Into the Night - 6


Lucky's hotel room,
The next morning

 Liz rolled over and opened her eyes.  Streching as she sat up she looked over
at the sleeping Lucky.  She bent down and kissed his cheek.
 Getting off the bed she grabbed Lucky's flannel shirt and put it on.  Wrapping
it around her she breathed in the scent of him, she then slipped on Lucky's
jeans and left.  She returned a few minutes later with two cups of coffee.  Liz
walked to the bed where Lucky was sprawled out and held one of the cups under
his nose.
 Lucky slowly begins to stir.  "I smell coffee."  He opened his eyes to see Liz
kneeling down next to him wearing his shirt.  "I like your shirt."  He said
taking the cup from Liz and giving her a wink.
 "I like it too."  Liz said as she kicked off her shoes.
 Lucky had a twinkle in his eye as he set his coffee down on the table next to
the bed.  "Come here."  Liz walked to him until she was close enough for Lucky
to grab her by the waist and pull her onto his lap.
 Liz was kissing Lucky as she straddled his lap.  "Am I dreaming?"  Lucky was
busy kissing her neck and running his hands up and down her back.  "I don't care
if I am...... just don't stop."  She said her voice husky.
 Liz unbuttoned her shirt and allowed Lucky's hands to come up.  He slowly
opened the shirt and let it fall to her waist.  Liz arched her back as Lucky
pulled her close for a long lingering kiss.

 Stefan was sitting at his desk staring at a picture of Katherine when Mac,
Lieutenant Garcia and Detective Taggert were shown in.
 "Commissioner what can I do for you?"
 "We need to talk to you about Katherine's death and the attempted murder of
Laura Spencer."  Mac said.
 "Why do you need to talk to me?  I told you everything that happened with
Katherine and I have no information about Mrs Spencer."
 "We know that.  What we want to talk about is your mother."
 "My mother?"
 "We believe she hired the person who killed your finace and took a few shots at
Laura Spencer."  Taggert told him.
 Mac observed Stefan's reaction, his face showing no signs of surprise.  "You
don't seem too surprised."
 "I'm not."  Stefan said amazing Mac.  "In fact I'm surprised that I didn't
suspect her right away.  This just the sort of thing she'd do.  How did you find
"The woman we believe was responsible was an assassin wanted by Interpol named
Diana Shan, she was found dead in the parking garage at GH, but a check of her
phone records indicate that she was in contact with your mother several times
the day before died."
 Garcia then spoke.  "There was also a wire transfer from your mother's personal
account in the Cayman Islands to Shan's in Zurich."
 "Why would your mother hire an assassin to kill your finace and Laura Spencer?"
Mac asked.
 "Because she was a vengeful witch.  She wanted to punish me for cutting her off
from the family business and fortune.  As for Laura you only need to look at her
personal history with Luke Spencer for an answer there."
 Mac and Garcia looked at each other before Mac spoke.  "Where were you when
your mother was killed?"
 "Me?"  Stefan faked shock.  "Surely you don't think that I......"
 "We just need to know for our reports Mr Cassadine."  Taggert replied.
 "He was with me."
 All of them turned to see Nikolas standing in the doorway.
 "Nikolas, please let me handle this."
 "It's alright Uncle.  The police want to know where you were, so now they
 Stefan sighed then turned back to the police officers.  "I believe you have
everything you want Commissioner."
 "Yes we do.  Thank you Stefan."  Mac said as the servent escort them out.
 After they left Nikolas turned to his father.  "So did you?"
 "Did I what?"
 "Did you kill Grandmother?"
 Stefan looked his son in his eyes.  "Yes."

 Outside the Hardy house Sarah was about to unlock the front door when a man
came up.
 "Excuse me, are you Sarah Webber?"
 "Yes.  What do you want?"
 The man held out his hand.  "My name is Daniel Cohen and I would like to talk
to you about something rather important."

