Spoon Island.
Stefan sat with Nikolas in silence while the police detectives
roamed the area
around them. Katherine's body lay beneath a sheet where she fell.
Mac Scorpio
came upon them and stopped short when he saw the body. On the
way to island he
almost half convinced himself that there had been some horrible mistake
and that
she was really safe and sound, but now he knew that it was all true.
He knelt down slowly next her and carefully lifted up the sheet
to gaze one
last time at a woman who once meant so much to him. Respectfully
covering her
face again he got up and walked to Stefan and Nikolas.
"Stefan can you tell me what happened here?"
Stefan doesn't answer but just stares vacantly at the ground.
Mac asks again.
This time it's Nikolas who answers. "They were sitting
on the bench when she
just fell back....." His voice begins to break. "....then....
then there was
blood..... on..... her chest.... and....." Nikolas can't continue.
Mac places his hand and the young man's shoulder. "It's
alright this can wait
till later." He turns from them just as the ME arrives to take
Katherine's body
Following the ME is Lieutenant Garcia. "Mac!" He
calls out.
"What have got?" Mac asks him.
"You sure you want to hear this?" He asks and Mac nods.
"Miss Bell was shot
with a thirty-caliber teflon round from a high-velocity rifle.
The bullet
entered through her chest and exited her back, eventually winding up
in that
tree over there." He said pointing. "The ME said given
the nature of the wound
and the type of weapon used there was nothing anyone could have done
to save
"Any idea where the shot came from?" Mac asked trying to
stay calm.
"Yeah. Taggert found the only place it could have come
from was a wharehoue
across the water that is almost in a direct line of sight with this
"That far?" Mac said in disbelief.
Garcia nods. "That could only mean one thing....."
"A professional." Mac broke in before Garcia could finish.
The Hardy residence.
Sarah sat on the couch listening to the fantastic tale Liz was
telling her.
When she had finished she just stared up at the ceiling before speaking.
"Do you really expect me believe this?!?"
Liz rolls her eyes. <He's right everybody does say it.>
She paces a little
and stops in front of her sister. "Look you wanted to know what
was going and
now you know."
Still not believing her Sarah got up. "Liz there is something
wrong. Maybe
with everything that happened to you....."
Liz lets out a deep sigh and went for her sword. Sarah
immediately stopped
talking when she saw the blade. Liz moved until she was standing
directly in
front of Sarah and then grabbed the blade with her hand and ran it
up it's
Sarah almost fainted as she saw Liz's hand start bleeding and
the look of pain
on her face. When Liz reached the sword's tip she stopped.
She then held her
hand out palm up and showed it to Sarah. Sarah watched in amazement
as the deep
wound on Liz's hand slowly stopped bleeding and closed up right before
her eyes.
In a matter of seconds it was gone, there wasn't even a trace of a
scar to show
that she was even cut.
Sarah slumped back down in her seat in complete shock.
"it's true." She
whispered to herself.
Liz sat down next to her. "Yeah. It's true.
I'm Immortal."
Robin's loft.
Robin walked slowly to door. Aaron and Terry were asleep
in the guest bedroom
and Brenda had gone downstairs to the practice hall, so the two women
could have
a measure of privacy. She opened the door and invited Carly in.
Shutting the door behind her univited guest Robin came up behind
her. "What do
you want Carly?"
Carly turned to her. A look of pure scorn on her face.
"I want you to leave
Jason alone."
Robin raised her eyebrows. "Oh really."
"Yes. He doesn't need you calling him and upsetting him."
Carly's voice was
getting louder and becoming more angry. "I'm warning you.....
Stay away from
him or I swear you'll be very sorry."
Robin stared at the woman, her own anger rising. "Are you
threatening me?"
"No, I'm promising you." Carly spat. "Jason is mine
now. He doesn't need
you, he doesn't love you. We are going to be together and you
are not going to
get in my way."
Robin stood there trying desperately not to lose control and
kill this annoying
blonde witch as Carly continued her verbal assault.
"You are so pathetic. Trying to hold on to a man everyone
knows you don't
want. You let him go because he wouldn't change for you."
Robin shuffled
slighty. "You wanted him be just like the old Jason Quartermaine,
that's who
you're really in love with, isn't it? But he's not Jason Quartermaine
and he
never will be. You just don't understand the man he is now."
"And you do?" Robin says icily.
"Yes. I know want he wants. I know how to make him
feel better when the world
turns on him."
