Brenda nodded. "Yes! Yes, it makes
perfect sense! I need to-I need to
"Wait, wait, wait a second!" Sonny
looked at her dumbly. "You're going
to sleep? Now!?"
Brenda nodded. "Uh-huh." She leaned
over and kissed his lips. "I love
you, honey. Will you hold me? I
need to think, sleeping helps me think."
Sonny shrugged. "Tomorrow? We go to Carly and Jason, tomorrow."
Brenda nodded as Sonny pulled her
against him. "I know I'm right, Sonny.
I know it."
He kissed her temple. "I love you,
sweetie, you know that right?" She
nodded, yawning against his chest.
Brenda fell asleep against his chest,
and Sonny flipped over until she
was on her back. He ran his fingers
through her silky hair, and kissed
her chin. "You're so beautiful when
you sleep." She moaned, stirring,
and Sonny smiled. "I love you more
than anything, it feels so damn
good holding you in my arms, knowing
that I'll be able to do it every
single night for the rest of our
lives." He kissed the smooth skin
by her collarbone, and laid his head
on her left breast, listening to
the calm rhythms her heart beat made.
Sonny pulled the covers up and
around them, and fell into a deep sleep,
his arms wrapped protectively around
his new bride.
Brenda grabbed Sonny's hand as they
sat down on the couch in Carly and
Jason's penthouse.
"Are you going to tell them, baby?" Sonny asked.
She nodded. "Yeah."
Carly looked dumbfounded. "Tell us what?"
"I know how they got Alex."
"When I first met Jax, Ned told
me that his and Jerry's MO was for one
of them to make some huge scene
while the other moved in on their
target. Now think.
Which Jacks family member made their presence very
well known right before Alex was
"Jane." Carly said, as it began
to dawn on her as to what road Brenda
was heading down.
"So which Jacks' family member went
after Alex? I mean Jerry was here,
Jane was here, Jax was in Malibu,
and John's been dead for two years."
Jason pointed out.
"Jase are you sure Jax was in Malibu?"
"As sure as I can be. I had someone watching him."
"Someone trustworthy?"
"Well there goes that theory."
"Well Bren I'm not saying you're
wrong. I'm just saying maybe it was
someone else."
"Okay then. We're missing something."
"Bren, don't get mad but is it possible
that Julia's the one who did
this?" Carly said after a minute
of silence.
"No way. Julia wouldn't do
this to me or to Alex. She knows what Jax
is capable of all to well." Brenda
bit her lip in thought for a minute.
"Do you remember about a year and
a half ago when you went to London to
see Julia after that attempted
takeover on Barrett Industries?"
"Do you remember who you saw?"
"Bren you don't think she could do this?"
"I think anything's possible with that family."
"Hey someone wanna fill me in on
what you two are talking about?" Sonny
"Yeah I'd like to know what's going on, too."
"Jason saw a dear old friend of yours sweetie." Brenda said.
"Miranda Jameson."
"When Jason was in London he spotted
Miranda watching my sister's house
and after he got back he got a
report from one of the guards that she
was watching the daycare where
Alex goes."
"Why wasn't this taken care of then?" Sonny asked.
"Because it stopped. She disappeared." Jason answered
"So if she is in cahoots with them
this has been in planning on a long
time." Carly hypothesized.
"Which means it'll be harder for us to find them."
"Not if we call in a favor from
a certain police commissioner who owes
us for bringing down one of his
more crooked cops." Brenda hinted.
"Ask Mac for help? I don't know." Jason hedged.
"Jason I swear first mention of
what you do for a living and we're outta
"Hi Mac. Thanks for seeing
us on such short notice." Brenda said as
she, Sonny, Jason, and Carly sat
down in his office.
"No problem. What can I do for you?"
"We need you to pull some strings with the WSB."
"Mac a few days ago my daughter was kidnapped."
"No Alexandra."
"Oh. Do you have any ideas as to who it was?"
"Her father and his family."
"Who's her father?"
"I see."
"Look Mac we think we know who took
her but we just need to find out
where she is now and where she
was a few days ago."
"Well who is it?"
Mac laughed. "Miranda!?"
Sonny squeezed Brenda's hand as
she burst out, "Look, Mac, I understand
why that would upset you, but Miranda
kidnapped my little girl."
Mac sighed and stifled his grin.
"No, no, Brenda, Miranda didn't kidnap
your daughter."
"Yes, she did, all of the evidence
that we have points in her
direction!" Carly burst out. Jason
calmed her by massaging her
"Miranda's dead," Mac told them. "She died of cancer a year ago."
Brenda felt a pang of doom slam
into her. She felt out of breath and
shook her head in denial. "No.
No! Miranda kidnapped my daughter, Mac!
Now are you going to do something
about it, or do I have to on my own!?"
"Brenda, Miranda died of breast
cancer last summer!" Mac snapped
angrily. He was getting sick of
all of them accusing his friend of
kidnapping. "She was a lot of things,
but she wasn't a kidnapper! A lot
of your evidence DOES check out,
she told me some of the things that you
have said to me right now-"
"Like what?" Jason questioned.
"About watching Julia's house. She
was assigned by Jerry Jacks to watch
Julia's house to see if Julia had
your daughter, but was diagnosed with
cancer before she ever found anything
"Why was she working for Jerry in
the first place!?" Brenda screamed, as
tears began to flow down her face.
Mac shrugged. "I guess she needed
money. Or maybe she was still in love
with Jax and did this to somehow
stay closer to him. But she died four
months after Jason spotted her
in London. I have the death certificate
to prove it."
"Did you see her body!?" Sonny demanded.