 Liz was lying in bed with Lucky spooned up behind her.  He was nibbling her ear
and moving his hand on her thigh.  Liz groaned as his hand continued up her
frame to her chest, finally reaching her face where she took two of his fingers
into her mouth.
 "We're going to have to get up you know."  She said breathlessly.
 "Say's who?"  Lucky replied as he continued to plant kisses on her neck.
 She slapped his naked thigh with her hand causing him to yelp.  "I'm serious.
Gram is going to freak because I didn't come home last night and I want to go by
the hall and see what's going on."
 Lucky sat up against the headboard as he watched Liz walk around gathering up
her discarded clothes.  He smiled and let out a crude whistle as Liz adjusted
her bra.  She shot him a scowl, then sat down next to him wearing only her
 She ran her fingers across his chest.  "While I get the riot act from Gram why
don't you go to the hospital and check on your mom."
 "I plan to."  Lucky said as he tried to slip his hand under her shirt only to
have Liz slap him away each time.  He pulled Liz in and gave her a deep kiss.
 "Yeah?"  He said as he pushed her back onto the bed while kissing her.
 Liz looked into her lover's eyes then kissed him back.  "Where the hell are my

 Carly walked into Jake's Bar.  It had taken some doing but she finally managed
to shake her bodyguard.  She looked around the room and saw the man she was
there to see.
 She walked to the table.  "Mr Moreno."
 "Miss Roberts."  He said taking her hand.  "Now what did you want to see me
 "I know you have Robin Scorpio."  Carly said matter of factly.
 Moreno eyed this young woman with growing curiosity.  "If I did have this
person, what is it to you?"
 "Jason loves her."
 "I've heard that and I still don't see what it has to do with me or you."
 "It's quite simple Mr Moreno."  Carly leaned in and gave him a seductive smile.
"I want you to kill her."


 Moreno eased back in his chair.  "You don't beat around the bush do you?"
 "Why waste time?"  Carly took a drink of her beer.  "Look Mr Moreno you want
something from Jason, right?"  He nodded.  "I can get him to give it to you, but
only if you do something for me."
 "The something being killing Robin Scorpio."  Moreno smiled at her.  "If you
don't mind my asking, why?"
 "Because I've had it with her.  I sick and tired of that mousy little bitch."
Carly's voice was filled with venom.  "I sick of the way people treat her......
like she's some fragile porcelan doll.  Poor little Robin, the tragic little HIV
girl.  I'm especially sick of the way she uses Jason.  Always coming around
where she's not wanted, trying to take my family away from me."
 Moreno laughs.  "Don't hold back.... tell me how you really feel."
 "I want her dead."  Carly said coldly.  "I would like you to help me, and in
turn help yourself, but if you don't I'll find someone else to rid me of Robin
 "I'm afraid Miss Roberts that is what you're going to have to do."  He finishes
his drink and stands up.  "Miss Scorpio has a lot powerful friends.... friends I
can't afford to have trouble with."
 Moreno placed money on the table for thier drinks.  "If you were wise Carly,
you would get out of her way.  She is one person you don't want to make into an
 "I'm not afraid of her."
 "You should be."
 Moreno left the bar his final words echoing in Carly's ears.

 Liz was getting dressed.... again.  Whenever she got to ready to leave Lucky
would always pull her back onto to the bed and end up making love to her.  It
was now after  4 o'clock and the two of them have spent the entire day in bed.
 Liz bent down to pick up her jeans that were lying next to the bed when she
felt Lucky's arms around her waist.  Before she knew it she was on her back with
Lucky on top of her kissing her passionately.
 "Lucky."  Liz said her voice filled with emotion.  "I have to go."
 "No you don't."
 "Yes I do."  Liz let out a throaty moan as Lucky hit the spot on her neck just
below her ear that sent sent shivers down her spine each time he brushed it with
his lips.  "Please..... I have to."
 Lucky was breathing heavily.  "I can't stop myself...... I'm addicted to you
 Despite the pleasure Liz managed to push Lucky off of her.  He rolled over with
an exaggerated groan.  "I have to go home, I'm in enough trouble as it is."
 She got off the bed and finshed buttoning her shirt, then slipped on her jeans.
She went into the bathroom to brush her hair while Lucky reluctantly got
dressed.  He was tucking in his shirt when she came out.  He watched her walk
over to the chair where her coat was lying.  She slipped it on and Lucky caught
a glimpse of the sword hidden inside.
 "I wish you didn't have to wear that thing."
 "So do I, but it's just another part of the package."
 Lucky shook his head.  "I still can't quite believe this."
 "Neither can I."  Liz walked to him her face serious.  "We haven't really
talked about this since that night.  How do you feel about all this?"
 "I don't know.  I'm not going to lie to you...... I don't know what to think
yet."  Lucky takes one of her hands.  "But I do know this.... I love you."  Liz
smiles.  "I love you... so I'll deal with it."
 Liz gives him a quick kiss.  "I love you too Lucky."  She kisses him again this
time longer and with more passion.
 Lucky finally breaks the kiss.  "We had better go before we end up in bed
 Liz gives him a wicked grin.  "Well we can't allow that to happen can we?"  She
walks out the door.  "I mean after all... what would people think?  I'm a good
girl now."
 Lucky swats her rear causing her to squeal.  "You're good alright.  You're the

