Into the Night - 5


 Jason paced around the penthouse ignoring Carly's questions as to what's
bothering him.  Finally she gives up and goes upstairs to sit with Michael.
Rinaldo then comes in with an envelope for Jason.
 "Jason this was just delivered for you."  He says handing it to his boss.
 Jason takes it and Rinaldo leaves while he opens it.  Jason curses loudly and
then throws it onto his desk.  He picks up the phone and dials.  After several
rings it is answered.
 "It's Jason.... He has Robin."  Jason hears the man on the other swear.  "I'll
let you know where he wants to meet."
 Jason hangs up the phone and stares at the photograph he recieved.  It was a
picture of a bound and gagged Robin.

 Lucky and Liz were outside of GH.  They had just managed to leave the garage
before a half-dozen of the hospital's security guards arrived on the scene.  Liz
was still weak and shaking from her first experience with the Quickening.
 Lucky held her tight as he listened to her fantastic tale.  If he hadn't seen
what happened with his own eyes he probably wouldn't have believed her.  When
Liz had finished he felt her turn in his arms and look at him.
 "Well... say something."  Liz said worried.
 "What am I supposed to say?"
 "Usually when someone finds out they're supposed to say 'You really expect me
to believe this'."  Liz told him trying to make him smile.
 Lucky ran his hands through his hair and breathed deep.  "I might have said
that if I didn't see what I saw.  Are you really sure about.....?"
 "Yes Lucky, I'm sure."  She saw him close his eyes.  "How do you feel about all
this?"  Liz asked him.  Lucky said nothing and Liz just stared at him waiting
for his answer.  "Lucky please talk to me."
 Lucky finally opened his eyes.  "I'm sorry Liz.  This is just a lot to take in.
I mean finding out the person you love....."
 "Wait a minute.   Did you say.... that..... you..... you love me."
 "Yeah.  I did."
 Liz put her arms around Lucky and kissed him.  "I love you too."

 Jason opened the door to the penthouse to find Rinaldo lying on the floor
holding his groin and Brenda standing over him.  She pushes her way inside while
Jason helps a stunned Rinaldo up.
 He shuts the door and is slapped by Brenda.  "Where is she you bastard?!?"
 "I don't know."  Jason answers knowing exactly what she means.
 "Don't lie to me!"  Brenda tosses a polaroid identical to the one he just
recieved at him.  "Where is she?"
 Jason rubs his face.  "Moreno has her."
 "I know Moreno has her!  I want to what you're doing to get her back!"
 Brenda throws her hands up.  "Don't you Brenda me."
 "I'll do everything I can to get her back safe."
 Brenda comes close till she is only inches from his face.  "You had better or I
swear to God........ I will kill you."
 Brenda walks out the door leaving Jason alone knowing that she was serious
about her threat.

 Mac and Felecia arrived at the garage.  The crime scene tape was up and
officers were already searching the scene.  Mac approached Garcia who looked up
when he saw him.
 "Hey Mac.  Looks like our headhunter has struck again."  Garcia said pointing
to the body lying under the sheet.
 "Have we got a time of death yet?"  Mac said lifting up the sheet.
 "A couple of hours at most."  Garcia knelt down next to him.  "Looks like it's
going to be a busy night.  Have you heard yet?"  Both Mac and Felecia shake
their heads.  "Laura Spencer was brought in earlier, somebody tried to kill

 Robin struggled against her chains without effect.  The door to her room opened
and in walked Moreno.
 "I wouldn't bother trying to break those."  He says running his fingers along
the chains.  "These are special, made specifically to hold creatures like you."
 He reached behind her head and undid the ball gag.  Robin licks her lips and
opened and closed her mouth trying to some feeling back in her jaw.
 "Why are you doing this?"  She asked him.
 "Because Morgan needs to know his place."
 "Why involve Brenda?"
 Moreno chuckled.  "Because she's part of my world."  He got up and started to
walk around Robin.  "Morgan will come for you.  I'll set up a meeting and he'll
try some heroic rescue attempt.  Brenda being so...... close to you..... will
involve herself, either with or without Jason's knowledge."
 Robin chringed as Moreno touched her face with his fingers.  "I have no desire
to kill Jason.  If he'll see reason and give me what I want, I'll let him live."
He straightens up and his face grows hard.  "Brenda however won't walk away."
He turns to leave the room but looks back Robin.  "It is what we do after all."