Mac nodded. "Felicia flew out to Australia with me to her funeral."
"Was the casket open!?"
Mac yelled. "I'm sorry that this
didn't check out. But she's long
dead, and I think you should learn to
accept that. Come back when you
have some hard evidence. So far you've
wasted my time."
Brenda watched with a sinking heart
as Mac stood up and stormed out of
the interrogation room. She raked
her fingers through her hair, and
dropped her head into her hands.
Sonny frowned. "Don't cry, baby."
She brought her eyes up to his.
"I'm so scared, Sonny." Her face
streamed with tears. "Her entire
life I ignored her. I threw her into
the arms of my sister because I
couldn't take care of her. I did exactly
what my father would have done."
Her overflowing eyes, overflowing with
tears and pain, broke his heart.
"I deserted my baby girl! I didn't
even realize until now how much
I really love her and how much I'm
afraid to lose her. What if I lose
her? Sonny-"
He pulled her into his arms, kissing
her on the cheek. He rocked her
shaking body back and forth in
his strong arms, and whispered
endearments into her ear. "It's
going to be alright, baby. I promise
That same night, but back at the
cottage, Brenda stood in front of the
mirror in her bedroom. She hated
what she saw. A scared shitless woman
who, instead of facing her problems,
ran away from them. Or sent them
away. Just as her father had done.
Brenda reached down onto her dresser
for her hairbrush and her wedding
rings caught the light. She smiled and
brought her hand up, fingering
her beautiful diamonds. She couldn't help
the gigantic grin that spread across
her face. Sonny. The most beautiful
person in her entire life. Even
if she did lose Alex, and never got the
chance to tell her how much she
loved her, Sonny would be there. Sonny
was always there
She turned around and saw Sonny
holding a cup of tea in the doorway.
"You look tired." Sonny set the cup down and walked over toward her.
Brenda shrugged, "I am, but I don't. . .uh, I don't want to sleep."
"No, no, if something happens, if someone calls, I want to be awake."
"Fine, fine," Sonny took her hand
and pulled her toward their bed. "Just
come to bed with me."
Brenda couldn't help but smile as
he threw the covers back and slid
between the sheets. Brenda slid
in next to him and turned to look in his
face. "Is this ever going to end?"
She wanted to know. Sonny nodded and
picked up her hand, raising it
to his mouth so he could kiss it. Brenda
smiled at him once again and whispered,
"I think I can face anything
when I'm with you. You make everything
seem so. . .you make everything
seem possible for me, Sonny."
"We're going to find her." Sonny
told her softly, taking her face in his
hands. "And we're going to bring
her home to us and smother her with
love. She'll know that you
love her. And she'll know what I love her
Brenda closed her eyes as the tears
came. "How can you just accept Jax's
child like that?"
Sonny shook his head. "Uh-huh. Jax
doesn't deserve your daughter. You
do, because you love her. And I
love you, so any child of yours can be a
child of mine."
Brenda let out a tiny sob of joy
and threw her arms around his neck. She
tucked her chin on his shoulder
and whispered, "I think if I loved you
anymore at this moment, my body
would explode with it."
Sonny sighed happily and pulled
her against him tighter. "I feel the
same way."
Brenda pulled away to swipe the
tears from her face. "Will you hold me?
I need to feel you arms around
me tonight. I. . .I think I need it more
than anything right now."
Sonny nodded and kissed her slowly,
twirling his hands through her hair.
When he pulled away, he opened
his arms wide and she silently,
wordlessly, went into them. Turning
the light off, Sonny placed his lips
in her hair and quietly told her
how much he loved her. He felt her body
relax and could tell she was asleep.
Sonny kissed his wife's forehead,
before joining her in that slumber.
"I don't buy it."
Jason looked up at his wife's words. "What?"
"If Miranda's dead, and the rest
of the Jacks' were accounted for then
who took her? We're missing
something. I can feel it. Who did you
have watching Jax out in Mailbu?"
"Hmmm." Carly said thoughtfully.
"What's that hmmm for?"
"Vance has always seemed a little
sneaky to me." Carly said
"Baby, half the free world seems sneaky to you."
"As a former sneak I have the advantage
of knowing one when I see one."
Carly countered as she crawled
into bed next to her husband and settled
on his chest.
"I'll check him out sweetie. Okay?"
"'Kay." She said sleepily. "Night baby."
"Night." Jason reached out and turned
off the lights as he settled down
and fell asleep.
"Hi Brenda." Alexis Ashton said
as she sat down across from her friend
at a table in the PC Grille.
"Alexis, I'm glad you're here. I need your help."
"With what?"
"Do you remember when you told me
a couple years back that you knew
Jerry Jacks in another life time?"
"How hard would it be for you to
get info on his family with his
"I think fairly easy. Why?"
"This doesn't go any farther than Ned, okay?"
"You have my word."
"Okay." Brenda took a deep breath
and leaned forward. "Alex was
"What? When?"
"A few days ago from her pre-school in London."
"Oh my God. Brenda I'm sorry."
"Thanks. Look how soon can you get this info for me?"
"A few days but I have to be careful.
John and Jane are real careful
about hiding all dirty little secrets."
"Well if anyone can find them out it's you."
"Thanks. I wonder how John's doing."
"He's dead. Has been for a while."
"Not more than three months though right?"
"More like a couple of years."
"That's impossible."
"No quite possible. Bobbie
told us that Jerry went to the funeral. She
couldn't go because she had to
work and Lucas had school."
"No it's impossible because I saw
John when I went to London for
Cassadine Enterprises about five
months ago."
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