The Lucy and Kevin Story :
The Truth Unfolds

Kevin felt a throbbing pain in his head as he tried to get his eyes to
focus.  For a moment, he was unsure of his surroundings but soon the
crash began to replay in his head as his vision cleared.  He strained
himself to sit up in the mangled car, but the pounding in his head was
too severe for him to move.  He glanced in the rear view mirror and
noticed that there was a trail of blood dripping down the side of his
 "Look at yourself." A voice spoke back at him as he looked into the
mirror.  "What a mess you've gotten yourself into this time."

 "Why are you doing this?" Kevin questioned realizing that his brother
Ryan was staring back at him in the mirror.

 "Me?  You're the one who caused all of this." Ryan chuckled
uncontrollably as he looked at Kevin.  "You're pathetic you know."

 "I'm not listening to you." Kevin shuddered realizing that he needed to
get to Lucy before it was too late.

 "You're going to lose her you know." Ryan spoke up again with another
bout of laughter.  "Lucy's going to die Kevin and it's all your fault."

 "No!" Kevin shouted raising his fist to the mirror and smashing it in
anger.  "I won't let it happen!"

 Kevin assessed his surroundings once more and realized that he'd better
pull himself together if he was going to be able to make it to Lucy in
time.  He closed his eyes for a brief second realizing that with each
passing moment she could be in terrible danger.

 "Everything is going to be alright." he tried to assure himself as he
began to panic.  He looked at the shattered glass of the windshield
which now filled the front seat of his car.  He realized how lucky he
was to be alive after the impact that had happened, but he knew that it
wasn't time to say his blessings yet as he noticed flames rising before
him.  He felt the heat pressing through the steering wheel as smoke rose
up from beneath the hood of the car.

 "I have to get out of here before the engine explodes." Kevin thought
out loud as he heard a loud ticking noise from underneath the hood of
the car.  He reached over to unfasten his seat belt, but realized it was

 "No, this can't be happening." Kevin shouted fumbling with the belt
hoping it would come loose.  "No!"

 Kevin continued to struggle with the seat belt as the sounds under the
hood grew louder and the smoke began to fill the car's interior causing
him to choke upon the fumes.  He felt his head throbbing once again as
he started to cough violently while his lungs began to fill with the
thick smoke.

 "I'm coming Lucy!" he spoke in between gasps as he began struggling
harder to release the belt as he realized that more than his life was on
the line at that moment in time.

"Listen Detective Garcia, I think you're a swell, dandy kind of guy,
but I don't really think that my Doc is going to like the look of this
when he arrives." Lucy rambled on trying to wiggle away from Garcia as
he held her wrists tightly.  "Ow, you're hurting me."

 "Lucy, you aren't going to make this easy are you?" Garcia questioned
in a sneer as Lucy felt something cold jab into her side.  "Somehow I
knew you weren't going to go quietly like the others did."

 "The others?" Lucy questioned as Garcia's words sank in and she gasped
for air.  She looked down at the gun pressed up against her ribs and
realized that she was no longer in control of the situation at hand."Oh
my God!  You're...you're......the....the ki....killer."

 "Killer is such a juvenile word, don't you think?" Garcia replied in a
darkened tone as he stared at Lucy with his cold eyes.  "I prefer to
think of myself as a homicidal artist.  I just like the sound of that.
What do you think?"

 "Well, I don't know, I mean, I've always been a big fan of great
artwork, but homicide would hardly qualify as great art." Lucy rambled
on feeling the barrel of the gun jab deeper into her side.

 "You know Ms. Coe," Garcia laughed grabbing a hold of her and leading
her towards the couch, "you talk to much.  In fact, it's one of your
rather annoying qualities."

 "People who know and love me seem to love that feature about me." she
explained as Garcia shoved her onto the couch.

 "Well, I for one can't stand it!" Garcia snapped at her in anger.  "In
fact, it was one of the reasons that made killing you at the nurse's
ball look like such a good idea."

 "But you didn't kill me." Lucy thought out loud as she tried to find a
way out of the situation at hand.

 "No," Garcia smiled leaning in towards her as he smelled her hair, "and
there are moments like these that I'm glad that I've waited this long to
try again."

 "You don't want to kill me." Lucy started shaking her head as she
inched away from him.  "You know Kevin is going to be in here any minute
and when he sees you like this, it'll be all over for you."

