"Lucas! Where have you been?
I have been worried sick about you?" Yeah
right, Lucky thinks to himself. Come on Lucky act like nothing
has happened.
"I am sorry Grandmother, but I got sick of the yacht, and I was anxious
to see
the town that my parents live in."
"Where did you go?"
"Just around the docks and the park. I didn't see anyone.
I am sorry if you
are mad at me."
"Nonsense Lucas, I was just worried about you. There are people
in this town
who don't like the Cassadines and that could put you in danger."
"I am sorry Grandmother. When can I meet my family?"
"Tomorrow, my darling Grandson, I am holding a dinner in your honor.
invitations have already been sent out. Now it's late and I have
work to do."
Lucky nods. "Good Night, Grandmother." He kisses her on the cheek
like he has
for the past two years when he says good night, inwardly disgusted.
Lucky thinks about tonight. It was so good to see Elizabeth.
It was amazing
how you could miss something you never even remembered. The feeling
of her in
his arms felt good and right. He couldn't wait to see her again.
He fell
asleep with a smile on his face.
The next morning Nikolas awoke and walked into the dining room at Wyndemere.
He noticed Bobbie and Stefan eating breakfast. It took every
ounce of control
not to tell everyone about Lucky's reappearance. He was happy
and excited he
and Lucky had had their first real conversation ever with out insults.
"Good Morning."
"Good Morning, Nikolas, how are you this morning?"
Before Nikolas can answer his uncle, Mrs. Landsbury walks in.
"Excuse me Mr. Cassadine, a messenger has arrived with these."
She gives one
to Bobbie, Stefan, and Nikolas.
They all open them up.
Your present is requested at a dinner tonight at the Port Charles Hotel
8:00pm. The dinner will prove to be well worth your time.
Helena Cassadine
"What could she possibly want Stefan?"
"I don't know, but something tells me we will find out."
Nikolas sits back and doesn't say anything. He knows what is
going to happen
Luke and Laura were at breakfast with their daughter when the messenger
"Well, well, well, what does the old bat have in store for us this
"I don't think I want to know."
"Well we most certainly can't refuse her invitation.
Elizabeth, Emily, Alexis and Ned Ashton, and Jason and Caroline Morgan
also given similar invitations.
Chapter 15
At 8:00 the guests arrive: Luke, Laura, Stefan, Bobbie, Nikolas, Emily,
Elizabeth, Jason, Carly, Ned, and Alexis. Only Elizabeth and
Nikolas had a
clue as to why they were invited here.
"Well Helena we're all here
what do you want from us?" Luke yelled.
With that Helena entered.
"Hello, I am so glad that everyone arrived on
time. I wouldn't want anyone to miss the show."
"Mother what is this about?"
"Patience, my son, all will be made clear soon."
As Helena was talking Lucky was in the other room pacing. He
didn't know what
to expect from his parents. He hoped that they'd be happy to
see him, but he
wasn't sure. He could hear the conversation in the other room.
"I have
someone I would like everyone to meet." Lucky looked up when he heard
took a deep breath and entered the room.
"Lucky?" He looked at his mother.
"Mom!" Lucky ran towards Laura. Laura took Lucky into a hug and
held on for
dear life. Tears were running down their faces. "Oh my
God. You're home
Lucky, thank god. You're ok." Laura finally released Lucky.
Luke was
watching his son unsure of how he would react to seeing him.
Looking into his
father's eyes Lucky didn't hesitate. He walked over to Luke.
"I'm sorry."
Upon hearing this Luke gave his son a hug not saying anything, and
more tears
were shed.
Stefan watched the scene
with a mixture of jealously and happiness. His son
was alive, but he still believed that Luke was his father. Bobbie
had tears
in her eyes with happiness for her brother that he has his son back.
Helena realizing that Lucky
remembers his parents and that her plan failed.
She quietly left the room while everyone else watched Lucky.
No one noticed
Helena's disappearance until Lucky asked. "Where did Helena go?"
"I'll deal with her later.
What I want to know is where have you been for
the past two years."
"I'll tell you, but let's sit down first." Everyone sat around
the table
waiting for Lucky to begin. Elizabeth sat next to hi holding
his hand. For
them two years had not changed the way they felt about each other.
Chapter 16
"About two years ago I woke up in Greece. I don't know how long
after I fell
of the parapet it was. When I woke up I had no clue who I was.
I couldn't
remember anything. I couldn't feel my legs. When I woke
up Helena was there.
Despite the fact that she lied to me for the past two years she helped
regain the use of my legs. Which made it easy for me to trust
her. For the
past two years she told me that my name was Lucas Cassadine-"
"What!" Luke yelled.
"Yes, Lucas Cassadine, Stefan Cassadine's son." Stefan and Laura
prayed that
Helena did not know the truth.
"She told me that my parents did not care about me, and that they had
left me
on the island to be raised by her." Lucky paused for a moment.
"I believed her, I had no reason not too. However, in the past
few weeks I
had begun to have really vivid dreams that could not have been set
in Greece,
but the people in these dreams were familiar. I decided that
I wanted to come
to Port Charles, and meet my family. Helena agreed. I think
she counted on
the fact that I would not regain my memory."
"How did you get your memory back?" Luke asked.
