Moreno held his sword high above his head and was about to bring
it down on
Brenda's neck when the presence of another Immortal hit him.
He lowered his
sword slowly and began to look around the wharehouse.
Brenda was still on her knees, she was now gasping for breath
and fighting to
remain awake, she finally succumbed to blood loss and died at Moreno's
She lay sprawled out on the wharehouse floor, Moreno stepped over her
gazing intently at the darkness around him.
"Whoever you are..... you're too late!" He shouted.
"The battle's finished.
You can't interfere."
"I have no intention of interfering." Came a voice from
the blackness.
Moreno whirled around and saw the vague shape of a man approaching.
tightened his grip on his sword as the man came closer. Finally
the man came
close enough for Moreno to almost make out his face.
Moreno grinned as the man stepped into a shaft of light.
Stefan Cassadine handed his guest a drink before sitting down
across from him.
"Did she agree?"
Daniel Cohen took a drink before answering. "She listened
to what I had to say
and told me that she had to think about it."
"But will she agree?" Stefan asked again.
"I don't know." Daniel said taking another drink.
"I have another meeting
with Sarah Webber tomorrow, maybe we'll find out then." He placed
his glass on
the table and got up.
"Perhaps I should......" Stefan started to say as he got
up too. "..
...Perhaps I should talk with Miss Webber."
"If you think can you do better job of convincing her.... be
my guest." Daniel
told him as he was escorted to the door by Stefan. "I have to
fax my latest
field report tonight. I'll slip a note in for Dawson to see how
much time we
have on this."
"There's no need to do that. I talked to him earlier.
He told me to take as
much time as I need to try to get her. Having someone this close
to one of them
is too an good opportunity to pass up."
"In my opinion... I don't think think you'll have to try very
hard." Daniel
smiled and shook Stefan's hand. "Good night."
"Good night, Daniel." Stefan said as he closed the door
behind him.
From a safe distance Nikolas watched Stefan walk back to his
desk and take one
last look at the file Daniel had given him. Nikolas saw his father
chuckle and
shake his head before turning off his desk lamp and walk upstairs to
his room.
Out of curiosity Nikolas walked over to the desk, he switched
on the lamp and
wanted to see what his father was so interested in. He found
the folder his
father was looking at and opened it. Nikolas shook his head in
confusion. The
first thing he saw was a photo of Sarah Webber, followed by with what
like her birth certificate and dozens of other official records and
papers going
back over her entire life.
Nikolas sat his father's chair totally confused. <Why
would he want to know
about Sarah?>
Liz stepped out of the shower, she had been unable to sleep and
thought that a
hot shower might relax her, she was right. Liz grabbed one towel
and put it
over head and then grabbed another and wrapped around her body.
Shutting off
the bathroom light she went back to her room.
Walking in she gasped in surprise. Lucky Spencer was lying
on her bed grinning
wickedly at her. He gave her nonchalant wave and got up.
"Hey babe." He said still grinning like a fool.
"What the hell you doing here?" Liz said as she quickly
closed and locked her
bedroom door. "If Gram finds you here she'll freak."
"I don't wanna get you in trouble. I just wanted to see
you that's all."
Lucky told her causing her to smile. "My mom's awake."
"She is? How is she?"
"She's fine." Lucky sat back down on the bed. "Dad
came by the room to tell
Liz tossed the towel for her hair onto a chair and grabbed a
hairbrush. "How
did it go between you two?"
"It was ahhh...... It was okay." Lucky reached into his
back pocket and pull
something out. "While he was there he umm...... found these on
the floor."
From his pocket Lucky produced a pair of Liz's underwear.
"Ohhhh Goooodddd." Liz said as she fell into her desk chair
mortified. "He didn't say anything did he?"
"Naaah...... Just something about always picturing you as the
white cotton
Liz's face turned beet red before she realized Lucky was making
fun. "Ohhhhhh,
you're gonna get it." She said snatching the underwear from him.
"I hope so." Lucky said as he grabbed her by the waist
and kissed her.