Robin gives her a glare that startles Carly for a second.
"You can play this
game all you want Carly. But you and I both know what's keeping
Jason with you
and no matter what you do, whatever stunt you pull, Jason is never
going to say
he loves you. Because he will always love me."
"Then why was he spending all his free time in my bed when you
were together?"
Robin looks at her in stunned silence. "That's right. Everytime
he walked you
to your door and pecked you on the cheek goodnight he would then head
for my bed to make love to me."
Carly was pushing all of Robin's buttons not knowing the danger
she was putting
herself in. "We were lovers Robin. All the while he was
whipsering 'I love
you' in your ear, he was cheating on you with me." Carly started
to laugh. "I
mean it was kind of pathetic watching you fawn all over him.
The little HIV
princess who can never really have the man she wants in the way she
Carly was about to speak again when she was suddenly stopped.
In flash of
movement Robin had her hand around Carly's throat and was slowly lifting
her off
the floor. Carly grabbed at Robin's hand trying to break her
grip. She looked
deep into Robin's eyes and saw pure hate.
Carly gasped for breath as Robin slowly tightened her grip.
"Your life is
hanging by a thread. Up until now I was willing to humor you,
but not anymore.
You want to fight me, so be it. I could snap your neck in an
instant and end
this right here."
Carly was terrified as she saw Robin's eyes turn gold and fangs
appear in her
"ROBIN!!!!" Terry's voice echoed through the room surprising
Robin who dropped
Carly on the floor. The blonde woman grabbed her throat coughing
and gasping
for air.
Robin turned away from her and walked to dining room table, while
Terry moved
to check on Carly. Terry looked deep into Carly's eyes and said
something to
her. Carly then picked up her bag and walked out of the loft
like nothing
Terry walked to Robin. "I don't suppose you'd like to tell
me what all that
was about?"
"No." Robin said. "What about her?"
"I whammied her. She doesn't remember a thing, as far as
she's knows she came
by and told you off and then left."
Robin faced her mentor. "I'm sorry about that. It's
just that she got me so
Terry put her arms around her. "I know, honey. I
heard most of it." She
ruffled Robin's hair and smiled. "In fact I was amazed you didn't
try to kill
her sooner."
Robin laughed in spite of herself. Terry went to the kitchen
and grabbed a
bottle and a couple of glasses then lead Robin to the couch where they
sat down
to have a long talk.
Back at Wyndemere the police have finally left and Stefan sat
alone in his
bedroom. A few months ago he would have automatically held Luke
responsible for this. But not now, he knows who's responsible
for this tragedy
and he's going to make her pay.
Getting up he walks to his desk and takes a gun from the bottom
drawer. He
checks the clip and then placed in his coat pocket.
Diana Shan was in her hotel room making final preparations for
her next hit.
The police have already started their investigation into Katherine
It was only a matter of time before they focused their attention
on Helena
Cassadine and for all of her bravado, Helena is a coward at heart.
She'll turn
on Diana the moment the police decide to turn up the heat a little.
At most
Diana calculates she has forty-eight hours to complete her assignment.
Robin was sitting on the couch, crimson colored tears falling
from her eyes.
Mac had just informed her of Katherine's death. She could hear
the grief and
sadness in his voice. Although he and Katherine were no longer
together, Mac
had always had a special place in his heart for her.
Robin wanted to rush to her uncle but couldn't leave because
the sun was still
out. She paced around the room for several minutes before Terry
managed to calm
her down. The two sat together in silence, Robin's head resting
on Terry's
"I just don't understand...... why?" Robin said her voice
breaking. "Why
would someone want to kill Katherine?"
"I don't know honey." Terry said.
"I should be with Uncle Mac instead of...... instead of stuck
Terry looked at her young friend. "The sun will be down
in a couple of hours,
then you can go to him." Terry touched her hand as Robin closed
her eyes.
Felecia walks into Mac's office and finds him sitting at his desk
staring at
the crime scene photos. She walks silently over and kneels before
him. "Mac?"
Mac looks up at her tears forming in his eyes. He says
nothing as he allows
Felecia to pull him into an embrace. She gently rocks back and
forth as Mac
quietly sobs into Felecia's shoulder.
At Luke's, Laura was sitting at the bar drinking coffee when Nikolas
came in.
Surprised to see her oldest son she gets up to greet him.
"Nikolas." She said as she hugs him.
Nikolas doesn't reciprocate. "Where's Luke?"
