storm into his
love's room, Lucky sullenly stomped over to the
chairs and plopped down in one.

It was then that Bobbie and Detective Alex Garcia
walked off the elevator. Bounding up, Lucky rushed
to greet them. However, a stern look from Garcia
shut him up.

Taking her nephew by the arm, Bobbie suggested,
"Why don't we go sit back down? Lucky, the
Detective would like to ask you a few questions
before he sees Liz. After you do that, I'll give you
the rundown on her condition, but not before.

Reluctantly, Lucky nodded.

Taking their seats, Alex pulled out his pad and a
pen, then looked pointedly at Lucky.

"All right, young man. Tell me how this happened."

Perplexed, Lucky just said, "Man, I don't know."

Sighing impatiently, Garcia then asked, "Okay, why
were at Liz's so late?"

Taking in breath, Lucky launched into his version of
the night's events, "Early this evening, around eight,
Liz and I went out with my parents to the club, to
celebrate Liz's and my engagement. I left with Liz
around 11:30 and dropped her off at home. About
1:30, I went back over there because she wasn't
answering her line or the downstairs line. When I
got there, the house was completely dark. I pounded
on the door until Liz's sister, Sarah, opened. I went
searching through the house, but couldn't find a
trace of Liz. I was up in her room looking around
when I heard screams. I ran down the stairs and out
the back door. Liz was standing at the edge of the
woods, crying and sobbing, soaking wet. Her
clothes were torn, and she was caked with mud. I
picked her up and brought her back into the house.
It was as I was laying her on the couch that I noticed
the blood on her shirt, jeans, and hands. Then I
called 911."

At the end of his dissertation, Garcia merely
grunted. Annoyed, Lucky turned to his aunt and
demanded, "How is she?"

"Well, Lucky," Bobbie began softly, "She was pretty
much out of it by the time she arrived. She lost a lot
of blood."

"But from what? There was blood all over her
stomach and jeans! Did she fall or--" Lucky asked

"NO!" Bobbie stated firmly. "No, Lucky, Lizzie
didn't fall."

Impatiently, he said, "What then?!"

"Lucky, Liz was....she was attacked...."

"Oh, God! Not again..." he moaned, clutching his

"No, she wasn't raped. However, someone chased
her into the woods and somehow got her to the
ground. They beat her, ripped up her clothes, and
then...then...Lucky, they cut her. The cut her bad.
The slice stretched all the way across her hip. She's
lucky to be alive."

Shocked, Lucky leaned back, absorbing the news,
tears welling in his eyes.

"Oh, God..."

Grief consumed him, pain and horror too intense to
control. Rocking back and forth slightly, Lucky
cried, tears falling down his face.

Together and apart, Liz and Lucky wept.

The Hardy House**********

A light knock at the door broke Sarah's
contemplative silence.

Quietly, a black-clad figure entered the room.

Sarah turned accusing eyes to that person. "Why
didn't you finish the job?"

Impassively, the figure replied, "Because, as the
stupid b*tch's blood flowed over my hands, a
brilliant idea occurred to me."

"Well, what?!?!"

"Oh, just a little added touch to our original plan."

The figure held up a slender, metallic object. Placing
it into Sarah's hand, the person said, "Place this
along with the other pieces of evidence in Lucky's
room. It should provide an added twist to the plot
when the police discover it there."

Sarah raised the object in her hands. It was a pocket
knife, with a metal grip and a blade about one-inch
wide and four inches long. An exact duplicate of the
one Lucky had bestowed upon Liz two years prior
for protection.

As the truth dawned on her, Sarah laughed, a cold,
harsh, braying cacophony. And she could not stop.

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