"Lucky we can't.... not here." She told him as she straddled
his lap.
"Shhhhhh." He placed a finger to her lips, then flashed
that Spencer grin and
all hesitation on Liz's part vanished.
She leaned in and ravished his lips with hers. Liz forced
herself to break
away and stood before Lucky. She undid the towel and let it fall
to the floor.
Lucky let out a deep breath, then reached out to touch her naked body.
shuddered as she felt his fingers move across her stomach and stop
at her hips,
he then pulled her slowly toward him.
Lucky wrapped both arms around her waist and began plant kisses
on her stomach.
Liz moaned and ran her fingers through his hair as he slowly moved
up her body.
He had reached her breasts when she reluctantly pushed him away.
Lucky quickly took off his shirt while Liz undid his pants.
Quickly removing
them he laid back on the bed while Liz lowered herself to him.
She kissed his
chest and ran her tongue along his neck, then attacked his mouth again.
Passion had overtaken the young lovers. Lucky gently rolled
Liz onto her back
so that he was now on top of her. He ran his fingers over her
face. "You are
so beautiful." He outlined her lips with his index finger which
he would
occasionally slip into her mouth. He lowered his face to hers
to the point
where their lips almost touched.
"I love you, Liz"
Back at the wharehouse Sonny moved in to confront Moreno.
"You can't interfere Corinthos. You know the rules."
"Like I said before.... I have no intention of interfering."
He was circling
Moreno as he spoke. "I plan on waiting."
"Waiting for what?" Moreno asked hoping the fear that was
growing inside
wasn't showing.
"For you to finish." Sonny stopped. The two men were
now on opposite sides of
Brenda's still unmoving body. "You see after you take her head......"
brought his sword from behind his back. ".......I'm going to
take yours."
Moreno tried to laugh but didn't quite pull it off.
"Unless of course....." Sonny continued. "......
you want to go ahead and
take me on right now." Sonny stared into Moreno's eyes.
"How about it?"
Moreno studied Sonny Corinthos for a least a minute. He
then walked away from
Brenda and stood in the center of the room. He raised his sword
and gave Sonny
an evil grin. "Whenever you're ready boy."
Terry was sitting across from a groggy Jax who slowly began to
move. He opened
his eyes and sat up straight on the couch. All of a sudden he
felt a sharp pain
in his jaw. He looked over at Terry while he rubbed it.
"Sorry about that." Terry said shrugging her shoulders.
"But I had to do
something.... you were being rather uncooperative."
"Where the hell is Brenda?" Jax tried to get up but Terry
stopped him by
pushing him back down with one hand.
He shook his head at the absurdity of this whole situation.
Jax couldn't
believe that the petite woman before him could be so strong as to knock
over a foot taller than she was out with one punch.
"Why don't you tell me what's going on."
"I will." Terry smiled at him. "As soon as Brenda
gets back."
"And when she does, what happens then?"
Terry smiled again, this time letting her fangs show. "We
decide what we're
going to do with you?"
Moreno moved to the center of the room and held his sword up.
He gave Sonny an
evil grin. "Whenever you're ready boy. Come and get me."
Sonny tossed his coat to Jason and advanced on his old foe.
The two figures
danced and weaved, flashing blades threw sparks as each tried to inflict
a fatal
blow on the other. Sonny saw an opening and went for it with
a lightning quick
Moreno screamed and staggered back, cluthing his face.
He moved his hand away
to reveal a deep slash on the left side of face. He looked at
the blood on his
hand and advanced on Sonny again swinging wildly.
As the two men fought Robin knelt beside Brenda. She had
turned her over onto
her back and was waiting for her wounds to heal enough for Brenda to
consciousness. Jason was standing behind her with his hands on
her shoulders.
Moreno grunted as he and Sonny pushed against one another.
Sonny managed to
break free and switched to a quick, fluid style that relied on subtle
moves. Moreno came forward in a thrust that Sonny dodged by throwing
himself to
the ground. Tucking and rolling he came up behind Moreno and
in a fast cut, he
sliced open Moreno's sword arm.