Just at that moment Luke comes out of his office. Nikolas
sees him and
immediately runs over and strikes him.
"Nikolas!" Laura screams.
"Get up you bastard." Nikolas said standing over a dazed
Laura runs over and stands between her husband and her son.
"Nikolas stop
"Why did you do it? Why did you have to kill her?
Do you really hate my
father that much?" Nikolas said demanding answers.
"What the hell are you talking about junior?" Luke said
rubbing his jaw as he
gets up.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why did you kill
Nikolas was on the verge of becoming hysterical. "Was she your
target or were
you trying to kill my father and miss?"
"Somebody offed the lovely Miss Bell?" Luke inquired.
"When did this happen?" Laura broke in.
"This morning." Nikolas answered.
"Nikolas..." Laura started trying not to antagonize the
young man. "....Luke
has been here all day. I've been with him."
Nikolas looked at his mother as if she slapped him. "I
should've expected you
to cover for him."
"Now wait a minute wonderboy. I liked Katherine.... sure
she was about as
bright as blacklight bulb.... but I didn't kill her, and if I was trying
your daddy I wouldn't have missed."
"Luke you're not helping." Laura said. "How is Stefan?"
Nikolas ignored her and continued to accuse Luke of being the
one behind
Katherine's death. Finally Luke had enough.
"Listen junior. If you want to know who iced blondie why
don't you just look a
little higher up your own family tree."
"Helena." Nikolas whispered.
"Isn't that just what she'd do." Luke said as he walked to a
stool and sat
down. "Stefan strips her naked of all her power.... so she decides
to put her
loving son in his place by whacking his lady."
On the yacht Stefan walks the deserted decks slowly. Going
below he comes to
his mother's cabin. Opening the door he finds her sitting on
small couch
apparently waiting for him.
"I was wondering what kept you." Helena said.
Stefan approached his mother, the rage within him barely contained.
"Because you betrayed me. You betrayed the family when
you took the side of
that whore again." Helena got up to face her son. "You
needed to be taught a
lesson. I will not tolerate disloyalty."
Stefan almost laughs. "Disloyalty? Loyalty must be
earned Mother, and you've
done nothing in your entire life to warrant loyalty from anyone."
Helena stares
at him. "Not me. Not Nikolas. Not even Father.
The only one who was ever on
your side was Stavros, and that was only because you emasculated him
when he was
a boy."
Helena raises her hand and slaps Stefan. "Don't you dare
mention his name.
You are nothing. You will never be half the man your brother
"I should hope not. Stavros was a violent, spiteful, vindictive
in many ways I guess he was just like you."
"You ungrateful little bastard." Helena said losing her
temper. "I should
have had you killed instead, but don't worry I'll rectify that little
Both you and your bastard sister will be out of my way soon enough."
"Sister?" Stefan says.
"Yes. I found her." Helena said her confidence growing.
"You know I'm really
surprised you didn't find out who she was, seeing how close she has
been to you
all these years."
"Alexis." He whispers coming to a sudden realization.
"Yes. Kristen Bergmann's little bitch was right beside
you all along." Helena
walked to the bar and poured a drink, then turned back to Stefan.
"But don't
count on a happy reunion between you two, because you both will soon
be dead,
and I wouldn't worry about Nikolas either. I will see to it that
he becomes the
kind of head of the family that his father would be proud of."
"You will not go near him." Stefan said as he pulled the
gun from his coat
Helena laughs at him. "What are you going to do, kill me?
You don't have the
courage. You're a weak little boy and always have been."
"I'm a lot stronger that you think Mother." Stefan says
and then fires a
bullet into Helena's stomach.
She falls to the floor as Stefan goes to the phone and rips it
from the wall,
he reaches into her purse and takes her cell phone and smashes it.
Stefan bends down to look at his mother one last time.
"By the way Mother....
Nikolas is my son!"
Helena tries to say something but cannot speak. Stefan
just looks pitifully at
the woman lying on the floor bleeding to death. Without another
word he walks
out of the room and leaves Helena Cassadine to die alone.
The Scorpio house,
that evening.
Felecia closes the door behind Robin. Her visit has done
a lot to help Mac
work through Katherine's death. She goes back into the living
room and sits on
the couch. Mac comes downstairs and sees her sitting on the couch
with her feet
He smiles at how adorable she looks. "Did Robin go?"
"Yeah." Felecia said looking up at him. "She said
she'll call later."