Robin's loft,
the next morning.

 Liz walked into the apartment from the practice hall while Aaron was on the
phone.  She caught the tailend of his conversation.
 "So you can do it...... that's great...... thanks Daniel...... good-bye."  He
hung up the phone and saw Liz.  "Hey Kid, what's up."  He saw Liz take a strange
sword from her coat and throw it on the couch.  "Oh.  I see."
 "Now I know why you and Brenda never explained about the Quickening."  Liz sat
down across from him and placed her head in her hands.
 "Who was it?"  He asked.
 "Diana Shan."
 "Diana Shan?"  Aaron said surprised.
 "You know her?"
 "I've heard of her and from what I've heard, you should be very proud of
 "Yeah well, I don't feel very proud."  Liz leaned back and stared at the
ceiling, tears welling up in her eys.  "I mean..... I......  I...... I killed
 Aaron put his arms around Liz who was now crying.  "Shhhhh........  Liz I know
it's hard for you....... It was hard for all of us in the beginning...... But
this is something we have to do.  We don't have a choice.  It's just the way
things are."  He moves Liz from his chest and she wipes her eyes.  "Liz if you
hadn't killed her...... there is no doubt that she would have killed you."
 Liz knew what he was saying but it didn't make her feel any better.  "Does it
ever get easier?"
 Aaron placed a hand to her cheek.  "You pray that it never does."


 "I told Lucky."  Liz said as Aaron handed a cup of coffee.  "I kind of had to.
He saw my fight with Shan and the Quickening."
 "How did he take it?"
 "Pretty well."  Liz said taking a sip.  "I don't think it quite sunk in."
 Aaron and Liz were interrupted by the presence of an Immortal.  They both
stiffened reflexivly but eased up when they saw Brenda come up the stairs from
the practice hall.
 Aaron saw the look of distress on Brenda's face.  "Brenda what's wrong?"
 Brenda tossed her purse on the table and struggled to remain calm.  "Robin's
been kidnapped."
 "Kidnapped?"  Liz was shocked.  "My God!  By who?"
 "A 'business associate' of Jason's named Moreno."
 "Moreno!"  Aaron said surprised.

 At the Quartermaines Emily had come down for breakfast.  AJ and Monica were the
only ones still eating.  She walks to the buffet and pours herself a glass of
orange juice.
 AJ comes up to her.  "Emily."
 She turns to him.  "Don't even start with me AJ."
 AJ ignores her and tries to explain himself.  "Em I was just trying to protect
 "From what?"
 It was Monica who answered.  "From an older man whose obviously taking
advantage of you."
 "What are you two talking about?"
 Monica walks to her daughter.  "Emily there's no need to be embarassed.  We
know about your relationship with this Derek person and how far it's gone."
 "What?  You mean.... you think..... that Derek and I......"  Emily surprised
Monica and AJ by starting to laugh.  It wasn't the idea of her and Derek getting
physical that amused her, it was the fact that she would have sex and be so
stupid as to let the family from hell even suspect that she was.
 "Emily......"  Monica said not understand why her daughter wasn't taking this
 "Mom.  Derek and I are not having sex."
 "Emily don't protect this guy."  AJ said trying to sound supportive.
 "AJ's right.  You are a minor and what this man did is a crime."  Monica added.
 Emily was getting annoyed now.  "Listen to me.  Derek and I are not having sex.
And even if we were, it is none of your business."
"It is our business.  You are my daughter."  Monica said to her.
 "Monica, I am not a child."  Monica was surprised to hear her use her first
name.  "This is the last time I'm going to say this.  My relationships are none
of your business."  She meant her next remark for AJ.  "And next time you want
to defend my honor.... come talk to me first before you run off and make an ass
of yourself."