"Well last night when you stopped by to uhh.. visit Helena I left the
Luke was surprised that he had been on the yacht and did not see Lucky.
"Anyway I walked around and ended up in the park where I saw Elizabeth.
didn't recognize her but she was familiar. Then Nikolas came
up to us.
Imagine his surprise when I called myself Lucas Cassadine."
Everyone laughs except Stefan.
"Anyway Nikolas took me to see Kevin Collins and he hypnotized me,
there by
helping me to get my memory back. Since my memory was close to
the surface,
because of the dreams it wasn't hard to retrieve by hypnosis."
"Nikolas why didn't you say anything?" Laura asked.
"I asked them not too. I didn't know exactly what Helena was
planning for me.
I thought maybe she might tell me, but all she told me about was the
"Helena will pay for what happened, but for now let's go home," Luke
said. As
they were leaving. Luke told Jason that he wanted to guards on
his family and
Emily and Elizabeth. He also wanted to continue to watch Helena.
Chapter 17
Lucky went up to his old
room and noticed that almost everything was left the
way it was. It was late when they arrived home so Lulu was asleep.
wasn't sure if Lulu would even remember him. She was now six
years old.
Luke and Laura watched their
son walk up to bed. They had never dreamed it
was possible for Lucky to be alive.
"Laura, our son is home. He doesn't hate me."
"I know Luke. I can't believe he's alive."
"Our family is together, again, baby."
"Together." Laura sighed happily. Her family was together
again, but for how
long. Will Stefan, remain silent. She prays that he will.
This secret could
tear her family apart.
"Stefan are you coming up?"
"I'll be right there Barbara."
It took all of Stefan's
control not to tell Lucky that he was his father. He
kept his Cassadine cool while he wanted to show his joy at Lucky's
return. It
hurt him when Lucky was happy he wasn't Lucas Cassadine. He didn't
know how
much longer he could keep this secret. He couldn't keep watching
Luke Spencer
be a father to his son. For two years he had secretly mourned
Lucky, and fell
in love with Bobbie. He knew that if the secret came out that
Bobbie may
never forgive him for not telling her, but there hadn't seemed to be
a point
in telling her after Lucky died. Then there was Nikolas's reaction,
the boy
he had raised as his own. He would not be happy about the secret
Despite the reasons that were against him not to tell Lucky, his desire
to get
to know him is out weighing all else.
The next morning Lulu woke up early. She noticed that Lucky's
door was opened
she looked in and noticed that there was someone sleeping in the bed.
knowing who it was she goes into her parent's room. Luke and
Laura woke up as
the door opened.
"Yes, sweetie."
"Someone is sleeping in Lucky's bed."
"I know. You know how I told you that Lucky was never coming
"Yes, you said he was in heaven."
"Well sweetie. I was wrong. Lucky came home last night."
"That's Lucky sleeping?" Lulu's eyes lit up.
"Yes, why don't you wake him up."
"Ok." Lulu runs out of the room and into Lucky's room.
She pauses and looks
at Lucky who is still asleep. After deciding that this was really
Lucky she
was looking at she runs and jumps on to his bed.
"Oomph." Lucky says waking up.
"Lulu?" Lucky rubs the rest of the sleepiness form his eyes and pulls
her onto
his lap.
"I missed you Lucky."
"I missed you too." Lucky smiled. 'She remembered me.'
"Luke and Laura watch as Lucky and Lulu were reunited and smiled.
Chapter 18
Lucky and Lulu were walking
up Hardy walkway to visit Liz. Lulu was excited
to see Liz. Liz and Laura had become close in the wake of Lucky's
disappearance, and she often babysat for Lulu.
Elizabeth opened the door
to a smiling Lulu and Lucky.
"Hey Lucky and Lulu. What are you two up to?"
"We're on our way to visit Nikolas at Spoon Island, and I was wondering
if you
would like to join us?" Lucky asked a little nervously.
"I don't know." Liz says hesitantly.
"Hey it's ok. I'll talk to you later." Lucky turns around
to walk away.
"Wait Lucky I'll come. I just haven't been since…you know."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, if you can go back so can I."
They left and went to Wyndemere.
Laura Spencer was at home alone. Lucky was out with Lulu and Nikolas.
three of her children were getting along. Another thing to be
grateful for.
Luke was at the club checking on a delivery that he was expecting.
Laura was
doing the laundry when she heard a knock at the door.
"Lasha, can I come in?"
Laura moves out of the way and lets him in.
"What do you want?"
"I want to tell Lucky the truth."
"Absolutely not."
"Lasha, I want to get to know him."
"Stefan, think of everyone it will hurt. Especially Lucky.
I just got my son
back. I will not lose him."
"Lasha I came by to ask for the right to tell my son the truth.
Obviously we
do not agree on this matter."
Stefan turned and left leaving Laura confused. She prayed that
Stefan would
remain silent.
Stefan watched as he saw his son in the stables with Lulu, Liz, and
Stefan knew that he could not let this secret rest. It hurt him
too much to
know that his son will always think of him as his father's enemy.
It angered
him to know that Luke raised his son after taking his brother and father
him. He watched Lucky and Nikolas play with Lulu, and hoped that
Lucky would
be willing to get to know him like he is willing to get to know Nikolas.
"Lucky. May I speak to you for a moment inside."