Moreno cried out in pain and dropped his sword. Using some
karate moves Sonny
kicked Moreno's legs out from under him and he fell hard onto his back.
picked up the discarded sword and held it in his other hand.
Moreno sat up
slowly still clutching his bleeding arm.
Sonny crossed the swords and held both blades at Moreno's throat.
The two men
stared into each other's eyes, then in a flash Sonny forced both razor
blades through Moreno's neck. The man's head fell backwards while
the headless
body swayed for a second and then fell forward with a thud.
Knowing was coming next, Robin picked up Brenda's body and moved
as far away
from Sonny as she could. The sound of thunder filled the wharehouse
and a wind
came up from nowhere. Lightning flashed and struck Sonny who
screamed in pain.
Jason shielded his eyes from the flashes, while Robin held Brenda
close to her.
Then with one last eruption of power every window in the wharehouse
inward showering them all with tiny bits of glass.
A weakened Sonny steadied himself with the two swords then slowly
walked toward
his friends. Just as he came up Brenda at last opened her eyes,
she shot up in
Robin's arms, gasping for breath. She gradually became aware
of her
surroundings. She smiled at Robin who then hugged her.
She became aware of
someone standing behind her, getting up she turned around to see who
it was.
"Sonny." She said in disbelief.
"Hello Brenda." He said back.
Brenda looked at him, wondering if it really was him standing
before her. When
he flashed that smile and she saw those dimples, she knew it was really
Turning away slightly, she came back around quickly and laid Sonny
out with a
right hook to his jaw. She stormed out of the wharehouse leaving
a shocked
Robin and Jason alone to help Sonny back to his feet.
A figure moved silently through the corridors of GH. He
walked unnoticed and
unseen finally reaching his destination, the morgue. He walked
in the door, the
attendant on duty turned in his chair, but before he could do anything
the man
had him by the throat.
The young man struggled vainly until the cracking of bones could
be heard. The
killer tossed the lifeless body to the floor behind the desk.
He picked up the
log book and searched for what he came for.
Going down the list of new arrivals he found the name and the
drawer. Tossing
book back onto the desk he went to drawer and pulled the body out.
He uncovered
the face and gently kissed the woman's forhead. He took a syringe
from his coat
and then injected something into the woman's neck.
"Soon. Very soon." He whispered to her. He
then picked her up in his arms
and walked out of the hospital.
A short while later the ringing of the telephone woke Mac up.
He reached over
and picked up the reciever.
"Scorpio." He said still half asleep. The voice on
the other said something
that woke him up instantly. "Say that again."
Felecia opened her eyes when Mac turned on the lamp next to the
bed. "What....
what is it?" She said groggily.
Mac waved her quiet as he listened the man on the other end tell
him again what
happened. He hung up the phone and sat back against the headboard.
Felecia rubbed her eyes. "Mac... what is it? What's
Mac ran his hand down his face. "You're not going believe
this, but...... but
someone has stolen Helena Cassadine's body."
"Brenda!" Sonny shouted after her. He shouted again
and she finally stopped.
"Brenda please... talk to me."
She turned around. "Talk to you?!?" She slapped him.
"Did you hear that?"
Sonny rubbed his cheek. "I deserve that."
"You deserve a lot more than that you bastard." Brenda
was on the verge of
losing control. "Do you have any idea what you did to me?"
"I'm sorry." Was all Sonny could say.
Brenda slapped him again. "You're sorry?!?! That's
it? You leave me at the
alter in front of all of our friends... you drive me to a nervous
breakdown...... and you're sorry?!?!?"
"I don't know what else to say."
"How about 'goodbye'" Brenda said coldly then walked away.
Robin and Jason watched the exchange. "I had better go
after her." Robin told
him. She walked away but Jason held on to her hand. "We'll
talk later." He
let go of her hand and she kissed him.