 At GH Laura was moved from the ICU to a private room early that morning.  Lucky
walked in quietly so as to not wake up Luke who was sleeping in a chair next to
his wife's bed.
 Lucky walked around to the other side of the bed and placed his hand on his
mother's forehead.
 "Hey cowboy."  Luke's voice startled Lucky.
 "Hey."  Lucky said then started to walk out.
 Luke stopped him by grabbing his arm.  "You still can't stand to be in the same
room as me?"
 "Dad this isn't the place for this."
 "Alright let's go outside."  Luke led Lucky out to the hall.  "Now talk to me
 "Dad."  Lucky shifted uncomfortablely.  "I listened to what Mom said about what
happened between you two and I know why she decided to forgive, but I can't
forget it.
 "Lucky what happened doesn't change......"
 "Let me finish.   Mom wants me to try and I will for her, but I don't think
things will ever be the way they were before."  He walks away.  "If mom wakes up
tell her I be by later."

 In the study at Wyndemere, Stefan answered his ringing phone.  "Cassidine.
Cohen.....  No you're not disturbing me...... Who?.......  Yes that does sound
like a good idea.  I'll talk to Dawson and get back to you......  Goodbye."
 He hung up the phone and saw Nikolas come into the room.  Stefan saw a stricken
look on the young man's face.
 "Nikolas what's wrong?"  Stefan asked wondering how much more he and Nikolas
could take.
 "Have you...... Have..... you......"  Nikolas stammered, then showed him the
newspaper he was holding.
 Stefan looked at the lead story and turned white.  He tossed the paper down and
left the room quickly followed by Nikolas.

 In the Police Commissioner's office, Garcia came in with some surprising news
for Mac.
 "You're not going to believe this."  Gracia said sitting down.
 "You know that stiff found in the hospital garage last night."
 "Yeah.  What about her?"
 "Well the ME found a weapon on her and turned it over to ballistics."  He got
up.  "Guess what....... they found a match."  He showed Mac the report in his
 Mac read over the report and looked up surprised.  "Is this right?"
 "Yes.  The weapon found on our body is the same one that fired the two bullets
that were taken out of Laura Spencer."

 Brenda's face grew serious at the way Aaron said Moreno's name.  "You know
 "We've met."  Aaron said plainly.


New York City, 1928.

 Aaron and Terry entered the speakeasy and were shown to a table by one of the
scantly clad hostesses.  The waiter set down two glasses and another poured
champagne into them.  They raised their glasses and took a sip.  Terry swallowed
hers with a little difficulty but took another sip anyway.
 As they sat and enjoyed the band Aaron felt the presence of an Immortal near.
Looking around he saw a tall man in an expensive tuxedo walk in.  He was flanked
by two brutish looking bodyguards in trenchcoats.
 He walked to Aaron and Terry's table and introduced himself.  "Charles Moreno."
 "Anthony Sharpe."  He replied back.
 "Theresa."  His wife said as Moreno kissed her hand.  "I hope were not going to
have any trouble tonight."
 "No lovely lady.  I have no quarrel with him....... or you."  He said that
letting Terry know that he somehow knew what she was.
 He turned around and walked to the far side of the club.  Aaron and Terry
looked at each other concerned.  Across the room Moreno sat down at a table with
a man Aaron recognized as the owner of the place.
 The two got into a heated discussion that ended with the other man slamming his
fist down on the table in front of Moreno.  Moreno just smiled at the man and
unnoticed by the others except Aaron signalled his two bodguards who were still
standing by the door.
 Terry immediately hit the floor while Aaron grabbed the hostess who was at
their table and pulled her to the floor, shielding her with his body as the men
produced Tommy-guns from thier coats and began firing.  Bullets started flying
around striking the bar and shattering the mirror and destroying the glasses.
 Pieces of wood began splintering up from the bullet ridden tables.  The men
then turned their weapons on the men who worked for the club's owner who were
approaching them with their weapons drawn.
 Women in the club screamed as they saw blood splatter the floors and the walls
near where the men fell.  After what seemed like an eternity the guards stopped
 Moreno got up from behind the table and dusted himself off and then said
something to the club's owner who nodded in agreement.  He walked across the
floor as people cleared out of the way to let him pass.
 He stopped at Aaron and Terry's table and gave them a little smile.  They
watched him leave then got up to help those who were wounded by Moreno's men.