The penthouse,
early evening.

 Carly opens the door to the penthouse.  Jason is standing in the middle of the
room anger etched into his face.
 "Jason."  She says sweetly.
 "Don't say a word.  Not one word."
 "Jason I don't understand."  Carly said confused.  Fear was growing within her.
 Jason holds up a tape recorder.  ** I want her dead.  I would like you to help
me, and in turn help yourself, but if you don't I'll find someone else to rid me
of Robin Scorpio. **   He shut off the tape and threw it at her.
 "Jason please let me explain."  Carly said trying to hold him.
 "Don't touch me!"  Carly jumped back frightened.  "Did you really think I
wouldn't find out?"
 Carly was crying now.  "Jason..... I'm sorry.  I didn't..... know what I was
doing.  I was just.... so scared of..... losing you."
 "You knew exactly what you were doing."  Jason focused his steel blue eyes on
her.  "I knew you hated her, but I didn't think you would go that far."
 "Jason you don't need Robin.  You have me..... me and Michael...... we're your
family now.... not her.  I love you Jason.... don't you see your life is with me
 "I want you gone."
 Carly stepped back as if Jason had just punched her.  "Wh.... wha.... what?"
 Jason's voice was eeriely calm.  "I want you out of here tonight."
 Carly was crying uncontrollably.  "Nooo.... Jason.... please.  You can't.....
throw me and Michael out of here."
 "Michael stays.  You are the one who's leaving."
 Carly screamed.  "You bastard!  You aren't going to take my son!"  She swung at
Jason but her caught her arm and pushed down to the floor.  Carly sat there
staring Jason with a look of pure hate.  She slowly picked herself up off the
floor.  "I see now.... I see it all.... I won't let you take him.  I won't let
you give MY SON to that little bitch!  I'll see her dead first!"
 Jason raised his hand to strike her.  "You ever go near Robin.... I'll put a
bullet in your brain."  He shoved Carly toward the door.  "I've got you a room
at the Port Charles Hotel, I'll send your things to you."
 "I'm not leaving without my son."  Carly said defiantly.
 Jason opened the door and shoved her out.  "Michael is my son.... mine..... and
Robin's."  He then slammed the door in Carly's face.
 Carly screamed and pounded on the door before she slumped down to the floor

 Liz was kissing Lucky goodbye on the porch of her house.  "Well time to go
inside and face the firing squad."
 "Need any help?"
 "Nooooo.  The last thing I need you in there with me.  All Gram has to do is
look at us and she'll know what we've been doing."
 "And what would that be?"  Lucky said teasing.
 "I'll call you later."  Liz gave him another quick kiss and then went inside to
face the wrath of Audrey Hardy.


 Jason gently rocked baby Michael in his arms.  He didn't notice the shape
moving behind him until he turned around.  He looked at the man not the least
bit surprised to see him.
 "Did anyone see you?"  He asked handing Michael to the nanny.
 "No.  I came up the back way."  The man noticed the strain on his friend's
face.  "What happened?"
 Jason sat down on the couch and told him the whole story of Carly's meeting
with Moreno and her attempt to have him kill Robin for her.
 "Moreno sent you the tape?"  The man asked and Jason nodded.
 "He wants to keep me off balance."
 "What about the baby?"
 "He stays."
 The man put his hand on his friend's shoulder.  "Jason you can't keep him.
He's not your son and whatever you might think of that...... woman..... she is
still his mother and she doesn't deserve to have her child taken from her."
 Jason let out a breath.  "I know... you're right.  I don't want to keep Carly
from Michael, but she hurt me and just wanted to hurt her back."
 "Whatever you think of her now.... do you think she would do something to
endanger Michael?"
 "No of course not.  She loves him."
 "Then you know what the right thing to do is."