Mac sits down next to Felecia who puts her arms around him and
rests on his
shoulder. "You put a brave face on for Robin, but how are you
really doing?"
"I'm doing okay, really."
"Are you?" Felecia asked lifting her head up.
"I'm not going to say it doesn't hurt. It's been over between
Katherine and I
for long while but I still cared for her."
Felecia stiffens a little hearing Mac's admission. "Any
leads yet?"
"No." Was all Mac said.
Felecia takes one of Mac's hands into hers and starts to unconsciously
it. Mac feels the warmth of Felecia's touch and pulls her in
a little tighter.
She looks up at him as he holds her close. Slowly as his gaze
meets hers Mac
gently presses his lips to Felecia's.
Felecia is surprised by the kiss but after a few seconds she
begins to respond
in kind. She wraps her arms around his neck and tries to pull
him even closer.
After a minute they break, both left breathless.
"Felecia....... I'm........" Mac said trying to regain
some composure.
Felecia stops him by placing a finger to his lips. "Mac.
Shut up." She said
then pulled him into another kiss.
Jason walks slowly to the small woman standing alone on the bridge.
"Jason." She answers not turning around.
Jason hears the pain in her voice and wraps his arms around her.
As Jason's
arms envelop her Robin grabs his forearms with her hands and settles
her back
into his chest allowing the heat of his body to warm her.
"I heard about Katherine and I thought I might find you here."
He was about to say something more, but Robin turns around and
stops him.
"Jason. Don't say anything. Just hold me... please."
She puts her arms around his waist as he pulls her close to him.
Jason gently
rocks her while he speaks. "It's alright Robin..... it's alright.....
never let you go."
Moreno answered the ringing phone. "Yes?.... He's where?.....
Is she with
him?...... No, don't do anything..... Wait until he leaves."
Moreno hung up the
phone and sat back in his chair.
His lit a cigar and puffed away on it for a minute. <You're
careless Morgan
and that carelessness is going to cost dearly.>
Emily is sitting at the bar with Derek when a man suddenly grabs
him by the
shoulder and punches him in the face. The smaller man instantly
grabs his fist
in pain.
Emily is horrified. "AJ! What the hell are you doing!"
AJ is clutching his aching hand. "Grab your purse Emily,
you're leaving."
"Like hell I am. You come up out of nowhere and punch my
friend and you expect
to just walk out with you."
"Emily I'm not going to talk about this here. You just
consider yourself lucky
that Alan didn't come with me. Now come on." AJ said grabbing
her arm.
"AJ!" Emily said getting angry and trying to break free.
"She's not going anywhere, now let her go." Derek's voice
was cool and calm.
"You stay out this. You're enough trouble already.
Emily is still a minor."
"AJ what the hell is the matter with you?" Emily asked
"Don't you start. You're in trouble too. For god's
sake Em, you should now
better than to behave like this."
"What are you talking about?" Emily said her patience wearing
"Please.... I saw the card he sent with the flowers and so did
Mom and Dad."
"What card?" Emily asked.
"What flowers?" Derek asked at the same time.
AJ was getting angier at Derek and was about to speak when Mariah
walked up.
"Are we having some sort of problem here?" She asked.
Moving closer to AJ she
signaled for two of her bouncers.
"Hey! What the he..... Let me go!" AJ says
as he struggles against the two
larger men.
Mariah steps up to AJ's face. "I don't like this sort of
thing happening in my
club. This is your first and last warning.... do not let it happen
With that Mariah turned her back and walked away from the shaken
AJ who was
then escorted out of the club.
Emily stood at the bar in embarassed silence. "I can't
believe he did that."
She felt Derek's hand on her shoulder. "I'm really sorry about
this..... but I
should go home and find out what the hell is going on."
"It's alright. I understand." Derek said as he kissed
her forhead.
Lucky and Liz are walking on the docks heading toward Kelly's
when they come
upon Laura. She smiles at her son and his girlfriend.
"Hi Mom." Lucky says.
"Hey baby." Laura says hugging her son. "Hello Liz."
"Hi Mrs Spencer."
She places her arm around her son. "So where are you two
Liz answers. "We're just going Kelly's"
"Mind if I tag along I need to talk to your Aunt Ruby."
Laura asks.
"Sure Mom." Lucky says as they start off.
They were not far from Kelly's when Liz suddenly stops.
Both Lucky and Laura
watch as Liz looks around her.
"Lucky take your Mom and get out of here." She said her
voice serious.