"Sure. Nikolas, I'll be right back."
Lucky follows Stefan into the house not sure what this is about.
"What does Stefan want to talk to Lucky about?" Elizabeth asked Nikolas
was grooming Sheba with Lulu.
"I have no idea. I don't remember Stefan ever wanting to talk
to Lucky."
"Well I guess we'll find out soon."
Stefan knew that in order to have any type of relationship with Lucky
he would
have to tell him the truth.
"Lucky I just wanted to tell you that despite our problems in the past.
I am
happy that my mother brought you back alive." Lucky looked at
"Thank you. Is that all?"
"There is no easy for me to say this, but I feel you should know."
"Yes?" Not liking where this is going.
"I am your father."
Chapter 19
"What are you talking about? I don't know what game you're playing,
but I am
not going to stay around to play it." Lucky turns to leave.
*Why does
everyone enjoy playing with my head*
"Lucky it's not a game. I am your father." Lucky looks at Stefan
"That's impossible." Lucky says more to convince himself than Stefan.
"Lucky it's true. Lasha kept your paternity a secret from me.
It wasn't until
I checked the HLA tests for Lesley Lu that the truth was revealed."
"You're my father?"
"Yes." Stefan tries to move closer to Lucky, but he backs away.
"Stay away
from me." Tears are forming in Lucky's eyes more lies.
"More lies…I thought
they were over. Why can't anyone just tell me the truth?"
"Lucky I am telling you the truth."
"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" *Did he not want me? I
wasn't good
enough for him.*
"We didn't want to hurt you." *And this doesn't hurt me knowing
that my whole
life is a lie?*
"So why now?"
"I wanted to get to know you?"
"Yeah right." Lucky says bitterly. "You wanted to get to
know me. What a
crock. How could you know that I was your son and treat me with
"That's not true."
"Bull sh*t. You used me as a pawn in your sick game with my father.
Luke Spencer is my father." Stefan flinched at this. *This was
a mistake, but
it's too late now.*
"When did I use you?"
"When didn't you use me? I'll give you an example. How
about the game
Timoria, for instance. Unlucky, pretty clever name there.
I loved how that
game landed me in the bog."
"I saved you that night."
"I wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for you!! You treated
me with
contempt since the first day you met me. To you I wasn't good enough
to be
Nikolas's brother. I was just a peasant." *Stefan chose
Nikolas over me, and
he says I am his son.*
"Luke treated Nikolas the same way, if not worse."
"Maybe, but at least he wasn't Nikolas's father."
"He raped your mother!" Lucky flinches, but his eyes go cold.
"And you told Nikolas so that he would tell me."
"That's not what I wanted to happen."
"Yeah right, you wanted to hurt me, with that little fact."
"If you hadn't accused his father he wouldn't have used that fact."
**He has
every right to believe that I wanted to hurt him. How do I make
him see that
I don't want to be his enemy any more.**
"You see, you're still defending Nikolas! You should have cared about
me. If
I was your son. I don't care about blood tests you will NEVER
be my father.
My father loved me since the day I was born and he never tried to hurt
This cut Stefan to the quick. Luke would always win in Lucky's
"What do you think he will do when he finds out?"
"I don't know, and right now I don't care." Lucky turns and walks
Silently thinking **What if he's right? What if Dad will hate
me now that I
am a Cassadine? I will never be a Cassadine. I just got
my family back after
two years, and with one sentence Stefan destroyed it.**
Stefan watches him thinking. **What have I done now? Lucky
will never want
to see me. The pain in his eyes all because of the fact that
I am his father
was too much. My son hates me, but I won't let that stop
me. I will
convince him that I want to get to know him, and that Spencer has no
rights to
him. Now how do I destroy Luke? Even after Lucky found
out about the rape he
still defended his father. There is much to be done.**
"He's right you know." Stefan's head whipped around when he hears
Lucky was running towards the launch when he heard Nikolas call to him.
ignored him, and kept running.
"Lucky wait!!" Nikolas was on Sheba and quickly caught up to
Lucky and
blocked his way.
"Get out of my way!" Nikolas took a close look at Lucky.
His eyes were a
mixture of sadness and anger.
"Lucky what did my uncle say to you."
"You mean my father." Lucky said bitterly.
"Lucky Stefan is not your father."
"According to him, he is. I can't get over the irony Helena told
me for two
years that he was my father, and I don't even think she knew the truth."
Lucky laughed with out humor.
"I am sorry."
"Why are you sorry. Just because my father, Stefan, always chose
you over
me…My mother lied to me since the day I was born. First that
I had a brother,
and now that my dad….sorry I mean Luke…is not my real father.
I am sick of
the lies. I thought nothing would feel worse than learning my
father raped my
mother, but this is worse."
"Don't say anything. Watch Lulu for me?"
"Where are you going?"
"To get answers." Nikolas watches Lucky walk off. The hurt
that Lucky is
going through was caused once again by the lies that surrounded their
families. Nikolas feels the desire to protect Lucky from this,
but he can't.
He doesn't think that Lucky would let him help him.
Chapter 20
"He's right you know." Stefan spins around to see an angry Bobbie
staring at
"You will never be his father." **How could he be?** Bobbie thought.
"Barbara let me explain."
"Save it. You have not idea what you have done do you?"
"I needed to tell him."
