When Everything Changes 24

Chapter 24: Coping...

Jason was leaving. "It was good that you came." Carly smiled at him softly. "I
can tell Michael misses you. A lot."

He smiled back, softly. "I miss him." Jason said honestly, earnestly. "Having
him at the penthouse made it a home. You too."

She smiled a little more. "You'll come back sometime soon. Right?" She asked
him softly.

He nodded. "See you."

She leaned up and kissed his cheek quickly. "Bye, Jase." He left and she
almost closed the door in Bobbie's face.

"Just when we were begining to get along, too." Bobbie joked with a smile.
"Hello, Carly."

"Oh. Hi. I'm sorry. I didn't see you there..." Carly shrugged. "Sorry."

"I know." Bobbie nodded. "How's Lucas?"

"Sleeping. I tucked him in at bedtime." Carly nodded. "Did you have fun."
Pause. "God, this is weird."

"What is?" Bobbie asked.

"Listen to us. I mean... it's just not..." Carly shook her head. "Not only do
we sound like a family. I mean, that's a big enough change. But I'm asking you
'did you have fun' about your date..."

"Yes, Mom, I had a great time." Bobbie joked.

"Exactly." Carly smiled.

"But it's good that we feel like family." Bobbie added. "Because we are
family. And it's about time we started acting like it!"

"Can I get an Amen?" Carly joked at her vehemance, and Bobbie laughed. "But
you're right. It's about time for a lot of things..." She trailed off


Keesha and AJ entered her apartment/room. She slipped her shoes off
automatically and placed her purse on a table. "So? What else happened here
while I was gone? Try and stick to the happier stuff for now, please." She

"A lot. Happy stuff...? Well, this isn't happy, but ti has a happy end. It
turns out that Dad had a problem with Hydrocodone.'' Keesha raised her
eyebrows. "Yeah, you heard right." He confirmed. "But he's getting help."

"Well, that's good." She nodded. Just then her phone rang and she picked it
up. "Hello?" Pause. "Hi Mama. Yeah. The flight was fine. I tried, but the line
was busy." Pause. "Yes. I'm glad to be home, but I miss you. How are you doing
up there?" Pause. "Good." Pause. "Allright. I know. I love you too, Mama.
Bye." she hung up and sighed.

"It's hard?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. It's real hard. She feels like she doesn't have anything anymore."
Keesha sighed. "And I understand why."

He rubbed her shoulder. "I hear that it's supposed to get easier."

"So they say. It's been over two months, AJ. I don't feel it getting any
easier." She sighed. "It's not getting any easier."


"It''s not possible. I mean, it's possible, but..." Alexis flustered.
"No. It can't be true."

Ned stood up, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I didn't mean to upset
you." He said gently.

She turned around. "Well, then what the hell did you think you were trying to
do?" She snapped and he flinched. She softened. "I'm sorry." Gently, she ran a
hand along his jawline. "I just..." She shook her head.

"It just... hurts when he lies to you?" Ned asked softly. "When he doesn't
trust you with the things that you're supposed to protect?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"I know." He whispered, softly. She nodded, knowing that he did know. "But if
he underestimates what he has in you, Alexis... well, then it's his loss."

"So, why does it hurt?" She asked quietly.

"Because you take on his losses as your own, so it doesn't really matter if it
*is* his loss." Ned answered.

"Well, that just..." She sighs. "That's just not right. Why the hell do I do
that? Like I don't have enough losses of my own?"

He smiled. "You know why you do it."

"Yeah." She said hopelessly. "You know, you're not helping." She sighed,
sinking back onto the couch. "Now, I'm so... confused about this..." Her head
was in her hands.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, kneeling down in front of her to be at her level,
and pulling her hands away, so that she was looking at him. "I'm sorry." He
ran a hand gently down her cheek, and then tucked a stray piece of hair behind
her ear.

The gentleness in the entire gesture, and the vulnerability in his voice
touched her. She slipped off the couch and kneeled down to where he was, just
inches away from him. "I know you are." She said gently. "It's allright."

"I didn't want to hurt you or upset you." He added softly. "I just..."

"I know." She whispered. "I know." She leaned in a gently kissed him. "I
know." Then, the second kiss was deeper, full of need.


Julia sighed as she sunk onto her couch. She glanced around the room. Then,
something came over her. Something more powerful than sadness. Anger. She
stood up and paced.

Someone had murdered Brenda. Veronica. That was the police's lead. And she was
capable of it, certainly. Julia fumed. "Damn her." She picked up a pillow and
threw it at the wall. "Damn her!" A glass was next.

Breaking a mirror, slamming against walls... A vase, a lamp... everything in
the room was turned over, wrecked eventually under her rage. And then all
Julia could do was sob weakly, and sink the couch, which had been to heavy to
lift and throw, or even turn over. Bringing her arms around her legs she
sobbed and sobbed.


Jerry knocked on Jax's door, thinking he should check on him. At first there
was no answer and then slowly, Jax opened the door. He didn't say anything
just let him in. Jerry sighed as he watched Jax leave the door open and go to
the couch. He closed the door, and sat beside his brother. Just sat there, not
talking. They sat in silence, not doing or saying anything because words would
be useless and there was nothing left to say that hadn't been said.


There was the sound of footsteps and Stefan nearly jumped. Shoving the
envelope with some papers, he turned around and saw Nikolas and Emily
approaching. Emily was now smiling. Nikolas narrowed his eyes at Stefan,
seeing something of his flustered state.

"Something wrong, Uncle?"

"No." Stefan said simply. Nikolas raised his eyebrows, but didn't say a word
more about it.

Emily looked around uncomfortably. "Well... I have to be getting home. Thanks
for the ride, Nikolas. It was great." She smiled and nodded. "Bye, Nikolas."
To Stefan. "Mr. Cassadine." She nodded again and left.


"Did you get it back?" Katherine asked Helena eagerly.

"Yes." Helena said. "I sent it on to Windemere."

"How do you know Stefan won't find it?" Katherine asked. "If he finds it, he
won't show it to Nikolas."

"He had a meeting for hours when it was sent and Nikolas was home. Surely,
he's found it by now. And he'll come. To you. Be ready for it."

Katherine nodded. "I will." She smiled. "I will. Stefan will never
underestimate me again."

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