Succumbing to the
Pressure - 14
Destiny and Lucky sat down at his apartment. Nikolas and Emily sat on the
floor across from them. “Okay, so I don’t understand. You’re a Cassidine/Spencer?
That is one WEIRD combination!” Destiny asked Nikolas.
Nicholas smiled. This girl was so easy to talk to. She was the type
that seems to have ‘talk to me, I’ll listen’ tatooed in invisible ink across
her forhead. “Yeah, well, I’m not a Spencer, I’m not a Cassidine, I’m just…”
“Nikolas.” Emily finished for him. He smiled at her. She felt her heart
flutter. She turned her attention back to Destiny. She remembered Lucky
talking about her forever ago. Too bad she was so cool. Emily had to be
true to Liz. “So, why are you here?” She asked Destiny bluntly. Lucky shot
her a startled look.
Destiny squinted her eyes at Emily, sensing hostility. ‘Wonder what
the hell I did to piss HER off?’ She shrugged her shoulders. ”Well, after
my… parents died.. I had all these bills to pay, and all this stuff to
take care of, so I kinda had to delve into my college savings to pay it,
so I can’t go to college. And now that I’ve payed all of their stupid debts,
I am like, totally broke. I was gonna stay with Roger, but…” She closed
her eyes for a minute. “Anyway, my dad always told me if anything happened
to look up the Spencers.” She looked at Lucky. “And I was hoping they’d
still be here.”
“So, who’s Roger?” Emily asked.
Destiny froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “Just, some
jerk. Forget him, he’s nothing.” But her face showed that he was more than
nothing. And what ever he was, was something painful.
Lucky shook his head sympathetically. “God, that’s awful. What happened
with your family and all.”
Nicholas nodded in agreement, and even Emily felt bad for her. Nikolas
spoke up. “So, why do you think Helena has something to do with it?”
“Come on man! You saw how she treated Des tonight. She has to…” Lucky
“Wait Lucky. It’s not just that. See, we, my family, is not exactly,
uh, clean shall we say. And um, well, about a month before they died, Helena
had been over to my house,a dn even though they ‘d never tell me, my parents,
they were scared when she left. They started telling me what to do if something
ever happened, and who to go to. They even tried to force me to get my
GED early and go to college mid term. So, you know, just a wild, random
guess that she had something to do with it.” She smiled humorlessly.
“How old ARE you?” Nicholas asked.
“!8. So, Lucky, where is Luke?” So, for the next half hour Lucky gave
her a rundown of what had gone on since they’d stopped talking. “So, is
Luke gonna be okay?”
Lucky smiled. “Yeah, he’s awake now. We can go see him if ya want.”
“But, won’t visiting hours be over?”
“Girl, since when did the Spencer’s care about rules?!”
Destiny laughed. “Okay, but can I have a sandwich or something. All
I’ve had to eat since four days ago is little packages of saltines and
“Hey, why don’t I take everyone out to eat.” Nicholas suggested. “My
treat.” Nicholas added when he saw Destiny’s expression.
“Hey, I’ll take a free meal when I can, let’s go!” Lucky exclaimed.
“No way Nikolas, it’s too expensive!” Destiny yelled when they opened
their menus at J. Alexander’s.
Nikolas laughed. “You forget, I’m a Cassidine by name!” He flashed
a wad of money in front of her face. Her face lit up.
“Well, in that case.. I’ll have the Lobster for starters!” Destiny
Destiny dropped off Nikolas and Emily at the Gatehouse before driving
Luckya nd herself to the hospitol. It was around 11:00 before they had
payed their bill. Destiny really liked Nicholas, even if he WAS a Cassidine,
and him and that Emily chick made a CUTE couple. Finally Emily had warmed
up to her, inviting her over to her house the next day to play tennis.
Destiny told her she wasn’t that good at tennis, but Emily insisted. “Besides,
she’s a much better sport when SHE’S winning.” Lucky had added winking
at Emily. Emily had hit him.
So they parked her Blazer and walked up to the floor his father was
on. “GET OUT! I DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!!” They heard Luke roar. Destiny
restrained Lucky from going in. A few seconds later Laura emerged, bawling.
She gaspeda s she saw Lucky.
“Save it woman!” Lucky snapped. Destiny elbowed him sharply. “Sorry.
Just… get out of my face Mom.” Then he walked into his dad’s room. Luke
looked upset, trying not to cry. “Hey, Cowboy.” He said, defeatedly. Destiny
hung back, waiting for Lucky to motion her in.
“Hey, Dad, ya up for a visitor?” Lucky asked hesitantly.
Luke sat up and smiled. “Always, as long as it’s not Cassidine or your
mother.” He practically spat the last part.
Destiny poked her head around the corner. “Lukester, what up?” She
said, saying what she had always heard her dad say to him.
Luke stared at her. “No way! Jenkins? Darlin’, look at what a beautiful
creature YOU turned out to be!” He opened his arms and Destiny hugged him
tightly. He put his hands on her cheeks. “Girl, what is up with you?”
Destiny crossed her arms, willing herself not to cry this time. “Luke,
I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but”
“Mutt and Jeff are dead huh?” Luke said before she could get it out.
He’s a;ways called her parents Mutt and Jeff. Her dad’s name was Jeff,
and her mom was hald latino, half american, therefore a “mutt”, plus, he
made a pun out of everything. Count Vlad, Prince of Darkness, Mutt and
Jeff…you get the picture. He could never BE normal. It was his charm. That’s
why everyone loved him. (With the exception of his enemy’s that is!) She
nodded. IF she hadn’t known Luke, or if any one else had said that, she
probably woulda decked ‘em, but, this was Luke, man. What he said may sound
callous and heartless, but it was anything but.
“Oh, Des, I’m so sorry.” Luke patted her hands. “So, ya came here for
help from me,and I got my stupid self in the hospitol. Sorry ‘bout the
bad timing kiddo.”
Destiny shrugged. “Hey, Des, you know, you can stay with me, if ya
want.” Destiny looked at Lucky.
Slowly she smiled. “Yeah, I guess I will. Until I can get a job and
,my own place or something. Thanks Spencer.”
Luke smiled for a moment before he realized something. ‘Uh, oh. What
will Liz do?’