"Why? So you could destroy him."
Stefan looked at Bobbie as if he had been slapped. **I thought we had
past this.**
"That was not my attention."
"Then why did you tell him?"
"Because I wanted to know my son. Is that so wrong?"
Bobbie calms down. She understands what Stefan is saying.
She had wanted to
know the child she had given up for adoption. She regrets missing
the first
24 years of Caroline's life.
"No it's not wrong, but don't expect Lucky to be overjoyed at the news."
"I couldn't live knowing that my son thought and loved Luke as his
"Luke is his father, Stefan, Luke is the only father he has ever had.
doesn't always change that fact. Caroline has finally excepted me as
mother. That took a long time. In her heart Virginia Benson
is her mother."
Stefan thinks about what she said.
"So what do I do?"
"Let it be Lucky's decision. He is the one that has been hurt.
Also, don't
make this about the Spencer/Cassadine feud, because you will never
get him to
try with you if you use him to hurt Luke."
Bobbie begins to go upstairs.
"Barbara where are you going?"
"To pack. I am going to the Brownstone to think. I need to know
how I feel
about this. You lied to me. I thought we were past
the lies and secrets."
"Barbara don't go." **I need you**
"I have to."
Laura was in the dining room
setting the table for the first dinner in over
two years that her family would be together for. Despite her
protests Luke
had gone straight for the kitchen for a snack. Some things never
change she
mused to herself. She was determined to make this a nice meal
despite her
misgivings about the situation with Stefan. She smiled when the
door opened
and Lucky appeared. The smile turns to a frown when she sees
the look on his
"Lucky, where's Lulu?"
"Mom, is it true?" Lucky asks in a quiet voice.
"Is what true?" **Please god don't let him know.**
"Is Stefan Cassadine my father?"
"Answer me! I do not want to hear another lie!" Lucky's yelled
causing Luke
to got to the door and listen.
"It's not that simple."
"Yes or no. Am I Stefan Cassadine's son."
**Please say no Laura.** Luke thinks to himself.
"Yes, Lucky." Laura tries to reach out to him, but he backs away
with a wild
look in his eyes.
**Why did she have to tell me the truth now. I would have believed
that it
was a Cassadine lie. I wanted it to be a Cassidine lie.**
"Get away from me! You are nothing but a liar. I am out
of here."
"Lucky! Wait!" Laura watches her son leave as tears fall down
her face. The
kitchen door opens and Luke walks in. He speaks with more calm
than he feels.
"Would you care to explain what just happened?"
Nikolas rode back to the stables where he had left Lulu and Elizabeth.
He was
in shock. Another lie. This one was worse than any other
that he had been
told. He couldn't understand Stefan. Stefan always treated
Lucky with
contempt and disrespect. He had absolutely no concern for Lucky.
He didn't
seem to be overly upset at Lucky's death.
"Hey Nikky."
"Hey Lulu." Nikolas picks Lulu up.
"Where's Lucky?" Elizabeth asks.
"Hey Leslie Lu why don't you go feed Sheba a carrot ok?"
"Ok." Lulu goes over to where Nikolas had put Sheba back in her
"What happened?"
"Lucky found out something that neither of us knew. I think he
is in shock
right now."
"What did he find out?" Elizabeth asked not liking this at all.
"He'll tell you. It's not good, well he won't think it's good.
I think he'll
need you."
"I'll go look for him." Elizabeth leaves.
Nikolas hopes that Elizabeth can help, because he doesn't know
who else
Chapter 21
"Would you care to explain what just happened?" Laura whirled
around to see a
deceptively calm looking Luke.
"Luke umm…. I don't know what to say." Laura said as the tears fell
"Is what you told him true. Is he Stefan's son?"
"Biologically yes…but you are his father…you always have been."
"Save it Laura. You lied to me for 18 years!!"
"Luke I didn't want to lose you. And if Helena knew that Lucky
was Stefan's
he would have been in danger."
Luke looked into Laura's eyes and saw the pain and regret in them,
but Luke
was beyond caring.
"How could you?! For two years I have thought that MY son was
dead, and now I
find out he's not even my son."
"Luke if you had know then that he wasn't yours it would not have made
difference to you. You are the one that raised him and loved
him. He will
always be your son." Laura tried to reach out to Luke.
"I'm sorry I never told you."
"Sorry!! That's it…that's all you can say." Luke pauses.
Wanting to know,
but not wanting to know…what he has to ask.
"When did this happen? You weren't pregnant when you left the island."
"Remember when we were in Texas and you were missing for two weeks.
I didn't
know if you were dead or alive. Stefan showed up one day and
he told me about
Nikolas. I was starved for information about Nikolas.
I was so grateful to
him for telling me about Nikolas. It just sort of happened.
I didn't plan on
sleeping with him."
"It just happened, I was missing so you slept with Stefan. There
is an irony
to that I think. You thought I was dead so you slept with Stavaros.
I am
missing so sleep with Stefan. Who did you sleep with while you
were in
"Luke you are the only man that I have truly loved. You are my
"I don't want to hear it. I can't believe anything you say.
The only thing I
do know is that Lucky will always be mine." With that Luke walks
"Damn you Stefan Cassadine." Luke shouts as the tears roll silently
down his
face. He feels as if he had just lost Lucky and his angel.