He let her walk away and stood beside Sonny who was watching
Brenda walk into
the distance. "Give her time, man"
Sonny chuckled a little. "That's one thing we both have
plenty of now."
Liz kissed Lucky then layed her head on his chest. She was
running her index
finger in little circles on his stomach. "You had better get
going." He didn't
answer and Liz lifted her head off his chest and sat up. "Lucky?"
He finally
acknowledged her. "Are you okay? You seemed like you were
a million miles
He smiled at her. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"Things, you know. You and me and your being....."
Liz touched his hand. "My being Immortal." She finished.
"Does it bother you?"
He got off the bed not wanting her to see his face. "As
much as I hate to say
it..... yeah it does." He sat back down on the bed. "I
know what I said before
about dealing with it... and I will. It's just......... oh dammit!"
Liz reached out to him. "What is it?"
"What's going to happen to us in twenty years.... are you still
going to want
to be with me when you still look like you do now and I'm looking like
my dad."
She surprised him by starting to laugh. "Lucky...... of
course I'll want you
twenty years. I want you now and forever." She leaned in
and kissed him on the
lips. "Besides, I think your dad is hot."
Lucky playfully tweaked her nose. He was staring at her
when he noticed for
the first time a small circular scar above her left breast. "Is
Liz looked down at her chest and covered her breast with her
hand. "Yeah.
That's where Mr Murty shot me." She ran a finger over the scar.
"I don't know
why it hasn't disappeared yet."
"What was it like?" He asked.
Liz looked into his eyes knowing exactly what he meant.
"I remember pain.....
and falling...... then..... then......" Her voice trailed off.
darkness..... and cold....." Lucky looked at her and could tell
she was no
longer with him in the room. "....I remember floating..... like
She smiled. ".....then I fell again......that's........ that's
when I woke up."
She finished shaking her head.
Lucky pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.
"I'm so sorry that he
hurt you again. I'm even sorrier that I couldn't protect you like I
Liz held him tighter. "Lucky don't be sorry. I'm
alright and Murty got what
he deserved. He's roasting in hell where Brenda sent him."
Liz relaxed in
Lucky's arms and fell asleep.
Lucky was slowly rocking her back and forth. "Brenda?"
He whispered.
Robin and Brenda walked into the loft to find Jax sitting on the
couch guarded
by two of Derek's Enforcers. Terry and Derek were nearby
having a very heated
'argument'. Upon seeing Brenda, Derek had one of his men grab
her and take her
to the couch.
Robin jumped to Brenda's defense. "Wait! She's not
a threat!" Robin tried to
move after her but she was restrained by the other vampire. She
snarled at her
captor and Jax saw what she was for the first time.
Derek glared at her. "She told him about us."
"No she didn't." Robin pleaded. "He found out on
his own and even then he
didn't know what he had discovered."
Terry broke in. "That's right. He was investigating
Aaron and I." Jax
watched her approach the menacing figure. "Please.... You don't
have to do
this. We have everything he found.... all the proof..... there's
no need for
"He knows about us and he cannot be made to forget. He
must be dealt with."
The enforcer released Robin and she stepped forward right on
cue. "I swear he
won't tell anyone."
Derek studied the young vampire. "Can you guarantee his
silence?" Robin nods.
"And hers?" She nods again. Derek thought for a moment.
"Very well. They are
your responsibility now. If either one talks of us... they both
die.... and you
with them. Do you understand?"
The tone of Derek's voice was actually scaring Robin. "Yes....
I understand."
Without another word Derek and the Enforcers walked out followed
by Terry. Jax
sat on the couch in total shock. Robin walked over to him and
he looked up at
"They were...... I mean...... they are..... you...... you are....a......a...."
Jax stuttered.
"A vampire." Robin finished.
Jax looked over at Brenda who nodded and back to Robin who nodded
as well and
then promptly fainted.
Outside on the roof of the loft Terry kissed Derek on the cheek.
"Thank you
for going along with this."
"I meant what I said to Robin." He kissed her cheek back.
"Don't make me
regret this." Derek stepped to the edge of the roof and
launched himself into
the air.