 "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," Garcia laughed in amusement.  "You don't get it do
you?  Kevin's not coming."

 "Of course Kevin's coming here." Lucy said glancing over at the door.
"He'll be here any minute and once he sees you..........."

 "Lucy, I sent you the letter.  Do you honestly think that Kevin would
come up to these mountains to be with you?" Garcia laughed
uncontrollably.  "You're even more naive than I thought."

 "Doc, will be here any second!" Lucy warned him fighting back tears as
she feared for her life.

 "Please Lucy!" Garcia continued in tears at this point.  "Did you
honestly think that Kevin would forgive you after what you've done?  I
have to admit that you're feud with Eve Lambert was a classic and
believe it or not, you actually helped me when you siphoned the gas from
her car and lied about it.  Who'd have thought that Kevin would drop you
like yesterday's trash?  You know Lucy, you're the reason that my plan
is going to work perfectly."

 "No," Lucy gasped shaking her head in disbelief as she tried to shut
out his words, "no, I'm not listening to you."

 "Think about it Lucy.  "Eve is about to be framed for the general
homicide murders and when they find your body here after it's been
decaying for a couple of weeks, the finger will point in her direction
even more.  Won't Kevin feel like a fool when he realizes that poor Lucy
was right about his friend Eve all along?  Of course you won't have to
worry about him grieving for you too long, because soon I'll have to put
him out of his misery as well.  " Garcia began moving towards her with a
smile on his face.  "Hey come to think of it, maybe I could frame Kevin
for the murders.  Say he snapped like he did in the past because God
knows how unstable he has been between his family problems and the
almost wedding the two of you had.   He could've brought you up here to
talk about things, but something went terribly wrong.  Then of course
I'll be the one to bust him and he'll spend the rest of his life rotting
away in jail.  Now wouldn't that be an interesting twist on things?"

 "You won't get away with this Garcia." Lucy snapped at him as an idea
began to formulate in her head.

 "I already have Lucy." he explained pleased with himself.  "No one
knows where you are and once they do it'll be too late.  You'll be

 "You're wrong!" Lucy gasped realizing that she had told someone else
about her secret meeting with Kevin.  "People know where I am."

 "You're lying." Garcia spoke up calling her bluff.

 "No I'm not." Lucy beamed as she watched Garcia shift uneasily.  "I
told  plenty of people that I was meeting Kevin here tonight."

 "You're just saying that Lucy." Garcia replied in disbelief.  "You want
me to panic, but I won't do it.  Do you hear me?  I know you too well."

 "If that was true, then you'd know that it's hard for me to hide my
feelings when it comes to Kevin." Lucy insisted watching Garcia wave the
gun around as he started to pace.  "I had to tell people about our

 "Who would listen to you Lucy?" Garcia began after a short pause.
"Everyone thinks that you're bad news and they know that Kevin would
never have any feelings for you again after the pain you've caused him."

 "That's not true.  Doc loves me and he will find me!" Lucy snapped
letting her emotions get the best of her.

 "If that's true Lucy, where is he?  Kevin?  Paging Dr. Kevin Collins?
Are you here?" Garcia laughed looking around the room before moving in
towards her again as he began brushing her shoulder with his fingers.
"You know, I can't see him Lucy.  It looks like it's just you and me so
what do you say we make the most of the short time we have left

 "Well, since we're alone," Lucy began with a sigh as she smiled at him
through gritted teeth, "I guess it wouldn't hurt anything.  Besides,
you're right about Kevin.  He never really loved me anyways."

 "That's right." Garcia breathed moving in for a kiss.  "Only a real man
like me could appreciate you're wicked side Lucy.  It's quite a turn

 "A real man like you huh?" Lucy whispered trying to plot her next move
when she heard a loud bang outside of the cabin.

 "What was that?" Garcia asked caught off guard from the explosion.

 "Your reality check you psychopath!" Lucy shouted kneeing him in the
groin as she reached for Sigmund and dashed for the front door.  "Come
on Siggy."
 Lucy could feel her heart pounding as she stepped into the night air
and saw the flames before her.  She suddenly was struck with a sick
feeling as she recognized the car about thirty yards in front of her up
in flames.  She made her way through the smoke and ash until she found
herself coughing uncontrollably.  She looked down at her feet and saw a
license plate that confirmed her worst fears.

 "Doc," she choked with tears in her eyes as there was another loud
explosion around her.

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