Laura watches
him leave than crumples to the ground in sobs.
Lucky was restless and that was not a good thing. There were a
different things swimming in his head. He didn't know which way
was up
anymore. There were very few things that he had counted on in
his short 18
years, but the one thing he had always known, except for the two years
he was
with Helena of course, was that Luke Spencer was his father and Laura
was his mother. There was never any doubt. Even when he
had found out about
Nikolas and the rape he knew who his parents were. Now it was
over. He
wanted to escape everything that was going on in his head. He
just wandered
around until he found himself looking over at Wyndemere. He walked
over to
the garage where the cars were kept and looked around. He picked
the lock and
walked into the garage. He saw Nikolas's jag and Stefan's Black
'Bingo' Lucky thought to himself. 'Just what I need.' Lucky went
over to the
Mercedes and found that the door was unlocked. 'Stupid Stefan…Stupid…But
for me.' Lucky hot-wired the car and high tailed it out of the
"I would like you to keep watch for Spencer tonight I except a visit
from him
soon." Stefan told his head of security. He hung up the phone
and sighed. He
was beginning to think telling Lucky the truth was a mistake.
Lucky didn't
seem willing to believe that he was his father. Not that he could
blame him.
The kid had been raised to hate the Cassadines. Stefan thought
about the
earlier confrontation with Lucky. And the angry words he had spoken.
"You see,
you're still defending Nikolas! You should have cared about me.
If I was your
son. I don't care about blood tests you will NEVER be my father.
My father
loved me since the day I was born and he never tried to hurt me."
**I have to
prove to him that I do love him and want to get to know him.**
Stefan wanted and needed Bobbie's advice and support now. He
she knew that
she was angry on behalf of her brother and nephew. But the look
in her
eyes…the betrayal cut him deep. **I can not just accept her advice
to let
Lucky come to me, because he won't willingly, especially not
if Spencer has
his way. There are things that I could give him that Luke will
never be able
to.** Stefan mused silently.
Chapter 22
Lucky peeled out of the garage with no destination in mind. Just
overwhelming desire to leave and not deal with the lies. He couldn't
wrap his
mind around it all. Stefan Cassadine was his father.
Everything he had
believed in was a lie. He wanted to hurt Stefan as much as he
was hurting.
Stefan had taken everything he was with one sentence. "I am your
father." It
was like the scene in Empire Strikes Back. When the truth about
Skywalker's parenty was revealed by the Dark Lord, or in Lucky's case,
Cassadine. Lucky laughed bitterly. The ramifications of
the truth weighed on
Lucky. His mother and Stefan had lied to him his whole life.
Luke would hate
him now. Luke hated everything Cassadine. As he was thinking
about Luke's
reaction to the truth, he pressed the accelerator. He didn't
notice the
puddle of oil on the road. When the tires hit the oil the car
swerved out of
control and hit the tree. Lucky's head hit the steering wheel.
And he faded
to darkness.
Elizabeth had been searching for Lucky everywhere. She went by
the Spencer
house, but Laura had no clue where he was. She couldn't tell
what had
happened to Lucky, Laura was crying too hard. The look on Laura's
face scared
her even more. That in the fact that she had no clue as to what
had happened.
Elizabeth went by Kelly's and Luke's but no one had seen him anywhere.
was on her way to try her house thinking that may be Lucky was looking
for her
when she saw a car that had collided with a tree. She walked
over to the car
to see if anyone needed her help.
Lucky woke up with a monster headache and his ribs ached. He slowly
got out
of the car Lucky for him, the right front corner of the car had just
the tree. The car was not totaled, but it wasn't in driving condition.
saw that the Mercedes emblem figurine had been ripped off.
He picked it up
off the car's hood and decided to take it with him. He started
walking, as
fast as his bruised body would let him, in the opposite direction from
Liz was. "Lucky!" Liz noticed Lucky get out of the car.
Lucky slowly turned
and saw Liz waving him down. He saw Liz and watched her come to him.
thought about how Liz had been there for him. How she had given
him a place
to stay when he wanted to runaway from his family, who ever that was,
and his
life. He thought about how he had tried to leave tonight.
Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
From the Album - Grave Dancers Union
Call you up in the middle of the night
Like a firefly without a light
You were there like a slow torch burning
I was a key that could use a little turning
So tired that I couldn't even sleep
So many secrets I couldn't keep
Promised myself I wouldn't weep
One more promise I couldn't keep
(He saw Liz walking towards him and wanted her to take all the pain
a way, but
she couldn't, no one could.)
It seems no one can help me now
I'm in too deep
There's no way out
This time I have really led myself astray
(The lies were eating away at him. Finding out that his father
had raped his
mother felt like a small thing compared to this. That had happened
before he
was born, but this lie destroyed everything. He didn't think
he would ever be
able to look at his mother, with out thinking about the lies.)
Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Can you help me remember how to smile
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded
Life's mystery seems so faded
(Two years he had spent listening to lies that turned out to be truth.
biological father didn't even care about him. He almost killed
him in the
bog. Luke on the other hand loved him, and protected him to the
best of his
abilities. But will Luke still love him once he finds out.)