Mac and Felecia were walking through GH on the way to the morgue.
Mac had his
arm around her and hers was around his waist.
"You didn't have to come with me you know." He said to
"Yeah I know, but it wasn't like I was going to get back to sleep
anyway." She
told him holding him a little tighter.
Mac and Felecia walked into the GH morgue.
"Hey Mac. Felecia..... we're gonna have to put you on the
payroll if you keep
showing up everywhere with this loser." Garcia said smiling.
Felecia giggled. "Don't it let get around Alex, but I'm
really the brains
Garcia started laughing when Mac interrupted. "Can we get
on with this? What
have you got?"
Garcia quickly got serious and answered. "The victim's
name is Martin Franks.
He was the night attendant here. Apparently our perp caught him
by surprise and
snapped his neck, then walked calmly out of the hospital with a dead
body. One
of the docs here said that just about every bone in the guy's neck
was crushed."
Mac was examining the scene when Felecia spoke. "Is it
just me or is this town
getting weirder every day." Mac looked up at her. "Think
about just the last
few months. We've had a serial killer copying murders from Kevin's
book..... an
international assassin..... headless bodies..... bloodless corpses....
and now a
body snatcher."
Mac gave her wink. "I'm trying not notice."
"And don't forget to add you two getting together again."
Garcia piped in
while Felecia stuck her tongue out at him. Garcia approached
his boss. "Well,
what do you think?"
Mac smiled. "I think I should have stayed a PI."
Liz's room,
early morning.
Liz opened her eyes when she felt an arm tighten around her.
She squeezed it
back and sighed contentedly as she felt Lucky plant kisses on her neck.
rolled over so she could look at him.
"Good morning."
"Good morning." Lucky said back before kissing her lips.
As the kiss deepened Liz suddenly remembered where they were.
Lucky you have to get out of here." She got out of bed and put
on a robe and
started tossing Lucky his clothes. "Come on. Get up.
Get out of here."
Lucky started laughing as he got dressed. "You're very
cute when you're
"Don't start." She tossed him his shirt.
He just got his shirt on when Liz pushed him to the window.
"Careful babe.
Some of us don't heal instantly."
"Just get out of here." She said.
He got halfway through the window and kissed Liz goodbye.
"See ya!"
Brenda was making Jax breakfast at the loft. As she cooked
she told Jax the
whole story of what happened to Robin and she finally told him about
her being
Immortal. Robin was asleep in her room and Aaron and Terry were
sleeping in the
guest room, but knowing Aaron as soon as she was done cooking he would
be up and
seated at the table waiting for her serve him something too.
"I didn't think vampires needed to eat." Jax said taking
a mouthful of eggs.
Brenda smiled. "They don't. This stuff is for Aaron
and me." She set her
plate down and got her orange juice and took the chair next to him.
"You seem
to be taking this rather well."
"I'm in shock." He said taking another bite. "Once
I've settled down a bit
and got my bearings back, then I'll start freaking out."
He smiled and Brenda laughed, then all of a sudden she felt it.
She i
nstinctivly ran to her sword, Jax's eyes widening as she held it out
before. A
woman's voice cut the tension immediately.
"Gee... I hope that's not for little old me."
"V!" Brenda said excited.
"Venus!" Jax said surprised at the same time.
V walked up the stairs from the practice hall. She held
her arms wide. "Hey
guys! Miss me?"
Sonny watched as Jason packed up the rest of baby Michael's things.
Jason was
holding a teddy bear when Sonny approached.
"You okay?" He asked concerned.
Jason placed the bear in box with the rest of the stuffed animals.
"No, but I
will be." He closed the box and handed it to Rinaldo to take
down to the car.
"I just want to get this done."
"You're doing the right thing." Sonny said as he walked
to the door with
Jason held the door open for Laticia and the baby. "It
doesn't feel like it."
He said as the door closed behind him.
At the PC Hotel Carly opened the door. "Jason!" She
said suprised and hugged
him. "I knew you'd come..... I knew you'd forgive me."