 Aaron's face grew hard.  "I know him well enough to know that Robin and her man
are in serious trouble."
 "Who's in trouble?"  Terry asked from the bedroom door.  She had just woken up
and was wearing a red silk robe the same color as her hair.
 Aaron took hand her and kissed it.  "Love, we've got a little problem."


 Terry sat on the couch after listening to Brenda explain the situation with
Moreno.  She crossed her legs, the silk robe to slipping open and exposing her
 "I guess it was too much to hope that someone would have killed him by now."
Terry said covering her leg again.
 "So what do we do now?"  Liz asked.
 "'We' aren't going to do anything.  I'm going to take care of this."  Brenda
said surprising the others.
 "Now wait a minute Brenda...."  Aaron began.
 "Aaron."  Terry said quietly as she placed a hand on his arm.  "We can't fight
all of her battles for her."  Aaron was about to contradict her, but a look into
her deep blue eyes stopped him.
 "Okay.  We'll let you handle this."  Aaron said the confidence he has in her
not quite making it to his voice.
 "Thanks."  Brenda says as she kisses his cheek.  "I'll see you both later."
 The others watch Brenda leave then Liz gets up.  "Aren't you going to stop
her?"  Liz said to Aaron.
 "We can't let her face this Moreno guy alone."
 Aaron tunrs to Liz.  "That's exactly what we have to do.  Those are the rules."

 Moreno sat in a leather chair smoking a cigar.  He was watching the images
flicker on the security monitor and smiling to himself.  <Still struggling
little girl?  She's one who doesn't know when to give up.  I may have to deal
with her when this is finished.>
 His cell phone rang and he answered it.  "Jason, good evening."
 "All right you win.  Where do you want to meet?"
 "I'll let you know later."
 "Is Robin all right?"  Jason asked the worry evident in his voice.
 "She's perfectly fine, but how long she remains that way depends on how well
you follow my instructions.  Wait for my call."
 Moreno set his phone down and puffed on his cigar.  Jason will do exactly what
he's told in order to protect his precious Robin.  Brenda Barrett however
remained a wild card.  A card he may have to put into play himself.
 A short while later Liz was walking through the park when she came upon Lucky
sitting by himself on a bench.  Lucky looked up at her, the sadness evident in
his eyes.  Without a word between them Liz sat down next to Lucky and put her
arms around him.

 At the hospital Luke entered Laura's room and was shocked to see Stefan
standing next to her bed.
 "What the hell are you doing here Cassadine?"  Luke said becoming angry.
 He may have to force himself to be around Stefan in public for Laura's sake,
but he'll be damned if he'll have him around while she's in the hospital.
 "I just wanted to check on Laura's condition."  Stefan said as he turned to
Luke who saw the strain of the last days etched on his face.  "If I had known
she had planned this I could have stopped it before Laura was hurt."
 "Helena did this?"  Luke said knowing exactly who Stefan was talking about.
This has Helena's fingerprints all over it.
 Stefan nodded.  "Yes but I wouldn't worry about her.  Haven't you heard?"  Luke
shook his head no.  "Helena was killed last night."
 Luke stared in amazement at Stefan as he left Laura's room not quite knowing
what to make of him.  Luke sat in the chair next to his wife and held her hand.
Laura tightened her grip slightly causing Luke to look up in excitement.
 "Baby?"  He said.
 Laura stirred and her eyes opened slowly.  "luke."  She whispered.