I can go where no one else can go
I know what no one else knows
Here I am just drownin' in the rain
With a ticket for a runaway train
Everything is cut and dry
Day and night, earth and sky
Somehow I just don't believe it
(His family got along fine without him for the two years he was gone.
barely knew who he was. Since he has come back, it's only been
Bought a ticket for a runaway train
Like a madman laughin' at the rain
Little out of touch, little insane
Just easier than dealing with the pain
Runaway train never comin' back
Runaway train tearin' up the track
Runaway train burnin' in my veins
Runaway but it always seems the same
(He looked at the car thinking that it would have been so much easier
to have
left it all behind, but the car wasn't going anywhere. He looked
up at
Elizabeth coming towards him. Maybe he could trust her.)
Chapter 23
After leaving the Brownstone and getting Betty to watch Lucas, Bobbie
went to
the Penthouse to talk to Caroline. Bobbie had just finished telling
the whole situation. Caroline was glad that she had told AJ about
Jason and Caroline have custody, but AJ can see him whenever he wants.
"How's Lucky?" Caroline asked.
"You should have seen him. He had this look of complete and utter
devestation. I don't know how I can forgive Stefan for doing
that to him."
"What are you going to do?"
"I honestly don't know. I thought he had changed and that there
were no more
"I'm sorry. You guys seemed so happy. Well as happy as
Stefan can be."
"I thought so too. I hope Lucky's ok. I don't know what
he is doing right
"He's probably angry, scared, and sad. But most of all confused.
That is
quite a blow to learn that the person you had thought was your parent
I hope he handles it better then I did. I was so angry for so
long. I felt
like I had lost all of my self-identity. I felt like I didn't
know anything
"I'm sorry. I love you."
"I love you too, Mom."
"Lucky are you alright? What happened?"
Lucky shrugged and winced at the movement 'Not a good idea.'
"I'm fine. I
wasn't paying attention and lost control."
"Lucky you are not ok, your already have a bump on your head."
"Liz I am fine. Don't worry." Liz looked at Lucky skeptically.
"How did you get the car?"
"I stole it."
"Why? From who?"
"From my father, because I wanted to leave. I don't know, I needed
to get
"You just got back." Liz was confused. "Lucky your dad
doesn't have a
"Stefan Cassadine does." Seeing her confused look. "You didn't
know. I
thought Nikolas would have told you. Stefan Cassadine is my biological
father. It seems that the lies were not over."
"Oh Lucky, I am sorry." Liz tried to give Lucky a hug, but Lucky
didn't want
any comfort. He was afraid that if he allowed Liz to help him
that he would
fall apart right there. That was the last thing he wanted to
"Don't Liz." Liz looked up at Lucky stung.
"Ok." She tried to smile. "What are you going to do?"
"I don't know."
"Well you can't leave."
"Why not?! Why the hell should I stay? All I ever hear
is lies. All lies.
The people I trusted most in the world told me nothing but lies!"
emotional pain of the days events seemed to make him forget about the
pain of the crash.
"What Liz? What can you say to make me change my mind?!
Luke will hate me!"
"No he won't Lucky, he loves you. He was devastated when you
"May be I should have stayed dead."
"No, Lucky I am so glad you are alive I have missed you."
"Well maybe you shouldn't have. Everyone would have been better
off if I had
just stayed away. You know it was easier when I didn't know who
I was." With
that Lucky left and walked quickly away ignoring the pain in his ribs
"Lucky!" Lucky ignored her and left. Liz let the tears
flow. He is in so
much pain, but I don't know how to help him.
Chapter 24
Stefan Cassadine was in the
main room of Wyndemere anticipating Luke
Spencer's arrival. He hoped that his security team would be able to
warn him
as to when Spencer arrived.
"Hello Steffie." Stefan sighed he had to get a new security force.
"Luke, what can I do for you today?" Stefan turned to look at
Luke, and
looked right into the barrel of Luke's gun.
"You can stay out of my son's life!" Luke said as he took of
the safety.
Stefan showing no fear replied. "He's my son and I will do what
ever I
Luke pulled the trigger and hit a vase behind Stefan. "That was
a warning:
stay away from my son. You are not his father…you will NEVER
be his father."
**It took me two years to get my son back, and I will not lose him
Cassadine. Stefan will not use Lucky like he uses everyone else.**
"You will not stop me." Luke raises the gun again to Stefan's
face. Stefan
thinks **He's really going to do it.**
"Don't try me Stefan. I have had a very bad day. Which
is in thanks to you.
Just because you slept with his mother, does not make him your son."
**He is
my son, and I will make Lucky see that Spencer is not worthy of being
"It changes Lucky." Luke sighed and lowered the gun.
**Lucky is the reason
I will not destroy Stefan. However much I may want to.
That should be
Lucky's decision.** Luke thought.
"You don't even know Lucky, and you have no idea how much you have
his world. I hope you are happy."
Luke turns to leave he pauses a second then turns around. "I
"What-" Stefan says as Luke punches him in the eye.
With that Luke turns and leaves and as he walks out he lights his cigar.
Lucky woke up the next morning wincing at the pain in his ribs.
His head
ached, but not badly. Overall he decided he would be ok.
He got up and
looked at his surroundings. He's not really sure how he ended
up here, but to
him underneath the docks was better than his house. He wasn't
ready to deal
with his mother yet, and he didn't know when he would be, or if he
even wanted
to. As he was standing up a flash of metal caught his eye.