Jason pushed her away and walked in, Laticia and the baby following
him. "I
brought yours and Michael's things to you." Laticia set the baby
down on the
couch and left the room. "And there a few things we need settle."
Carly was confused. "Jason... what....?"
"I've got you an apartment, don't worry about the rent I'll take
care of it and
anything else you or Michael might need."
"You're giving me Michael?"
"Yes." Jason took some papers out of his coat. "But
first you have to sign
Carly took them from Jason and examined them. "These...
these are custody
"I know. I had Justus draw them up. It grants you
custody Michael, but allows
me liberial visitation rights.... as his father."
"I don't understand. Why?"
"Because even after what you've done.... I believe you truly
love Michael."
"And if I don't sign them?"
"You don't have that choice." Jason said coldly.
"Laticia goes with you too.
She will take care of the baby while you work... you can't fire her....
can't dismiss her.... she doesn't work you she works for me."
He held a pen out
to her. "Well?"
Carly looked at Jason and back at the papers. She knew
that had he wanted to
he could have kept her from Michael forever. She took the pen
and signed the
papers. She handed them back to Jason and picked up the baby.
"Good. There will be a car by an hour to take you to your
apartment." He
turned to leave. "And there's one more thing. When I come
to pick up
Michael.... I don't want you there."
Back at the loft Brenda was hugging V. "When did you get
"Just now." V noticed the sword lying on the kitchen table.
"So you told him
"Yeah, and about Robin too."
"Really? How'd he take it?"
"About how you would suspect."
"Did he fall forward or backward?" V asked with a smile.
"More like sideways." Brenda answered trying not to laugh.
"Ladies!" Jax interrupted. "I am still in the room
you know."
Both women then burst out laughing. Brenda pulled out a
chair at the table for
her and V sat down. She put a small box on the table in front
of her.
"What's that?" Brenda asked.
"That's a little present for Aaron from MacLeod." V said.
"Something about
Conner owing it to him." V looked up and noticed that Jax was
staring at her.
"Yep.... I'm one too." She said answering his unasked question.
"How?" Jax asked.
Brenda had her back to them and V leaned in close to Jax till
their lips almost
touched. "Wouldn't you like to know." She said then smiled.
Down in the hall Brenda and V were sparring. Jax watched
in amazement as the
two women performed an artistic dance. They were oblivious to
their audience as
they increased the pace. Brenda launched into complex series
of swipes that
drove V back against the wall. V suprised Brenda when she came
in again by
dropping to the floor. She tucked her body and rolled up behind
Brenda and
swated her in the rear with her sword.
Brenda turned and both women suddenly tensed up sensing the presence
of a
nearby Immortal. They heard the front door close and the sound
of footsteps
approaching. They relaxed when they saw it was Liz.
"Hey guys." She said. "I didn't interrupt did I?"
She saw V standing behind
Brenda. "Hey! When did you get back?" Liz hugged
"Early this morning." V replied.
"How was New York?"
As V and Liz walked upstairs to the loft, Jax pulled Brenda aside.
"I'm going to go."
"Okay. Will I see you later?"
"You sure will." Jax said then kissed her.
Brenda held him tightly before letting him leave. She wiped
her forhead with a
towel and sat down on the couch. She held her head in her hands
until she heard
the sound of someone approaching.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Robin asked and Brenda looked
up at her. "On
second thought.... maybe not." She sat down next to her big sister.
thinking about Sonny."
"That obvious, huh?"
"Only to me." She put her arm around Brenda.
Brenda rested her head on her shoulder. "Why did he have
to come back?"
Lucky opened the door to his mother's room slowly, trying not
to disturb her if
she was sleeping.
"Come on in." Laura said and the door swung open all the
way. "Lucky." She
said excited to see him.
"Hi Mom." He said coming over and giving a hug. "You
"Oh, I'm doing fine. Monica said I should be out of here
by the end of the
"I'm glad."
"You know what would make me feel even better is to have my son
home too."