 Liz took a deep breath and then walked into the house.  Audrey got up off the
couch when she saw her come in.
 "Where have you been all night Elizabeth?"
 Liz tried to think of a convincing lie, but decided to just go ahead and bite
the bullet and tell her the truth.  "I was with Lucky."
 "Lucky Spencer?"  Audrey was aghast.  "You were out all night with Lucky
Spencer?"  Audrey looked at her granddaughter and knew instantly.  "Oh
 "Gram."  Liz said embarassed.
 "What were thinking?  Spending the night with some boy..... please.... please
tell me you at least had some kind of protection."
 Audrey almost fainted.  "How could you be so foolish."
 "Gram it's okay.  I am not going to get pregnant."
 "Elizabeth you can't be sure."
 "Trust me Gram...... I'm sure."  Liz sat on the couch and Audrey sat next to
her.  "Gram.... I love Lucky and he loves me."
 "Oh I'm sure he does."  Audrey said skeptically.
 "He does."  She took her grandmother's hand.  "I know you're just worried about
me, but you don't have to be."
 Audrey moved strand of hair off Liz's face.  "Elizabeth you know I love you."
 "Yeah Gram I know."
 "After everything that's happened I just want you to be happy."
 "I am happy."  Liz hugs her grandmother.  "And I love you too Gram."
 Audrey kissed her forhead and ruffled her hair.  "I know you do sweetheart, but
you're still grounded."

 Brenda was putting on her coat when she heard a knock on the door.  She opened
to find an envelope lying on the ground.  She picked it up and closed the door
behind her.  She ripped open the envelope and pulled out an index card with the
address of the wharehouse where Jason and Moreno were going to meet written on
 Brenda frowned as she thought to herself.  It looks like Moreno wants her
there, which means he's ready for whatever she has planned for him.  Well ready
or not Brenda is going to be there.
 She had just slipped her sword in it's scabbard when there was another knock at
the door.  "Jax."  She said surprised when she opened it.  "When did you get
back?  How's Lady Jane?"  Jax had gone to Alaska when he recieved news that his
mother had had a heart attack.
 "She's doing really great."  He said coming in.  "The doctors said it wasn't a
full fledged heart attack, just a very mild stroke.  A kind of warning sign.
They said that if she takes care of herself there's no reason shouldn't live to
be a hundred."
 "I'm glad."  Brenda told him while giving him a hug.  "That's really great
 Jax saw Brenda was dressed to go out.  "Going somewhere?"
 "Yeah as a matter of fact I was just walking out the door.  I've got an
appointment to keep."
 "At this hour?"  Jax looked at his watch.  "Can I give you a lift?"
 "No that's okay.  I'll take my car.  I don't want to put you out.... I have no
idea when I get back, but it'll probably be late."
 "Alright if you're sure."  Jax gave her quick kiss.  "Call me when get home so
I'll know you got back okay."
 "I will, bye."  Brenda watched him get into his car and disappear down the
dirve.  Brenda grabbed her keys from the table next to the door and left the
 Jax had parked his car across the street opposite Brenda's driveway.  Something
about the way she was acting made him a little worried.  He ducked down when he
saw her new jeep pull out of the drive and head toward the city.  Jax started
his car and followed.

 Liz was in her room talking to Lucky on the cell phone Brenda gave her.
 "I've been grounded."  Liz told him.  "It's not funny."  She said trying to be
heard over his laughing.
 "Yes it is."  He said finally getting control of himself.  "I'm the one whose
going to suffer though."
 "I mean... you're going to be stuck in that house not able to see anyone.  It
could drive me crazy.  I could go through withdrawl..... I'm already getting a
headache and it's only been a few hours."
 Liz started laughing.  "Well we could always try phone sex."
 Lucky was laughing with her now.

 At the penthouse Jason was getting ready for his meeting.  His friend turned
away from the window.
 "Is it all set?"
 "Yeah.  Where will you be?"
 "I can't walk in there with you but I'll be close by."
 Jason shook his friend's hand.  "Good luck.  Don't lose your head."
 "I'll be careful."  He pulled Jason into a hug.  "You just worry about keeping
Robin safe."