It was the
Mercedes' logo from Stefan's car. Lucky grinned, he knew exactly
what to do
with that.
Elizabeth Webber was lying in her bed hoping that Lucky would call,
but after
last night she doubted he would. She hoped that he was ok.
She didn't know
where to look, but she was tired of doing nothing. For lack of
better to do she decided to call Nikolas. Nikolas had moved into
guesthouse a year ago. He needed his space and a chance to be
on his own.
Well as alone as his uncle would allow him to be.
Ring…**Come on Nikolas please be there.**
"Nikolas, thank god."
"Elizabeth what's wrong?" Nikolas said waking up quickly from
the panic in
her voice.
"Have you seen Lucky?"
"No, why have you?"
"Not since last night. I am really worried about him. He
wouldn't talk to
me, he was too cold and distant."
Nikolas sighed and looked out the window. He noticed that Lucky
was walking
up the path to the main house.
"Liz I'll talk to you later, Lucky is here."
"Nikolas wait-" Silence. Nikolas had hung up. 'Bye.' Liz thought
to herself.
Nikolas hurried up and got dressed and went over to the main house.
Chapter 25
Stefan is in the main room of Wyndemere eating breakfast.
"Mr. Cassadine, young Mr. Spencer is here to see you."
Stefan looked up in surprise as Lucky walked in. He noticed the
knot on his
forehead, but didn't think that Lucky would appreciate him commenting
on it.
"Lucky what a pleasant surprise."
"Stefan I didn't come here to chat. I just thought you would
like this back-
Catch." Lucky throws him the Mercedes logo figurine. Stefan
fumbles to catch
"What…how…" Stefan says baffled.
"I just came by to say thanks for the use of the car. I really
it. Sorry that's all that's left though. I accidentally
hit a tree."
"How did you get the car?"
"I stole it. Broke in to the garage and hot-wired it. I
didn't think you
would mind."
"Lucky get back here."
"Stefan, why are you going to act all fatherly now? I don't think
so. You
want me as your son you have to deal with the consequences."
With that Lucky
walks away. Leaving a surprised and angry Stefan in his wake.
Stefan isn't sure who he was angry at the most. Either Lucky
or himself, he
understood why Lucky would do that. And he knew if he tried to
punish Lucky
that it would drive him completely away, not that Lucky was close to
him at
Lucky left the room and walked straight into an angry Nikolas.
Nikolas could
not believe that Lucky would do something that stupid. He really
didn't care
that Lucky had stolen the car. He understood Lucky's need to
find a release,
he just didn't want Lucky to get hurt.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?"
"Nikolas leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you."
Lucky tried to get
past Nikolas, but Nikolas slammed Lucky into the wall. Which
brought last
nights injuries back to the surface.
"Nikolas why the hell did you have to do that?" Lucky said wincing.
was surprised not to see any anger in Lucky's eyes. They were
with out emotion. Nikolas let go of Lucky.
"You are going to listen to me. Are you trying to get yourself
"It doesn't really matter, does it?"
"Lucky we thought you were dead for two years, I don't want to lose
"Sorry Nikolas, but I don't give a damn anymore. I did and it
hurts too much.
Everything in my life has been a lie in one way or another. I
don't care
With that Nikolas watched Lucky turn and walk away.
By, Third Eye Blind
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in,
And if you do not want to see me again,
I would understand
(Nikolas looked to where Lucky had just left. The lies have devastated him.)
The angry boy, a bit too insane
Icing over a secret pain,
You know you don't belong,
You're the first to fight, You're way too loud,
You're the flash of light on a burial shroud,
I know something's wrong,
Well everyone has got a reason to say
Put the past away
(**Lucky needs help, but he isn't listening to anyone. He won't
talk to Liz
or me. He definitely won't talk to Stefan or Laura. Who knows
how he feels
about Luke…who will he let him help. D*amn them for doing this
to him.**)
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in,
And if you do not want to see me again,
I would understand
(**I want to help him, but how can I get him to trust me. He's
walking on a
fine line.**)
Well he's on the table, and he's gone to code,
And I do not think anyone knows,
What they are doing here,
And your friends have left, You've been dismissed,
I never thought it would come to this, And I want you to know,
Everyone has got to face down the demons,
Maybe today, We can put the past away,
(** He was so cold. I think he is ready just to give up.
I don't know what
to do. He needs to make piece with it. But I don't know
if he will. How can
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in,
And if you do not want to see me again,
I would understand,
I would understand . . .
Can you put the past away,
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
I would understand . . .
(**I just wish he would let me inside and help him**)
Nikolas sighed and walked into the main room where Stefan was still
staring at
the piece Lucky had given him.
Chapter 26
"Uncle." Nikolas coldly
greeted Stefan. There were many emotions running
through Nikolas, the most distinguishable and overshadowing was anger.
"Nikolas, how are you this
morning?" Stefan asked with forced cheerfulness.
"Save it Uncle. I heard everything. Do you even care
about what you have
done to Lucky?"
"Nikolas-" **I don't want to lose him.**
"How could you?! Do you even care that he is this close to completely
destructing? He has been lied to for the past two years.