Lucky got off the bed. "Mom.... I can't..... not yet."
Laura tried to force herself to sit up a little further.
"Lucky things won't
get any better unless you try."
The door opened and Lulu ran in to see her mother followed by
Nikolas. Lucky
turned around and saw him and went straight into anger mode.
"What the hell are you doing here? Haven't you Cassadine's
done enough?"
"I'm here because Laura wanted to see Lesley Lu."
"If Mom wanted Lulu she could've had me get her."
"How? It's not like she knows where you are or how to get
ahold of you."
Lucky looked like he was about to hit Nik when Laura raised her
voice. "Stop
Lucky tried to say something but a cold stare from Laura prevented
him. "Lucky
I asked your brother to bring her here. He's been a great help
since I was shot
in making sure she doesn't feel alone."
"But Mom.... he's a Cassadine, you can't trust......"
Nikolas was about to rebut him when Laura stopped him.
"Now you listen to me young man. I am not going to put
up with this nonsense
any longer..... from either of you. I tried it your father's
way Lucky and
chose you over Nikolas, and all that did was cause pain for all of
us. And I
let your father play on my guilt for leaving you Nikolas and I let
it nearly
destroy my marriage." Both young men became increasingly uncomfortable.
now on we are going to do things my way." She looked at Lucky.
"Nikolas is
Lesley's brother and he has right to see her wether you like it or
not." She
turned to Nikolas. "And you have every right to be angry with
the way I've
acted you since you came to Port Charles, but that does not give you
the right
to take it out on Lucky."
Laura continued to tell them both how things were going to be
from now on while
Lulu just sat at her mother's side and giggled at her brothers.
When she had
finished she ordered them both out of the room so she could spend some
time with
"Mother certainly knows how to......" Nikolas started.
"Yeah.... she sure does." Lucky finished. "You want
to get some coffee?"
Nikolas thought it over for a moment. "Sure. Why
Stefan was on his way to see Laura when he saw Nik and Lucky
come out of her
room. He stood back and then watched as the sons of Laura Spencer
off.... together.
Two nights later.
The sun has just gone down and the regulars have started filing
in to the club.
Emily walked in and headed straight for her usual stool. Mariah
looked up at
her in suprise.
"Emily!" She cried and hugged the young woman. "Where
on Earth have you
Emily sat down next her friend. "You're not going to believe
this, but I was
"You're kidding?"
"I wish." She threw her hands up in the air. "What
am I? Ten years old?
I'll be eightteen a couple weeks and they still treat me like a child."
"What did they ground you for?"
Emily started to laugh. "They thought.... they thought
that Derek and I were
having sex."
Mariah couldn't quite believe it. "And for that they.....
they grounded you."
"Yeah. We're not of course, but you try telling them that."
"Why would they think you are then?" Mariah wondered.
Emily took a sip of her soda. "Apparently they read a card
that came with some
flowers for me that were supposedly sent by Derek."
"And he didn't send them."
"What did this card say?"
"Something hokey about beautiful I am and how he's longing to
make love to me
Mariah raised her eyebrows. "That is definately not Derek.
That is more like
something a child would write."
Jason opened the penthouse door. "Robin."
"Hi." She said as he waved her in. "Where's Sonny?"
She asked looking
"He got a room at the PC Hotel. He wants to keep a low
profile until he and
Brenda have a chance to talk."
Robin was nervous and it was showing. She had deliberately
stayed away from
Jason the last couple of days to give him time to think about everything.
several minutes of akward silence Robin finally spoke.
"Jason..... I need know if what I am..... changes any......"
Jason stopped her by pulling her into an embrace and kissing
her passionately.
Robin wrapped her arms around him and tried to pull him into her deeper.
Lucky walked in to his room to find Liz sitting on his bed wearing
except a seductive smile. She walked slowly toward him, her exquisite
exciting him more with each step she took. Reaching him she placed
put her arm
around his neck and attacked his mouth.
Breaking the kiss Lucky stared at her. "Are you coming
on to me?"