 Moreno watched as his men unchained Robin.  He walked slowly to her and held a
bottle to her lips and poured the contents into her mouth.  She grabbed the
bottle with both hands and greedily drained it.
 Moreno was looking at her.  "I'm sorry I couldn't feed you before now, but I
just couldn't take the chance."  He picked up one of the chains.  "These are
supposed to hold the strongest of you, but I was thinking that if anyone could
prove that wrong it might be you."
 Robin wiped the blood from her lips with the back of her hand.  "So what
happens now?"
 Moreno's men helped her stand.  "Now we go and meet your boyfriend."

 Brenda arrived at the loft about an hour ago and was pacing around the room
while looking at the clock.  She finally stopped when it read ten minutes to
midnight.  She picked up her coat and looked over at Terry who was watching her.
 "I guess it's time to go."  She said hoping the fear she was feeling wasn't
apparent in her voice.
 "Brenda you don't have to do this.  Please let Aaron face him."  Terry said
clearly worried.
 "I can't.  Robin is my little sister and I won't let Moreno get away with
hurting her."  Brenda then walked out the door.
 Terry followed her down to her car.  "Honey please."  Terry grabbed Brenda's
shoudler.  "Brenda...... I've come to care for you and Robin very much."
 "Terry I know.  We feel the same way about you and Aaron."  Brenda grabbed her
hand.  "But I have to do this."
 "What do you have to do?"
 The sound of a familiar voice startles them both.
 "Jax."  Brenda said not at all pleased to see him.


 "What's going on Brenda?"
 "Jax please, I don't have time for this."  Brenda said walking towards him.  "I
have to go."
 "Go where?"
 "Please just wait here and I'll explain everything when I get back."
 "If you get back."  Terry said eliciting a groan from Robin.
 "Terry....."  Brenda said looking at her before turning back to Jax.
 Jax was now holding Brenda by the shoulders.  "Brenda talk to me.  What are you
doing?"  He looked over at Terry.  "What is she making you do?"
 "Excuse me?"  Terry said.
 "You heard me."  He let go of Brenda.  "I was right about you both, wasn't I?"
 Brenda was becoming upset.  "Jax stop it!"
 "I don't know what your game is, but it's over."  Jax produced one the missing
photographs taken from Terry's house.  "I don't know who you are.... or what you
are.  But whatever it is you're up to..... Brenda is out of it as of right now."
 "If only it were that easy Mr Jax."  Terry said shaking her head.
 "Brenda get in my car, I'm taking you home."  Brenda didn't move and Jax
grabbed her shoulder and pushed her towards his car.  He pushed a little to hard
and Brenda fell to ground, her sword falling from her coat.  "Brenda, what...?"
 Jax's voice was cut off by Terry as she grabbed him by the back of neck and
lifted him off the ground.  "Mr Jax!  Mind your manners!"
 "Terry!  Please don't hurt him!"  Brenda pleaded.
 Terry just smiled at her.  "Don't worry honey... I'm not going to hurt him.  Mr
Jax and I are just going to go inside and have a nice chat."  Terry brought
Jax's feet back to the ground but still held him in a vice like grip.  "You had
better get going."
 Brenda walked up to Jax and kissed him quickly on the lips.  "Jax.... I promise
you.... I'll explain everything."  She then picked up her sword and started off
for the wharehouse.
 Terry watched her walk away in silence.  <Gods... please watch over her.>