He was finally home
and happy. So what do you do. ? You spring the fact that you're
his father on
"I didn't want to lose him." Stefan tried not to show his desperation.
has to understand.**
"Lose him?!" You never even had him." **I don't understand him,
he usually
goes after what he wants. Why not go after Lucky years ago?***
"I want to get to know him." **Why is that so hard for
everyone to
Nikolas sighed. "When did you find out that he was your son?"
"When Lulu got sick. I looked at the records." Nikolas
was shocked. He has
known for over 5 years."
"You used my sister's sickness to further your own goals?"
"That is not true, I knew there was a chance that Lucky could
be mine so I
"Why now? Why after telling me to hate him do you now want to
be one big
happy family. You told me he was a Spencer, not to be trusted.
All the while
knowing that he was your son! A Cassadine!"
"I was wrong, I was trying to protect you."
Nikolas stops at this. Stefan had chosen him over his own
son. Like he had
believed Laura had chosen Lucky over him.
Nikolas sighed. "So you were wrong. That doesn't
change anything now. It
doesn't change the fact that you lied to your own son, your wife, and
me. I
noticed Bobbie didn't stick around last night. It looks like
you have your
work cut out for you." With that Nikolas turned to leave but
"You never really answered my question why now?"
Stefan could not keep the need for understanding out of his words.
"When I
thought he was dead I realized that I never had a chance to get to
know him.
I had to grieve in silence, because how could I explain to anyone that
I had
just lost my son? When he came back it was a second chance.
I needed to get
to know him." Stefan paused the sadness and longing evident in his
eyes. "And
I hate the fact that he will always see Luke as his father. Luke
has taken my
brother and father away from me, I will not allow him deprive me of
my son!"
Nikolas is disgusted by what Stefan has just said. "Don't you
think that
Lucky and I have been used as pawns in the Spencer/Cassadine feud long
enough!! That's all this was wasn't it? A chance to hurt
Luke. Do you even
care that you have hurt your son?"
"Nikolas, I didn't do it to hurt Lucky! He has a right to the
"Right now I don't even want to look at you. I don't understand
how you could
use your son like that." Nikolas turned and walked away fighting
the tears
that were threatening to fall. Nikolas never knew Stefan
could be so cruel.
He paused when he got to the door.
"I just have one question. How could you chose me over
your own son? Was it
the fact that I was the heir?" Nikolas doesn't wait for an answer
he turns
and leaves.
"Nikolas I have always loved you." Stefan whispers and rubs his
eye shocked
to find that tears were falling. **Have I lost you too?
I refuse to accept
Yesterday Laura Spencer was happily making dinner for Lucky for the
first time
in over two years. Tonight she was just making dinner for herself
and Lulu.
She had absolutely no clue where Lucky was, but she suspected Luke
was at the
club. The lies had finally torn her family apart, and she didn't
know how to
put it back together.
"Mommy?" Six year old, Lulu said walking into the kitchen.
"Yes, Lulu?"
"Where is Lucky?" I haven't seen him since we visited Niki on Spoon
Laura wasn't sure how to answer.
"I am not sure Lu. He needed to think some things over Lulu."
"Why?" **Because I lied to him once again. He will never look
at me with the
love he once did.**
"Well since he's been gone a lot has changed, and he has to get used
to it all
"He's not going to leave forever again, will he?" Laura pulled Lulu
on to her
lap, holding her what seemed to be left of her family close to her.
"No, sweetie. He'll come back home." **God I hope that's true.**
Lucky was closer to self-destruction than even Nikolas knew. He
was sitting
in Luke's office at the club staring at a bottle of whiskey.
He stared at it
wondering what it would be like to feel nothing and not care.
And not care
that the father he loved probably hated him, and the father that was
his by
blood he didn't trust. He didn't even want to think about his
"Don't do it Lucky." Lucky was so lost in thought that he didn't
even notice
the door open and Luke walk in.
"Why not? It doesn't matter anymore." Luke was startled at the
Luke took a close look at the son he had loved since the day Lucky
was born.
He was furious at the havoc Laura has caused in his son's life.
He had
finally gotten his son back after two long years of thinking he was
There were so many nights that he had turned to the alcohol trying
to make the
pain go away. When Lucky walked through that door for the first
time three
nights ago it was like all the pain disappeared. He didn't want
his son to
turn to the bottle like he had.
"You don't want to get drunk it won't help, trust me I know."
"Why do you care? You're not my father." Lucky says this
with out emotion.
In fact he hasn't shown an emotion yet. Luke looks as if he was
struck. **I
have to make him see that I will always be his father.**
"Cowboy, listen…." Hearing Luke call him Cowboy and telling him
to listen
makes something snap in him. He picks up the whiskey bottle and throws
the wall enjoying the sound of the bottle breaking.
"I am sick of everyone telling me to listen and telling me to understand.
Well I don't understand. I don't understand how my mother could
lie to me
since I was born!!" Lucky's voice shakes with an anger that he
hasn't let
himself feel.
"Lucky-" Lucky didn't want to listen to anyone.
"What are you going to defend her now, because I really don't want
to hear it.
Does she hate me so much that she would lie to me since the day I was
Lucky pauses for a moment. Luke is startled at the devastation
and anger in
Lucky's voice. Luke watches as the look on Lucky's face turns
from anger to
vulnerable. "Do you hate me now that I am a Cassadine?"