 Jason paces back and forth from his desk to the window.  Every few minutes
Carly would ask him what's wrong and he would ignore her.  Finally Carly got fed
up and went upstairs to give Michael his bath.
 He was far too occupied with Robin to be concerned about Carly's feelings.
Moreno is dangerous, far more dangerous than anyone realizes.  Jason knows that
as soon as he gets what wants Moreno will kill Robin and then him.
 But Jason has an ace up his sleeve that Moreno doesn't know about.  One he
would rather not use, but this is an extraordinary situation.  Just the kind of
situation that his friend told Jason to call for his help on.
 Jason was startled by the sound of the phone.  "Morgan.  Yes I know where that
is.  When?  I want to speak her.....hello?"  Moreno hung up on him and Jason
slammed the phone down in frustration.
 Collecting himself he picked up the phone and dialed.  "It's Jason.  He wants
to meet tomorrow night at midnight on the docks."  As Jason gave his mysterious
friend the address of the wharehouse he doesn't notice the shape looming outside
his window.
 Terry positions herself closer to glass as Jason reads the address.  Using her
heightened senses Terry hears him speak as cleary as if she were in the room
next him.  When Jason hangs up the phone Terry pushes herself away from the
window and glides back to the loft.

 Across town the man with dark hair opens his sword case.  He takes out a silver
frame holding a picture of a beautiful woman with black hair.  He traces the
woman's face with his fingers before setting it down.  He takes out his sword
and starts sharpening it for later.
 Mac was in his office eating Chinese food with Felecia when Garcia came in.
"Mac you're gonna want to take a look at this."
 "What is it?"  Mac asked as he stuck his chopsticks into the carton.
 "These are the phone records from Dians Shan's hotel room."  Garcia said as he
laid out records in front of Mac.  A particular number highlighted in yellow.
"In the 24 hours before her death she made six calls to this number."
 "Whose is it?"
 "Helena Cassadine's."
 Mac sat back in his chair rubbing his temples feeling another one of those
headaches coming on.

 Terry was back at the loft and had just finished telling Aaron and Brenda the
location and time of Moreno's meeting with Jason.
 "And Jason's sure he's going to bring Robin with him?"  Brenda asked.
 "Oh he'll bring her.  He doesn't want to the kind of trouble that hurting Robin
will bring him from the Community."  Aaron told her.
 "I hope you're right."  Brenda said as she sat thinking about what her little
sister was going through.

 Robin raised her head slightly as the door opened.  Moreno walked in carrying a
wine bottle with him.
 "How are we doing?"  He said with an insincere smile.  "Not too well, huh?"  He
lifted Robin's head.  "When was the last time you fed?"
 He opened the bottle and waived it under Robin's nose.  Her eyes snapped open
when the scent hit her and she began to follow the bottle with her eyes.
 "You're hungry aren't you?"  He said smugly.
 "please."  Robin said weakly.
 Moreno held the bottle to her lips and just before the blood touched Robin's
tongue he pulled it away.  Robin whimpered.  "It's starting to hurt isn't it?"
She turned away but Moreno grabbed the back of her head.  One look into her eyes
told him he was right.  He brought the bottle back up to her lips.  "I can make
it stop, but you have to beg me for it."
 Summoning all of her will Robin focused her gaze on Moreno and spit into his
face.  "Go to hell."
 Moreno smiled as he wiped his face.  "You first."
 He held the bottle in front of Robin and then let it slip from his hand and
shatter at her feet on the floor.
 Moreno walked out of the room leaving Robin looking at the floor.  She finally
closed her eyes and whispered.  "jason."

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