 Jason entered the wharehouse.  Lights from the street outside streamed through
the broken windows, illuminating the darkened place with shafts of white light.
Moreno was standing in the center of the wharehouse with Robin.  He waived Jason
over to him.  Robin struggled but in her weakened condition Moreno was able to
hold his grip on her.
 He smiled as Jason approached.  "Right on time Jason."  He gestured for Jason
to open his coat.
 "I'm not armed."  Jason said.
 "I just wanted to make sure.  You brought the documents."
 "Yes."  Jason reached inside his coat and pulled out an envelope.  He tossed it
to the floor in front of Moreno.  "You have what you want."
 "The New Jersey territories?  The Atlantic City intrests?"
 Jason nodded.  "Everything you asked for.  Now let Robin go."
 Moreno pulled a gun and put it Robin's head.  "Not just yet.  I'm afraid our
other guest hasn't arrived yet."
 "Who?"  Jason wondered.
 Moreno felt the presence immediately and began to look around with his eyes.
"I think that's her now."
 Moreno looked past Jason and he turned to the sound of footsteps coming toward
them.  The sound came closer until she stopped a few feet from the circle of
light where Moreno was.
 Jason looked at her surprised.  "Brenda?"
 "Take Robin and get out of here Jason."
 "Brenda what...?"
 Brenda was about to speak when Moreno pushed Robin towards Jason.  He caught
her before she fell and helped her stand steady.  He was so focused on Robin he
didn't see Moreno level his gun at him.
 Brenda screamed Robin's name a second before he pulled the trigger.  Thanks to
Brenda, Robin was able to place herself in front of Jason.  The bullet struck
her square in the chest, shoving her backwards and knocking her and Jason to the
 Jason shouted her name and was amazed when Robin just got up.  He watched in
shock as she moved across the floor so fast she was almost a blur.  Robin
slammed into Moreno's body and sent him flying a good ten feet across the floor.
 Robin crept up on Moreno who was still lying on the floor dazed.  She quickly
released the vampire and snarled at the man who looked up at her in genuine
 "ROBIN!!"  Brenda shouted.
 Robin turned to her friend and Jason and Brenda saw the small woman in full
vampire mode for the first time.  Her soft, gentle face was now a mockery of
it's true visage.  Fangs nearly an inch long protruded from her delicate mouth,
while her brown eyes shifted from gold to red and back again.
 Jason was paralyzed as Brenda walked slowly to Robin, who had turned her
attention back to Moreno, and calmly wrapped one of her arms around her friend.
She whispered something to her and Robin turned away from Moreno and went to
stand next to Jason.
 She helped Jason up and saw the way he was looking at her.  Her face has
returned to it's normal appearance and she placed a hand to his cheek and
whispered.  "later."
 "You wanted me you bastard..... you've got me."  Brenda said as she shrugged
off her coat and held her sword before her.
 Moreno chuckled.  "Yes I do.  Not exactly how I wanted, but......."  He threw
off his coat and produced a long broad sword.  "Shall we dance?"
 Brenda and Moreno walked around each other.  Every few steps one of them would
jerk trying to throw the other off.  Finally Moreno laughed and launched his
attack.  Brenda blocked his thrusts before sending a parry of her own.
 Moreno was taken by surprise when Brenda began a series of swiping movements.
He kept side-stepping, exchanging blows with her.  One cut got through and
sliced opened Brenda's chest.  She stepped away and held the wound before
holding up her bloodly hand.
 "First blood."  Moreno said through clenched teeth.
 He attacked again, their swords clashed against each other.  Moreno pushed hard
against Brenda while she strained against the larger man.  In a desperate move
she let go of Moreno and as he stumbled forward she ducked under him.  Moreno
quickly regained his balance though and launched into a series of thrusts.
Brenda blocked and parried, but was tiring quickly.
 Robin saw her chance and rushed in to help Brenda.  She grappled with Moreno
for a few seconds before her condition got the best of her and he shook her
loose.  Moreno prevented Robin from attacking again by running her through with
his sword.
 Jason rushed to his love's side and helped her back to her feet.  Brenda
silently thanked Robin for her help and Jason and Robin watched helplessly as
Brenda began an all or nothing series of attacks.
 Brenda was no match for the more experienced Immortal and it became in
creasingly clear to them how this fight was going to end.  Moreno blocked
Brenda's strokes easily and at last saw his moment.  Brenda came in to lunge at
Moreno, but he surprised her by spinning around on his left foot causing her to
fall forward too far.
 As he came around Moreno shoved his sword into Brenda's back.  Brenda felt a
pain slice through her stomach.  Looking down, she saw Moreno's blade protruding
nearly a foot from her body.  She twisted her head around to see the sword stuck
in her back almost to the hilt.
 Moreno twisted the blade causing Brenda to cry out.  He finally pulled it free
and Brenda dropped her sword and fell to her kness clutching the wound.
Brenda's eyes started to glaze over as blood poured over her hands.
 Moreno stood over the barely concious woman.  He lifted her chin with the tip
of his sword and smiled at her.  Moreno then raised his sword above his head.
 "There can be only one."

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