Liz smiled then threw him down on to the bed.
Jason pulled Robin close to him. He ran his fingers through
her hair and
kissed her neck gently. He lifted his head up and as she felt
his lips touch
hers, Robin's arms encircled his neck as physical need engulfed them
Jason picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He set her
down gently on
the bed and hovered over her.
He let his hands roam up and down her body eliciting a moan of
pleasure from
her lips that was stopped by his own as he kissed her. Using
her strength Robin
suddenly flipped him over onto his back and straddled his waist.
She ripped
open her blouse and threw it to the floor. She reached for Jason's
chest and
did the same to his shirt. She bent down and planted kisses on
his chest, he
occasionally grimaced when she nipped his flesh.
She took his hands and lead them up her back. Jason took
the straps of her
black lace bra and slowly lowered them, he then reached behind and
undid the
hook and let it fall down uncovering her. He ran his hands over
her chest
pushing Robin further to the brink. She bent down again and kissed
his mouth.
Robin released his lips to trail kisses down his neck to the
vein she so
desperately wanted to taste. She suddenly stopped and pulled
back from Jason.
"No Jason.... Please. I don't want you to see......"
"Robin look at me." She slowly turned back to him.
"Open your eyes."
Jason pulled her back onto his lap. When she opened her
eyes he saw not the
deep brown pools he had fallen in love with, but blazing gold ones
that where
shining like the sun. He gently cradled her while her head rested
on his
shoulder and whispered into her ear.
"I love you."
St. Vincent's church.
Brenda came into the church, hundreds of lit candles threw shadows
against the
walls in all directions. Sonny was sitting in the first pew and
smiled at her
when he turned around to see her. She walked to him as he got
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't come."
"I almost didn't." Brenda said. "Holy ground, huh?"
Sonny chuckled. "I thought this was the best place for
us to talk."
"It's a little late for that don't you think?"
Sonny stepped closer to her. "I didn't want to leave...
I had no choice."
"You had a choice! And you made it!"
"They said they'd kill you if I went through with the marriage."
Sonny tried
to touch her but Brenda stepped back. "I was trying to protect
"Don't give me that crap!" Brenda said losing her temper.
"You weren't
protecting me... you were protecting yourself. You could have
told me what was
going on."
"I didn't want to take the chance of you getting hurt."
"Bull****. That was my choice to make.... not yours.
I loved you. I wanted
to spend my life with you, but you got scared and walked away."
"You're right... I was scared. I saw Lily die in front
of me and I didn't want
to see that happen to someone I care about again."
Brenda through up her arms. "Well if they did something
to me it wouldn't have
matter, I'm Immortal."
"But I didn't know that then."
"And if you had." Sonny didn't answer because Brenda did
it for him. "You
would have still left.... and we both know it."
Stefan poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down across from
his guest.
"Have you decided?"
Sarah Webber sat her cup on the table. "It's so much to
think about."
"Yes it is." He replied. "But think about what you
will be a part of."
Sarah stood up. "I have thought about it and that's why
I'm saying yes."
Stefan smiled. "You've made the right decision."
She took Stefan's hand. "I hope so. So what happens
Lucky awoke to find Liz gone. He sat up and saw her sitting
in a chair by the
window. "You okay?" He asked as her got out of bed.
Liz smiled back. "I'm fine. I was just thinking."
"About what?"
Liz shifted in her chair. "About how much I love you."
"And how much is that?"
Liz touched his face. "So much that I can't bear the thought
of being without
you. When I have to go home I'm miserable. When I go to
sleep at night.... I
miss having you next to me."
Lucky took her hand and kissed it. "Well I can fix that.
Move in with me."
Brenda sat down at Jax's table at the Outback. She took
a quick sip of water.
"Sorry I'm late." Jax said nothing and Brenda noticed a strange
look on his
face. "What's wrong?"
"When were you going to tell me Brenda?"
"Tell you what?"
"When were you going to tell me that Sonny Corinthos was back."
The End.
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