"Liz what........" Lucky didn't finish.
The sound of gun echoed around him and he instantly went to the
ground. Three
more shots rang out and then were replaced by a deafening silence.
Liz got up and checked on Lucky. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said brushing himself off. "Mom?"
Lucky turned where Laura was standing and saw her lying on the
ground. Lucky
ran to her side. Blood was running from two wounds in Laura's
"MOM!" Lucky screamed.
The paramedics wheeled the stretcher carrying Laura Spencer into
the GH
emergancy room. Dr Karen Wexler instantly recognized her patient
as she started
to take her vitals. Eve Lambert joined her a moment later and
began to examine
Laura's wounds.
"How does she look?" Karen asked.
"She has two gunshot wounds to the chest....." Eve said
as she finished
cutting away Laura's blouse. "We need to get her to surgery and
get those
bullets out."
Eve called for an orderly and followed them to the OR.
Karen approached Lucky
and spoke a few words of encouragment to him before following Eve.
Lucky didn't say anything, he just sat in silence. Liz
kissed him gently on
the temple and then got up to phone Luke.
The sound of the ringing telephone roused Mac from a peacful slumber.
"Scorpio. What?!?" Mac sat up immediately when he
heard the news accidentilly
waking Felecia who was beside him. "When did this happen?.....
Alright, I'm on
my way." Mac hung up the phone and sat on the edge of the bed.
Felecia sat up behind him covering her naked body with the sheet.
"Mac? What
is it?"
"That was Garcia. Somebody killed Helena Cassadine."
Without another word Mac got up and put on a pair of pants then
went to the
bathroom to wash up. Felecia threw off the sheet and searched
the bedroom for
her undergarments. She was zipping up her jeans when Mac came
back into the
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.
"I'm coming with you." Felecia said as she did the final
button on her blouse.
She gave Mac a small peck on the lips as she headed downstairs.
Mac shook his
head and smiled as he followed her.
At the bridge Jason was holding Robin close. She sighed
contentedly. "It's
been a long time."
"Too long." Jason said.
Robin turned to face him. She ran her hand along his chest,
playing with the
buttons on his shirt. "Jason..... we need to talk."
"I know."
"I meant what I said before about wanting us to be together again."
Jason looked into her brown eyes. "I want us to be together
"But.... there are some things about me I have to tell you.
I've changed."
Robin knew he was about interrupt her and stopped him. "Please...
let me
finish. Something has happened to me. Something that has
completely changed my
life and if we're going to be lovers again it's something that you
are going to
have to know."
Robin was about to tell him the whole story when Jason's cell
phone rang.
"Morgan." His face grew serious as he listened to the person
on the other end.
He closed the phone and looked sadly at Robin.
"I'm sorry but I have to go."
"Is it serious."
"I wouldn't leave you if it wasn't."
Robin ran her small hand through his hair. "Please be careful."
Jason turned to leave. He was about halfway to his limo
when he turned around
and walked back to Robin. He grabbed the petite woman and kissed
passionately. Breaking the kiss he framed her delicate face with
his hands.
They said nothing during this time, but their silence spoke volumes.
she has to tell him, it makes no difference. They belong to each
other..... now
and forever.
Robin watched the limo drive out of sight then turned to face
the water. Five
unseen figures moved behind her and before she knew it all five were
on her.
Robin managed to grab one and toss him several feet, but another took
his place.
The men were surprised at the strength of this tiny woman.
Robin grabbed another man by the throat and threw him a good
ten feet before
she was overpowered by all of them. If she hadn't been so preoccupied
never would have been able to sneak up on her.
After several more minutes of struggling the men finally managed
to knock Robin
out. A few of the thugs would later say they could have sworn
they heard the
woman growling at them. One man pulled off his ski mask and dialed
a number on
his cell phone.
"It's me sir, we've got her."
Mac and Felecia entered Helena's cabin aboad her yacht.
They were greeted by
Garcia and Taggert. Officers were milling around collecting evidence
dusting for fingerprints while the crime scene photographer took pictures
Helena's body.
Mac walked over to her and took a brief look. "Any idea
how it happened?"
Garcia moved past Felecia to stand next to Mac. "Yeah,
one gunshot wound to
the stomach.... she bled to death." He pointed behind Mac.
"Phone was ripped
out of the socket and her own cell phone was smashed. Whoever
did this didn't
want her calling for help."
"How long has she been dead?" Felecia asked.
Garcia turned his head to her. "Only a few hours."
"Who called the police?"
"An anonymous tip."
Mac got up. "Anonymous?"
At GH Luke Spencer paced back and forth waiting for some word
on Laura's
condition. Finally Bobbie came out and Luke rushed to his sister.
"What's the word Barbara Jean?"
Bobbie took off her mask. "She's going to be all right."
She saw Luke visibly
relax. "One of the bullets nicked one of her lungs, but it didn't
do any
serious damage."
"When can we see her?" Lucky asked wiping away a few tears.
"They'll be bringing her down in a few minutes." She reached
her hand out to
her nephew. "She'll be in the ICU for the next 24 hours then
we'll move her to
a private room."
Lucky released Bobbie's hand and hugged Liz who was standing
next to him. "I'm
so happy for you Lucky."
Lucky kissed her lips. "Thanks for being here."
"Where else would I be."
Bobbie and Luke walked to the ICU to wait for Laura leaving Lucky
and Liz
alone. Liz was sitting in a chair with her head on Lucky's shoulder
when she
felt the buzz. She lifted her head up and looked around.
She spotted Diana Shan leaning against the wall next to the door
to the
stairwell. She smiled sweetly at Liz then disappeared behind
the door. Liz
kissed Lucky and told him she was going to the ladies room.
When she was sure he wasn't looking she followed Shan into the
Hearing a door close below her, Liz walked down the stairs till she
reached the
parking garage. She found Diana Shan standing in the center of
the nearly
deserted garage with her sword out.
Liz slowly walked toward her foe. "It was you wasn't it?
You tried to kill
Laura Spencer?" Diana nodded. "Why?"
"It's my job." Diana said as if it should explain everything.
The two women circled each other for a moment then Shan took
the iniative and
stabbed at Liz who blocked it and swiped back at Shan. The garage
soon echoed
with the sounds of clashing steel. Shan didn't have much style
but she made up
for it in strength. She and Liz slammed their blades together,
pushing against
each other. Liz let one of her hands loose from the sword and
punched Diana in
the nose, knocking the woman back.
Diana screamed as she felt the blood flowing from her nose.
"You Bitch!!"
Diana swung her sword at Liz but she ducked and came up and surprised
Diana by
grabbing her. "Nobody calls me bitch!" She yelled back
as she head-butted Shan
in the face.
She followed it up by kneeing her in the crotch and jamming her
sword into
Shan's abdomen. Liz stood over the panting woman and kicked her
sword across
the floor of the garage. Diana looked up at her young foe and
closed her eyes.
Liz raised her sword over her head. "There can be only
one!" Liz brought her
blade down and served Shan's head.
The silence after their battle was replaced by a sound of distant
thunder, then
from the headless body a faint luminescence rose. The energy
cloud surrounded
Liz and then lightning bolts suddenly appeared from nowhere, striking
the young
Liz screamed as her body was bombarded with energy, but with
that energy came
power and memories that were not her own. Images of killing and
death from
Shan's life filled Liz's mind until she fell to her knees screaming.
The lightning around struck the walls of the garage and destroyed
the few cars
that were parked there. Then as suddenly as it began the storm
ceased. The
cloud that had first surrounded Liz gradually faded until it finally
Liz was sitting on her knees crying when she felt a hand touch
her shoulder.
She slowly turned to face this stranger and was surprised to see who
it was.
Lucky pulled Liz close to him and let her collapse into his chest.
As she
quietly sobbed, Lucky looked around at the destruction in the garage
and at the
headless body lying near them.
Robin awoke with a start just as the man was about to chain her
other arm. She
grabbed the man by the throat and snapped his neck. She yanked
hard and broke
the chain that held her left arm.
The room suddenly filled with more guards. Robin was instantly
on her feet and
making fairly short work of her captors this time. She eventually
made it to
the door but was driven back a tall man who held a cross in her face.
screamed and tried to look away, but by now most of the men she had
defeated were on their feet and holding her steady.
Moreno walked into the light all the time holding the cross inches
from Robin's
face. "Well it seems you've gone through a few changes since
the last time we
Moreno laughed as Robin snarled and struggled while Moreno's
men chained her
down. When they finished he walked to her and looked into
her blazing eyes.
"Don't worry little vampire, I'm not going to kill you.
The last thing I want
is trouble with your kind." He brought his hand up and gently
caressed her
cheek. "But I do need you for bait. For your lover Morgan.......
and Brenda